All good points highlighting the advantages of a Battlefield Meson Accelerator. But in CT/Striker one costs MCr10 *and* requires a vehicle with a powerplant with 250MW spare (figure another MCr2.8 minimum). All to deliver 10cm of death and destruction once the gun crew gets around to firing.
I can purchase A HELL OF A LOT of remote MLRS or remote drone missiles for MCr12.8. Nothing counter-battery can do about them.
Obviously the point of the Cr cost of the items certainly come in to play.
But the MLRS IS susceptible to both counter battery (if you want to fly around dropping disposable MLRSs around the battle field, feel free), but also the munitions themselves are susceptible to intercept through anti-air energy weapons etc.
The point is though that the Meson Accelerator makes a lethal battlefield that much more lethal. MA's ignore armor, dirt, bunkers, berms, sandbags, etc. They work in good atmosphere, bad atmosphere, no atmosphere, high G, low G, above ground, and under water. And they're (apparently), cleaner than nukes.
"Sir, tank column coming up the road down the block."
"Fry 'em Lieutenant."
Ticky ticky tick on the keyboard, and clickity click on the mouse. "Click OK to make target Extra Crispy" *click* *hmmmmm* *VOT*
"Sir, Aircraft approaching at coordinate Alpha Omega Gamma!"
"Toasty Toasty LT!"
*click* *hmmmmm* *VOT*
"Sir, ballistic Submarine detected in the Straights of Gorgonzola"
"Boil 'em, Son"
*click* *hmmmmm* *VOT*
"Sir, we found the enemy bunker at the bottom of a diamond mine!"
*hmmmmm* *VOT*
"...a ship in orbit...".
"...roaches under the stove!"
See, the MA is REALLY versatile. So while they're expensive, you get a lot of bang for your buck.
And their REAL power (IMHO) is as orbital artillery deployed on ships, not stuck on the ground on grav sleds. Couple of cruisers with a few 50 ton bays for support, and the battle field is going to look like God came through with an Ice Cream Scoop, taking samples.