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[Don's House Rules] Sophonts


My last posting of house rules mentioned starting knowledges, but before I do that I instead decided to post what sophonts I allow as player characters...

I would like some feedback --- if there's a classic minor I've missed that deserves to be a travelling sophont in the Marches, please comment.

Travelling Sophonts. While Charted Space has a variety of sophonts, and even the Spinward Marches has several sophonts unique to it, what separates a playable sophont from a non-playable one is the desire of such a race to travel. The vast majority of sophonts will never leave their homeworlds. Of those races willing to travel, common to the human worlds above are Imperial, Vilani and Solomani humans; less common but found within the Marches are Daryen humans. Some of the worlds above are Vargr worlds, and Vargr are known for travelling, and populations can be found scattered on Imperial worlds in the Marches. While only one Important world above has a notable Aslan population, Aslan are also recognized for their desire to travel, and even Aslan clans have settled on Imperial worlds. Of the minor sophont races not native to the Marches, Bwaps and Virushi are uncommonly encountered throughout the Imperium and so make our list of playable sophonts.

Name	Homeworld	Sector	Hex	Details
Imperial	—	—	—	Mixture of Vilani and Solomani humans, comprising the bulk of Imperial humaniti.
Vilani	Vland	Vlan	1717	Major human race taken from Terra and abandoned on Vland.
Solomani 	Terra	Solo	1827	True homeworld of all Humaniti.
Aslan	Kusyu	Dark	1225	Major sophonts, often mistaken for feline in nature.
Vargr	Lair	Prov	2402	Major sophonts, wolves from Terra uplifted by the Ancients.
Bwaps	Marhaban	Empt	0426	Minor sophonts famed for their bureaucratic expertise.
Virushi	Virshash	Reav	2726	Minor sophonts famed for their medical and research expertise.

Note that Aslan and Vargr player characters will be considered to have come from Imperial populations, and are both comfortable and familiar with Imperial culture. This may mean that such characters will not mix well with native Aslan or Vargr populations when encountered in-game.

The Human Characteristics. The standard human Characteristics are Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, and Social Standing; Vargr use Charisma rather than Social Standing. Abbreviate the names with the first three letters of the name (Str, Dex, End, Int, Edu, Soc/Cha).

Name	Characteristics	Str	C2	C3	Int	C5	C6	Vision	Hearing	Smell	Touch	Other Details
Humaniti	SDEIES	2D	2D	2D	2D	2D	2D	V-16-RGB	H-16-9382	S-10-3	T-06-2	none
Aslan	SDEIES	3D	2D	3D	2D	2D	2D	V-16-RGB	H-18-8474	S-18-3	T-12-3	dewclaw (2D)
Vargr	SDEIEC	2D	3D	2D	2D	2D	2D	V-20-RGB	H-18-9471	S-20-4	T-14-3	bite (2D)
Bwap	SDEIES	1D	2D	1D	2D	2D	2D					none
Virushi	SDEIES	5D	3D	2D	2D	2D	2D					several

Bwaps reroll any receipt of Gambler or Streetwise, and receive two levels of knowledge when they gain their first level of Bureaucrat (and this can come from homeworld knowledges). While Vargr and Human hands can easily use the same tools, Bwap hands are different, and so they receive a −1 Mod when using human tools for a task. Aslan paws have similar problems, but are even more different, perhaps raising the difficulty of some tasks using the wrong tools. Fortunately, equipment for both Aslan and Bwap are readily available on Importance 0 or greater worlds within the Marches.

Virushi may not enter any military career, and the first receipt of any Fighter, Gunner or Heavy Weapon knowledge only gives level-0 (which is only for tracking, and not usable in-game). Further, Virushi cannot use human tools or equipment, and specially modified equipment generally costs 1.5 times normal, and is available on Importance 1 or greater worlds on Imperial worlds in the Marches.

For all characters, equipment received during character generation is considered to have already been modified as required to be fully usable by the character.

The Universal Personality Profile. The six characteristics are recorded in the six-digit string called the Universal Personality Profile (UPP). The UPP shows characteristics as single eHex digits in a six-digit string. The string is a ready reference for the abilities of the character.

