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Does the new edition need complimentary software?

I just remembered, you can give away Inspiraton pad pro. It is free, has a very simple scripting language, generates html if you want it, works as a cgi under apache or as a standalone app.

Give me the mechanics of the chargen and I can give you a script in a few hours at most.

best regards

Originally posted by Dalton:
I just remembered, you can give away Inspiraton pad pro. It is free, has a very simple scripting language, generates html if you want it, works as a cgi under apache or as a standalone app.

Give me the mechanics of the chargen and I can give you a script in a few hours at most
I have IPP... never thought you could make a character generator with it, just tables. Could you make a basic CT one... would it be easy?
You can do all the die mechanics and simple math.
You can perform lookups and value adds....

I use it to generate D20 and T&T characters.

so, yup, you can, but, everything is random, no user interaction. This is handy for world, character and creature generation

best regards

Originally posted by Dalton:
I use it to generate D20 and T&T characters
Care to share your d20 one... so I can get an idea of how to go about this
Originally posted by Berg:
In this day and age, having a character generation program to complement an RPG system seems necessary.

Really? Have you seen any RPG bundled as such?

There's GCA for GURPS chargen, but it is sold separately and was developed separately for 3e far after the 'deadtree' version was available. The necessary 4e mods aren't even complete too. A 4e GVD for vehicle design doesn't even exist and I know of no push to develop one even after 4e Vehicles is released.

Is there any official software for d20? Official as in developed and/or sold by WotC?

Should it be included or part of a larger software package that includes ship and world design offered as a seperate product?
No. The answer is that the T5RPG system should be developed first and then software written or not written as Mr. Miller sees fit.

I'd be surprised if FFE releases any software. Fan efforts have resulted in gems like Heaven & Earth and High Guard Shipyard. Attempting to start an official project would only devolve into the kind of "Which platform/code is better?" geeking this thread as already morphed into.

Releasing a T5 chargen, sysgen, or vehicle building program on one platform would only draw howls from the supporters of other platforms and turn the entire affair into an endless round of "Bigendian Vs. Littleendian" style nonsense.

Have fun,
Does the new edition need complimentary software?

Would it be nice if the new edition had complimentary software?
Most definitely.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
Really? Have you seen any RPG bundled as such?
Is there any official software for d20? Official as in developed and/or sold by WotC?
The 3rd edition D&D Players Guide came with a Character Generator, which was a demo of their expected Master Tools software. It was not able to create any anything other than basic Players Guide characters, and project was later canned by WotC - but the Character Generator is still around as e-Tools (maintained by Code Monkey Publishing).

So, the answers to the above questions are Yes and Yes. Sorry ... :rolleyes:

I'm afraid I agree with those that say "use a spreadsheet to do the calcs". It's far more flexible as you can fill the spreadsheet in with details from the books. As demonstrated by WotC - software provided may be fine for the basic characters, but when you get to the advanced classes and classes provided by supplements (very d20 orientated I know but that's where I'm coming from) then the software can't cope without upgrades.

Regards to All,
Originally posted by Valarian:
I'm afraid I agree with those that say "use a spreadsheet to do the calcs". It's far more flexible as you can fill the spreadsheet in with details from the books. As demonstrated by WotC - software provided may be fine for the basic characters, but when you get to the advanced classes and classes provided by supplements (very d20 orientated I know but that's where I'm coming from) then the software can't cope without upgrades
Very true, and spreadsheets maybe the way to go but, the software isn't meant to be a complete package only an introduction similar to the WOTC one. Just a character generator for the basics that are included in the starting book/s.
If it generates(no pun intended ;) )interest then FFE could decide to pursue additional for profit forms of software via lisence or in house.
I believe the GURPS CA was developed after demand was evident from a user devloped one...
This by no means is mandatory, I just think it has good benefits all around...
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:

I'd be surprised if FFE releases any software. Fan efforts have resulted in gems like Heaven & Earth and High Guard Shipyard. Attempting to start an official project would only devolve into the kind of "Which platform/code is better?" geeking this thread as already morphed into.

Too true. If Marc Miller is smart, he will stay away from having his company do any developing, but rather license out the "Approved for use" label for someone else to do that. He will be trying to make sure the game itself works, along with whatever else needs to get published to support it. Software development will be the farthest thing from his mind.
I'm seeing two things here.

First, I see basic stuff. Canonical data and formulae on spreadsheets, forms on PDF, junk like that. Second Survey is currently on Excel, so that's a shoo-in for Traveller Toys.

Second, I see one or more of us creating some native executables for Windows, along the lines of HGS and CT-Tools and Trader. In other words, I think fancier tools will be fan-based.
Originally posted by Valarian:
So, the answers to the above questions are Yes and Yes.

Those answers are more like; Once Before and Never Since. Am I right?

A bundled product for D&D3e? How long ago was that? And it was a limited version of a more ambitious product which turned out to be vaporware.

Beginning to see a pattern?

Robject has it right. It will be .pdfs and databases. Anything else will be coded by individuals as fan projects and turned out by committees for pay.

Have fun,
The biggest issue I have with any development is time.

Almost all other issues can be dealt with, except noone has figured out a way of streaching the current 37 hour day without causing excessive strain on the developers (there is only so much jolt cola can do, and the developers start to get burns from the steam on the espresso machine after 31 hours).

Now, we have had small bursts of 48 and even 73 hour work days, but that only occurs when one of the developers has forgotten (or worked through) a spouses birthday or anniversary, and they are reluctant to go home.....

Myself, I have just a few things on the go, I am on chapter 6 of my little story, I am on my 6th rewrite of THE rules, I am currently working on tv over ip broadcasts down a dsl loop, I am trying to get a telco switch to handle 6 way conferencing, I am trying to get a computer finished for a friend, I am spending my evenings teaching some kids from the church how to assemble/paint and play wargames with 28mm miniatures, I am preparing for my daughters birthday party (all done I think) and I am preparing for my wifes upcoming birthday.

So, I think I have some time to write some more software sometime between waking up and brushing my teeth.

So, yea, I think some fan based software can be generated (and people wonder why I will pay for software vs writting it myself).

best regards

Ah, here's the Answer.

Well, okay, it's not the Answer. But it is a possibility:

I think using Konfabulator (i.e. Yahoo Widgets) would be a potentially cool engine for Traveller Widgets.
Sector Widget

Simply generates a random UWP, including bases, trade codes, and star data.

A "Generate Sector" button and a "Clear" button. Add a checkbox to hide/include the "hex number".

Output is concatenated to a textarea.

Quick Chargen Widget

  • Determines trade codes of a random homeworld, or provided UWP.</font>
  • Determines homeworld skills.</font>
  • Determines character age and applies aging tables appropriately.</font>
  • Determines character service and rank.</font>
  • Randomly selects service skills.</font>
  • Applies mustering out rules.</font>

Equipment Catalog

Browse equipment list and prices at a given starport class/world/wherever. Accepts customized data files.

Technical Catalog

Browse standard starship components and prices.

Jump Drive Designer

M-Drive Designer

Power Plant Designer - select from a wide range of power plant types and output levels.

Second Survey List

Oh the list just goes on...

Heck, you can POST to a server, so you could have a primitive version of Traveller Trader On Line, where your ship plies the spacelanes with others...
Vilani Widget

Oh yeah, a Word Widget. Shows a Vilani word in Vilani font, Arial font, and the English translation. Gotta love it!