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Don't like record keeping? Tired of "hit points"? Try this...

Originally posted by Berg:
I like this

I did like the AHL wound system, so this might work well... must ponder...
The AHL system is the Striker system, IIRC. What I like about AHL is that it's easy--but, it has to be that way for that type of tactical game. You're spending all your time figuring how much an action costs (never have gotten into those tactical point games--just seems to bog the whole game down with needless figuring).

But, in a regular role playing game, we're focussed on characters. In vanilla CT, the character with 999 physical stats can take more damage than the guy with 555 physical stats. That's not reflected in AHL.

It would be reflected when the Damage Threshold rule is used. (One would have a DT of 9, while the other would have a DT of 5).

If you use the Damage Threshold rule, you'll have to fiddle with the wound categories to get them to where you like them.

If a character takes a Minor Wound, and then another Minor Wound, what's the penalty?

I'm thinking something like...

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">-1DM Per Superficial Wound Cumulative until Combat is over.
-2DM Per Minor Wound Cumulative (when conscious) until healed or a day has passed.
-4DM Per Serious Wound Cumulative (when conscious) until healed.</pre>[/QUOTE]This way, the guy who gets tagged three times with superficial wounds will still have a -3DM penalty stuck on him until the combat is over (reflecting CT's stats being reduced, reducing a character's effectiveness on rolls).

Again, you'll have to think this through and come up with the "result" to the mechanic. I've only provided the mechanic here.
Originally posted by Berg:
I like this

I did like the AHL wound system, so this might work well... must ponder...
The AHL system is the Striker system, IIRC. What I like about AHL is that it's easy--but, it has to be that way for that type of tactical game. You're spending all your time figuring how much an action costs (never have gotten into those tactical point games--just seems to bog the whole game down with needless figuring).

But, in a regular role playing game, we're focussed on characters. In vanilla CT, the character with 999 physical stats can take more damage than the guy with 555 physical stats. That's not reflected in AHL.

It would be reflected when the Damage Threshold rule is used. (One would have a DT of 9, while the other would have a DT of 5).

If you use the Damage Threshold rule, you'll have to fiddle with the wound categories to get them to where you like them.

If a character takes a Minor Wound, and then another Minor Wound, what's the penalty?

I'm thinking something like...

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">-1DM Per Superficial Wound Cumulative until Combat is over.
-2DM Per Minor Wound Cumulative (when conscious) until healed or a day has passed.
-4DM Per Serious Wound Cumulative (when conscious) until healed.</pre>[/QUOTE]This way, the guy who gets tagged three times with superficial wounds will still have a -3DM penalty stuck on him until the combat is over (reflecting CT's stats being reduced, reducing a character's effectiveness on rolls).

Again, you'll have to think this through and come up with the "result" to the mechanic. I've only provided the mechanic here.
Hidden among the text above, I mention this: Damage Threshold is STR + DEX + END + END / 4.

The more I think about weighting the DT like this, with END counted twice, the more I like it.

Every player likes his character's STR to be high because it helps him attack in Brawling combat (and helps him carry more equipment).

Every player likes his character's DEX to be high because it helps him attack in Gun Combat.

Every player will like his END to be high IF it means that it will skew his Damage Threshold up--the character will be able to withstand more damage if he's got high natural endurance to withstand pain and suffering.
Hidden among the text above, I mention this: Damage Threshold is STR + DEX + END + END / 4.

The more I think about weighting the DT like this, with END counted twice, the more I like it.

Every player likes his character's STR to be high because it helps him attack in Brawling combat (and helps him carry more equipment).

Every player likes his character's DEX to be high because it helps him attack in Gun Combat.

Every player will like his END to be high IF it means that it will skew his Damage Threshold up--the character will be able to withstand more damage if he's got high natural endurance to withstand pain and suffering.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
DR is less than DT? Superficial Wound

This will occur when the 3D damage roll results in a total of 7 or less.
Things get more interesting if you use a piece of my CT COMBAT SYSTEM where armor no longer makes a target harder to hit, but absorbs damage instead.

Under my damage system, the Damage Roll is modified by two things: Armor Value and Damage Adjustment.

Armor Value is that given in Striker (and MT).

Damage Adjustment is that given in the CT Armor matrix (now modifying he damage roll instead of the attack roll).

So, when that revolver (above) hits a part of the body protected by Cloth Armor (AV5), the weapon does 3D -8 damage. (-5 for AV5, and -3 from the armor matrix of revolver vs. Cloth).

In the example above, if he revolver hits an unprotected part of the body, the weapon would do 3D +1 damage (revolver vs. Nothing).

Combat will get very interesting, using this rule, when you're not wearing armor,and someone is hacking at you with a Broadsword (4D +5 damage) or filling you full of lead with an AutoRifle (3D +6 damage).

DR is equal to or greater than thrice DT? Death

Note that this cannot happen with a single revovler shot (and, it can't happen under official CT rules either, given the same example).
Not so, with the armor mod rules from my CT combat system. Certain weapons (like the 4D +5 shotgun hitting a part of the body not protected by armor) can flat out kill you in one shot.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
DR is less than DT? Superficial Wound

This will occur when the 3D damage roll results in a total of 7 or less.
Things get more interesting if you use a piece of my CT COMBAT SYSTEM where armor no longer makes a target harder to hit, but absorbs damage instead.

Under my damage system, the Damage Roll is modified by two things: Armor Value and Damage Adjustment.

Armor Value is that given in Striker (and MT).

Damage Adjustment is that given in the CT Armor matrix (now modifying he damage roll instead of the attack roll).

So, when that revolver (above) hits a part of the body protected by Cloth Armor (AV5), the weapon does 3D -8 damage. (-5 for AV5, and -3 from the armor matrix of revolver vs. Cloth).

In the example above, if he revolver hits an unprotected part of the body, the weapon would do 3D +1 damage (revolver vs. Nothing).

Combat will get very interesting, using this rule, when you're not wearing armor,and someone is hacking at you with a Broadsword (4D +5 damage) or filling you full of lead with an AutoRifle (3D +6 damage).

DR is equal to or greater than thrice DT? Death

Note that this cannot happen with a single revovler shot (and, it can't happen under official CT rules either, given the same example).
Not so, with the armor mod rules from my CT combat system. Certain weapons (like the 4D +5 shotgun hitting a part of the body not protected by armor) can flat out kill you in one shot.
I'm a HUGE Star Wars d6 fan (great game system) and I ran a long, 5-year Star Wars campaign several years ago.

But, it wasn't on my mind when I wrote this. It's either co-incidental, or, the concept was floating around dormant in my unconscious psyche.

Probably the later.

I'm a HUGE Star Wars d6 fan (great game system) and I ran a long, 5-year Star Wars campaign several years ago.

But, it wasn't on my mind when I wrote this. It's either co-incidental, or, the concept was floating around dormant in my unconscious psyche.

Probably the later.