Characteristic Code. The characteristics are also numbered by their position in the UPP and preceded by C for Characteristic. The first digit in the UPP is C1 (=Strength), the second digit is C2, the third is C3, and so on.

Creating The UPP
All players will roll 18D, dropping the lowest 6D, with dice divided between characteristics as desired by each. Convert the values to eHex and assemble the UPP strings for all characters.

Any player may elect to not roll, and instead take the series “3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6” instead.

• Vargr characters drop the lowest 5D, or add an additional “3” to the series.
• Aslan characters roll 21D and drop the lowest 7D, or add an additional “3, 4” to the series.
• Bwap characters roll 18D and drop the lowest 8D, or drop one set of “3, 4” from the series.
• Virushi characters roll 21D and drop the lowest 3D, or add an additional “2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6” to the series.

The high die selected for the first four characteristics is genetic. It has meaning as the genetic heritage for the individual.

Retention of this information is optional but may be of importance later. If this information is not recorded during character generation, it can be recovered with genetic testing (detailed in the Genetics chapter).

Social Standing
Characters with Soc 10+ are considered “noble”, but not titled, unless they enter the Noble career, or receive a Knighthood as a benefit in career. If untitled, the Soc characteristic represents your family’s status, not your personal status.
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DonM, I've sent you some info via PM that might be useful.

Here is my list of sophonts (not all of which would be appropriate as a PC race based in the Spinward Marches but I include my guess):
  • Ael Yael - No?
  • Amindii - ?
  • Aslan - Yes
  • Bwaps - Yes
  • Chirpers - No
  • Dolphins - Yes
  • Droyne - Yes
  • Ebokin - No
  • Hivers - Yes, but not in SM
  • Human - Yes
  • Jaibok - Yes
  • K'kree - Yes, but not in SM
  • Llellewyloly - ?
  • Shriekers - No
  • Ursa - Yes
  • Vargr - Yes
  • Virushi - Yes
Most of those are not what I would classify as a "travelling" sophont. I do consider the Darrians "travelling", but they've been corrupted by 2000 years of Solomani influence.

Dolphins are travellers, but I was avoiding Sophonts with significant environmental requirements. But that's an excellent catch.

Jaibok? You are the third person in a month to refer to Theta Borealis sector. What is going on out there. (Don't answer that in this thread -- I want to stay focused.)

Ursa -- while travellers, there are so FEW of them, I would not let them be PCs in a Marches campaign.

Shriekers -- in 1105, they technically don't exist. However, during the T5SS project the three conflicting stellar problems from that adventure had to be addressed, and we did change the star. When Rob questioned that, we offered for him to pick which two of the three could be true, and he conceded that the star was the logical one to change.
Travellermap.com for the win :)

My real question was: am I missing any travelling sophonts in the Marches, outside of Zhodani, Addaxur, Daryen, and the two Solomani local holdouts (Swordies and Strendies).
Oh -- and the Jonkeereen I don't consider travelling, although some might disagree. They might need their own sophont card. Note that in 1105, T5SS has them only on Melior (1736) in the Marches, contrary to other sources.

Definitely NOT travelling: Crawni, Amindii, Larianz, Llellewyloly, Pelousians. Note that while I do consider the Shriekers travellers, they aren't available in 1105.
Definitely NOT travelling: Crawni, Amindii, Larianz, Llellewyloly, Pelousians.
Why not Llellewyloly? And do we know enough about Amindii and Larianz to say one way or another?

My real question was: am I missing any travelling sophonts in the Marches, outside of Zhodani, Addaxur, Daryen, and the two Solomani local holdouts (Swordies and Strendies).
I take it Strendies are from Strend? Do we know anything at all about them and their culture?

Sword Worlders are mostly genetic Solomani (with a leavening of Vilani genes), but it seems to me to be a bit of a strecth to call them 'Solomani holdouts'.

Jaibok? You are the third person in a month to refer to Theta Borealis sector.

I included them because I have a 'lost' colony on Yori. (Lost as in they don't fully remember where they're from. But they are fully integrated into the local human population.)

Ursa -- while travellers, there are so FEW of them, I would not let them be PCs in a Marches campaign.

