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Squeeeak the Water-Runner

In our Mongoose 1E campaign, a Dolphin Patron named Squeeak hired our Far Trader to deliver a full cargo hold of drinking water to Rhise (Spinward Marches 2317), a thirsty Vacuum world suffering a shortage of water. Since the world was Amber Zoned, only ships delivering the needed water, on conctract, were allowed to approach.

The Solomani Dolphin was very happy to oblige with his purchase of the water and chartering our vessel, which was passing through anyway. His stateroom had to be temporarily modified per his preference. His bunk was unbolted and a pool was installed, on his dime of course. Thankfully the ship's gravity never failed us.
Clement Sector has uplifted dolphins as character options.

I wasn't able to find that. Do you know which book and page?

In our Mongoose 1E campaign, a Dolphin Patron named Squeeak hired our Far Trader to deliver a full cargo hold of drinking water to Rhise (Spinward Marches 2317), a thirsty Vacuum world suffering a shortage of water. Since the world was Amber Zoned, only ships delivering the needed water, on contract, were allowed to approach.

The Solomani Dolphin was very happy to oblige with his purchase of the water and chartering our vessel, which was passing through anyway. His stateroom had to be temporarily modified per his preference. His bunk was unbolted and a pool was installed, on his dime of course. Thankfully the ship's gravity never failed us.

:rofl:That is so cool!

Mr. Squeeak sounds like a fun character to be around.

The reason I brought them up is that a dolphin would be a game breaking challenge to play as written in JTAS 6-7.

First, they are a type of barbarian: In char-gen one usually gets fish herding skill and weapon skill: armored snout. :eek:o:

Second they are helpless, even with their "finger" mutations and waldoes. They can't dress themselves in "out of water" suits, they need two others to fit them in need.

Third: Dolphins can survive out of water quite well, they just need the atmosphere set to "hot house" humidity. And in zero g, they can swim in the air - but I'm sure not nearly as well as in water. Had the gravity failed, Mr. Squeeak would have been alarmed, but in no real danger. The danger would have been when the grav came back on. "I seem to be in a bit of a fix here. Could someone refill my tank and put me back in? Please?"
It's in Wondrous Menagerie: Uplifts in Clement Sector.

Also uplifts for bears, house cats, apes, yeti, kraken, and quetzals.
Traveller Digest #13 also deals with Dophins (Tursiops Galactus). In this article, there are described two other peculiarities about them that can e interesting (or fun) in RPG:
  • They don't understand the concept of private ownership
  • "Succor síndrome": they are nearly unable to ignore a call of help by another dophin
It's in Wondrous Menagerie: Uplifts in Clement Sector.

Also uplifts for bears, house cats, apes, yeti, kraken, and quetzals.

Hmnn. I'll have to add that one to my collection

"...the common House Cat which can now request its dinner..."

They do that NOW. Or is it "demanding"? ;)

Traveller Digest #13 also deals with Dophins (Tursiops Galactus). In this article, there are described two other peculiarities about them that can e interesting (or fun) in RPG:
  • They don't understand the concept of private ownership
  • "Succor síndrome": they are nearly unable to ignore a call of help by another dophin

Thanks, I'll take a longer look at that article.

The other day I was thumbing through my hard copies, PDFs, and web pages, and saw a note where there were uplifts of Orcas (How to transport, how to transport...), and Pacific dolphins (about half the size of a bottlenose) can anybody make a guess where I saw that?
JTAS #6 & #7 also have an article (2 parts) by Roger Moore about Dophins (Tursiops Galactus), with background, skills, etc.

There are T5 compatible uplifted dolphins in the late, great Greg P. Lee's Cirque Campaign Serting Book. Three if I reall correctly.
I view the statement in the Mongoose Solomani book regarding the distribution of Phins as one of two things: Solomani propaganda, or and indication that there are a LOT of Phins in Sollie space. I consider the first option more likely.

More than one species of (presumably sentient) Phin has appeared in Traveller artwork, so my assumption is that T.Galactis is just one type of at least two or three, not including the aforementioned Orca population.

I have a population of Sagmatias Galactis, uplifted from Pacific and Atlantic White-sided Dolphins, in my own materials.
Traveller Digest #13 also deals with Dophins (Tursiops Galactus). In this article, there are described two other peculiarities about them that can e interesting (or fun) in RPG:
  • They don't understand the concept of private ownership
  • "Succor síndrome": they are nearly unable to ignore a call of help by another dophin

I like the "House Ravenclaw" dolphins: "We're going to play a puzzle game called 'Collect Credits.' Here's how it works: You start out with a certain amount of 'Credits' and trade them for 'Trade Goods' at the best - lowest - possible rate. You move the Trade Goods to another location and exchange them for Credits, again at the best - this time highest - possible rate. The challenge is picking the right trade goods and matching them to the best locations." ;)

JTAS #6 & #7 also have an article (2 parts) by Roger Moore about Dophins (Tursiops Galactus), with background, skills, etc.

Yeah. I was thumbing through my oldest RPG stacks, and found that Journal. I was curious if anybody had tackled playing a quadriplegic barbarian character.

There are T5 compatible uplifted dolphins in the late, great Greg P. Lee's Cirque Campaign Serting Book. Three if I recall correctly.
Interesting characters.
I view the statement in the Mongoose Solomani book regarding the distribution of Phins as one of two things: Solomani propaganda, or and indication that there are a LOT of Phins in Sollie space. I consider the first option more likely.

More than one species of (presumably sentient) Phin has appeared in Traveller artwork, so my assumption is that T.Galactis is just one type of at least two or three, not including the aforementioned Orca population.

I have a population of Sagmatias Galactis, uplifted from Pacific and Atlantic White-sided Dolphins, in my own materials.

IMOTU (Is that a contradiction?) Orcas have only served in Solomani marine units until very (Post Rim War) recently. I think that even over millennia, Orcas are too big to ship out as colonists on a regular basis.*

I think that smaller dolphin species would be a good idea. More human sized ones would be easier to have on ship than the larger TG types. OTOH, nothing says hello quite like a ram with the armored beak of a 200kg TG. ;)

*My universe is "small ship." The Kinunir class is a medium sized warship. The Azhanti class is something from a fantasy holovid.