From the errata I understand that Scouts receive 2 skills per turn due to no promotions being available. How many of you apply this same rationale to the Other, Rogue, Scientist, Hunter, Belter and Doctor services?
I've been doing it that way for thirty seven years.From the errata I understand that Scouts receive 2 skills per turn due to no promotions being available. How many of you apply this same rationale to the Other, Rogue, Scientist, Hunter, Belter and Doctor services?
Curious, does that not make those careers slightly overpowered against careers with promotions? Promotions are not a sure thing whereas double skills are. My first thought would be that this causes skill bloat.
I've been doing it that way for thirty seven years.
From the errata I understand that Scouts receive 2 skills per turn due to no promotions being available. How many of you apply this same rationale to the Other, Rogue, Scientist, Hunter, Belter and Doctor services?
In addition, most classes with Promotion will probably end up with more than 2 skills per term by the time you add in those free skills at certain ranks.
As for balance... the game and character generation are not about balance. (If they were there would be a point buy.) The system of character creation is crazy random.
Moreover, I've always seen the original Traveller rules as having a "play the hand your dealt" sensibility. The effectiveness of a PC is not limited to the PC's numbers, but what the Player does with the PC. (The rules of Traveller seem to support this reading: "Obviously, it is possible for a player to generate a character with seemingly unsatisfactory values; nevertheless, each player should use his character as generated.")
Part of this hand is one gets dealt is the draw: Different prior careers have different benefits and risks. Some are better at some things. Some offer easier commissions or promotions. Some are riskier. Some offer some skills that others don't have. And so on.
When creating a character per the rules in Traveller, you don't have a character in mind. You find out who you get. Some of this is choosing which prior career your character tries to get into (but might not!). And from this there is a whole fallout of consequences of the chosen career. The fact that they are different is, in my view, part of the appeal of the system.
I'm not typing this to convince anyone of anything. I understand my view on this is quite idiosyncratic.
I don't.
The two-skills-per-term was introduced in the 1981 edition of Traveller, but no mention was made of giving Other two-skills-per-term.
So at least one prior career only gets one skill per term (Other). Which means the prior careers in Supplement 4 either fall into the pattern of Scouts or Other.
Since the text in S4 doesn't say anything about the matter one way or the other, I default to the base assumption: Skills without promotions in S4 are like Other.
As for balance... the game and character generation are not about balance. (If they were there would be a point buy.) The system of character creation is crazy random.
Moreover, I've always seen the original Traveller rules as having a "play the hand your dealt" sensibility. The effectiveness of a PC is not limited to the PC's numbers, but what the Player does with the PC. (The rules of Traveller seem to support this reading: "Obviously, it is possible for a player to generate a character with seemingly unsatisfactory values; nevertheless, each player should use his character as generated.")
Part of this hand is one gets dealt is the draw: Different prior careers have different benefits and risks. Some are better at some things. Some offer easier commissions or promotions. Some are riskier. Some offer some skills that others don't have. And so on.
When creating a character per the rules in Traveller, you don't have a character in mind. You find out who you get. Some of this is choosing which prior career your character tries to get into (but might not!). And from this there is a whole fallout of consequences of the chosen career. The fact that they are different is, in my view, part of the appeal of the system.
I'm not typing this to convince anyone of anything. I understand my view on this is quite idiosyncratic.
I don't.
The two-skills-per-term was introduced in the 1981 edition of Traveller, but no mention was made of giving Other two-skills-per-term.
So at least one prior career only gets one skill per term (Other). Which means the prior careers in Supplement 4 either fall into the pattern of Scouts or Other.
Since the text in S4 doesn't say anything about the matter one way or the other, I default to the base assumption: Skills without promotions in S4 are like Other.
As for balance... the game and character generation are not about balance. (If they were there would be a point buy.) The system of character creation is crazy random.
Moreover, I've always seen the original Traveller rules as having a "play the hand your dealt" sensibility. The effectiveness of a PC is not limited to the PC's numbers, but what the Player does with the PC. (The rules of Traveller seem to support this reading: "Obviously, it is possible for a player to generate a character with seemingly unsatisfactory values; nevertheless, each player should use his character as generated.")
Part of this hand is one gets dealt is the draw: Different prior careers have different benefits and risks. Some are better at some things. Some offer easier commissions or promotions. Some are riskier. Some offer some skills that others don't have. And so on.
When creating a character per the rules in Traveller, you don't have a character in mind. You find out who you get. Some of this is choosing which prior career your character tries to get into (but might not!). And from this there is a whole fallout of consequences of the chosen career. The fact that they are different is, in my view, part of the appeal of the system.
I'm not typing this to convince anyone of anything. I understand my view on this is quite idiosyncratic.
The Spinward Marches Campaign which sort of has updated stuff for the CotI careers mentions 2 skills per term for all 6 careers that don't have position and promotion rolls.