Maybe they are rare, but there are two in Greg Lee's T5 adventure set in the Spinward Marches.

My real question was: am I missing any travelling sophonts in the Marches, outside of Zhodani, Addaxur, Daryen, and the two Solomani local holdouts (Swordies and Strendies).

You missed that I included Droyne.
I did a Contact draft for the Llellewyloly many years ago, and added a bit of modern genetic meddling to their background to let them travel. Only a small percentage of them carry the genes that allow them to not cook themselves in standard atmospheres (Junidy is an Atmo 3) however, so while a few of them might be able, most are disinclined. Taken as a whole the Llellewyloly are not "Travellers", but PCs still do exist.
I did a Contact draft for the Llellewyloly many years ago, and added a bit of modern genetic meddling to their background to let them travel. Only a small percentage of them carry the genes that allow them to not cook themselves in standard atmospheres (Junidy is an Atmo 3) however, so while a few of them might be able, most are disinclined. Taken as a whole the Llellewyloly are not "Travellers", but PCs still do exist.

I thought Llellewyloly could survive in thin atmospheres unaided. Perhaps that was something I came up with myself??? In my writeup of Junidy, humans lived in environmental domes that maintained thin atmospheres to allow interaction with Llellewyloly (Some habitats maintained standard atmospheres but had one section with thin air). For thicker atmospheres I'd have them wear breath masks (or rather, breath goldfish bowls).

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I've reread the Dandy material and am going to stick to my non-travelling stance. And I'll pass on the modern genetic muddling for them. I just don't see it for their culture.

And the idea of Yorian Zerp is um... well, no.

Greg's two Ursa in the Marches are the quotient. I don't think there are any breeding groups in the Marches.

Droyne: I don't consider modern Droyne (outside of the Deathless) to be travellers. I do most definitely consider the Deathless to be travellers, but not as player characters.

Any minor who at this point hasn't been detailed in the Marches I will automatically consider for my campaigns as non-travelling.

Strendies: Wasn't the cluster settled by a bunch of French Solomani in the 800s? So they are anti-Imperial Solomani holdouts... with outrageous accents...

And I can be as biased as I want to be against those neo-Vikings in the Sword Worlds. ;)

(What Vilani genes in the Swordies? I don't recall that...)
Oh, the Dandies weren't modified at their own request...

They could probably handle the lower end of Thin alright, but my version over-oxygenates much above that. They evolved for high efficiency oxygen usage due to the atmospheric partial pressure available to them, but didn't evolve a regulator. Some "rogue" manipulation installed regulation in a sample population, who rebelled when they discovered it. Not that it was unappreciated, just that it had been done without their consent. The tendency breeds true about as often as any other recessive, and the gene was spread across Junidy when the carriers left the Human cities in protest. Most Dandies have no idea if they express the oxygen regulation gene or not, as only a small percentage ever interact with the humans.

One of the very few TNS items or adventures to address the Dandies mentioned that they do have an independence and/or "Humans go home" resistance group among them, so, again, while they may not be considered "travellers" there will be the occasional Dandie who can and wishes to do so. I wouldn't put them on an encounter table, though. They are just one step above Sam Starfall or Shlock the Amorph for travelling populations.
Regarding the Ursa.


Greg's two Ursa in the Marches are the quotient. I don't think there are any breeding groups in the Marches.
And those two were not born in the Marches. They are both from a world in Corridor. I ought to be qualified as an Expert on this one, I did up their CharGen. :devil:
Droyne: I don't consider modern Droyne (outside of the Deathless) to be travellers. I do most definitely consider the Deathless to be travellers, but not as player characters.

Looking at CT AM5 there are Droyne ships (scout, trader, and cruiser) which don't appear to be related to the Deathless. Additionally there is the following:

Although many Droyne worlds are capable of building starships, most oyntrip are satisfied to purchase new or used designs from established shipyards. Thus, Droyne can be found operating any type of ship available.

Which, as I read it, is saying that non-Deathless Droyne use ships. So it appears modern Droyne (outside of the Deathless) can be travellers.
Career Droyne rarely wander, and make poor "traditional" PCs.
Deathless wander more, and are nearly all PCs by temperament. A fair number are also mildly suicidal, also a PC trait.
I've reread the Dandy material and am going to stick to my non-travelling stance.

Strendies: Wasn't the cluster settled by a bunch of French Solomani in the 800s?

Was it? The only thing I remember seeing about Strend is its UWP.

(What Vilani genes in the Swordies? I don't recall that...)
The original writeup gave the Sword Worlder language a leavening of Vilani words, so I gave the original group a colonial regiment from Aggida.

Droyne Merchants would be running with non-kroyloss; Ship skills are rare but not impossible, so logically, there are some droyne ships out there.
Droyne Merchants would be running with non-kroyloss; Ship skills are rare but not impossible, so logically, there are some droyne ships out there.

Non-krinaytsu? Or I guess pre-krinaytsu. A kroyloss is a "fraternity" or non-breeding Droyne family, and is the most likely to be found operating a starship.
Heh... my personal Traveller biases under fire? Don the asbestos suit and charge in!

Swordies: First and foremost, I'm not letting Swordy/Zhodani/Strendy PCs because I'm using them as the semi-bad guys, and I don't want my PCs having an inside track on info. Ok, having read my GT Sword Worlds again, I'm ok with this, but I'll still consider them Solomani with an accidental sprinkle of Vilani, but NOT like the Imperial mix.

Strendies: First, I'm a major fan of Mike Jackson's Third Imperium fanzine, and thanks to Mongoose Traveller's Aslan book, I was able to get much of his material fixed into canon (thank you, Marc, Rodge (errata for you to get a Special Thanks), and majorly Gareth and Matthew, for listening). So, if you have either of those sources, you know the Strend Cluster I'm using. Of course, my take has the Zhos supporting them, which means they can actually get to that client state on Pa'an.

Droyne: Ok, they do travel -- but NEVER as individuals, which just rules them out as PCs. Even as merchants they form groups. If you have a solo Droyne running around, in my campaigns, they are deathless, or there's more nearby. I might allow a Deathless Droyne PC at some point, but I need to finish writing that book, don't I.

Dandies: Ok, now that explanation actually sounds interesting, but I'm still not seeing them as PCs. And as much as I like both Freefall and Shlock, I'm not letting PCs based on them in my campaigns. Dale the Dandy isn't going to appear on my webpage this year (although now that I've thought about it, it's not going away... GC, I blame you).

The sophont builds: I'm preferring my builds to the cards that Hemdian linked to (although I've made some small adjustments).
Strendies: First, I'm a major fan of Mike Jackson's Third Imperium fanzine, and thanks to Mongoose Traveller's Aslan book, I was able to get much of his material fixed into canon (thank you, Marc, Rodge (errata for you to get a Special Thanks), and majorly Gareth and Matthew, for listening). So, if you have either of those sources, you know the Strend Cluster I'm using. Of course, my take has the Zhos supporting them, which means they can actually get to that client state on Pa'an.
I haven't read about the Strend Cluster in either of those sources, but if they're new canon then that's fine by me.

Droyne: Ok, they do travel -- but NEVER as individuals, which just rules them out as PCs. Even as merchants they form groups. If you have a solo Droyne running around, in my campaigns, they are deathless, or there's more nearby. I might allow a Deathless Droyne PC at some point, but I need to finish writing that book, don't I.

Actually, sports can travel alone and might make perfectly good PCs. And then there are the Deathless, as you said. So I don't see why they don't count as traveling. But then, I'm confused over just what your list is about. I thought it listed the types of NPCs you might encounter off thier homeworlds. Now it seems that you're talking about viable PCs.

But then, I'm confused over just what your list is about. I thought it listed the types of NPCs you might encounter off thier homeworlds. Now it seems that you're talking about viable PCs.

The thread title does say "house rules".

I don't see pre-Death Droyne as being particularly good long-term PC material for the very reasons Don mentioned. Even Sports on a mission are, well, *on a mission*. Social cogs who can act on some personal initiative are still cogs. The Droyne are not going to do the 47 Ronin thing, either, at least not while "living". A Sport who learned that his family or community all perished while he was away would report up the chain, assuming it was still there, then die himself. Or "die" and become Deathless.
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