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Droyne Sophontologists - Call for Papers

Originally posted by Elliot:
Has anyone got any good stories, tales or ideas about the Droyne?

Would like to hear on this board.
These are some notes I made some time ago in connection with the GURPS playtest.



Caste is substituted for social status in the UPP for Droyne. It is 0 for uncasted Droyne and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for respectively workers, warriors, drones, technicians, sports, and leaders. [AM5:18&22]

Associated rules: Droyne who wants to become a krinaytsyuni must roll less than or equal to its caste in order to resist the urge to commit suicide. [AM5:20]

Game effect: None, really, since PC Droyne are allowed to ignore the throw and assume that they made it. It is, however, important to the feel of a typical society to know how many krinaytsyuni a typical society has. It makes quite a difference whether one in ten or one in a million Droyne becomes a _krinaytsyuni_. This is something I believe should be established. And there is not much evidence to go on. I don't think that all leaders, 83% of all sports, 67% of all technicians, 50% of all drones, 33% of all warriors, and 17% of all workers become krinaytsyuni. I believe that first a Droyne has to find a reason to avoid death then it has to make the throw. Not very many will find a reason to begin with. The question is, how many?

Nor can we assume that the proportion of members of the different castes that do become krinaytsyuni is 1:2:3:4:5:6. It seems very likely to me that proportionally more leaders than workers will be able to find a reason to go on living. So the proportions could be just about anything. 1:4:9:16:25:36, for instance. There's one small bit of evidence that bears on this. Page 9 of AM5 says that "Leaders, sports, and drones are most often able to make the transition; lower castes have too strong a need for leadership and direction to comfortably leave their family or community." Note the discrepancy of the drones: they are caste 3, but are better able to go krinaytsyuni than technicians, who are caste 4.


AM5:36 states that "Warriors are considered superior to workers; drones superior to workers and warriors; technicians to workers, warriors, and drones; leaders are superior to all castes. Sports are equal to all castes except leaders."

Associated rules: Encounter reactions are affected by caste. A different caste recieves -1. A superior caste recieves +1. It is unclear if both DMs apply to superior castes.

GURPS rules equivalent: The standard status rules does not quite conform to this rule. If you make a ordinary status ladder with, say, workers status 0, warriors status 1, etc up to leaders with status 4, a worker will have different reaction modifiers to warriors than to leaders, whereas the CT rule gives him the same modifier to anyone superior to him. Similar arguments apply to the other castes. And the sports complicate things even more. Whether it is worthwhile to develop a new rule that more closely reflect the original is up to Andy and the editor.


AM5:36 states that: "Caste rank (superiority and inferiority) is determined by the number of coyns drawn prior to caste in character generation. Player-characters have this recorded. NPCs have caste rank generated by 2D-2. Rank 0 is the highest possible rank. Caste rank should not be confused with military rank. Caste rank indicates the relative social standing an individual has within its caste."

Associated rules: Droyne who musters out recieves one mustering out benefit per term served plus one per point of distinction earned, but for each coyn drawn before his caste coyn (ie. his caste number) he recieves one throw less.

Ramifications: Caste rank is either totally arbitrary or assigned by the casting drones. Once assigned it is fixed and immutable. In this respect it appears to be much like human nobilities in the most rigid societies. It has a huge effect on in-caste relations (superiors have a +3 reaction modifier, inferiors a -1 modifier (on 2D, mind you)). It appears to have NO effect on inter-caste relations. It does enable a Droyne to amass more private belongings, again something that resembles high human status.

However, it is difficult to equate it exactly with human social status. The effect that a "high noble" inside one caste is no more than the lowliest "peasant" of that caste to a member of another caste is odd indeed. Note that this works both ways. A worker's reaction to a caste 0 leader-of-leaders would not be any more respectful than his reaction to a caste 10 sub-sub-leader.

Also note that unless the assigning drones mess with the results, the distribution of in-caste rank is top-heavy and that the quick way to generate NPC caste rank produces quite different results than the long version:

Rank Drawing Rolling

0 17% 3%
1 14% 6%
2 12% 8%
3 10% 11%
4 9% 14%
5 7% 17%
6 6% 14%
7 5% 11%
8 4% 8%
9 4% 6%
10 3% 3%
11+ 9% 0%

Of course, it is quite likely that the assigning drones do mess with the result. I think it should be established if this is the case.

Maybe the reason why there are no NPC Droyne with a caste rank higher than 10 is that a Droyne is more versatile the higher his rank is. What if a
Droyne won't get a job unless his coyns match the job? The example on page 19 shows that a leader with the coyns Heat, Light, Death, and Voyages
associated may become a dangerous energy transportation supervisor, or a crematory hearse driver (bit manual for a leader, surely?), or a power generation supervisor, or a starship chief engineer. But the more coyns a Droyne has associated, the more limited the choice of occupation becomes, doesn't it? A Status 0 Leader can handle any leader job. Maybe a status 11 leader can't find anything suitable and would be asked to commit suicide. Same argument for the other castes.


Well, we've discussed this in depth elsewhere. In military outfits age equals rank. Sort of. I prefer Chris' suggestion that military rank is entirely associated with military assignments. The Droyne have no such thing as a colonel, but they do have regimental commanders. And the sort of Droyne assigned to command regiments are leaders of a certain age or sports of a somewhat higher age. Propably sports are seldomly or never assigned as commanders of independent units. But a regiment might have several of its companies commanded by sports. And a brigade stationed together might have a sport commanding one of its regiments.

Hans Rancke
University of Copenhagen
In my opinion it ought to go without saying that if you work in another person's universe, he and anyone else authorized to work in said universe is implicitly permitted to use your work as background material. But I know it doesn't, so I hereby give my permission for Marc Miller and anyone else authorized to work in the Traveller Universe to use the above as background material.
Thanks Hans, pretty impressive analysis - I once had a krinaytsyuni NPC who was a ex-Recon Scout whose raison d'etre was to develop psi powers, especially awareness 15 and obtain one of the secrets of grandfather. i.e. he was Yoda!
Elliot wrote--
"Can I also add the Creejoydray (?) adventure in the GDW Alien Realms adventure supplement. Little known, perhaps, but is about a Droyne leader who breaks from his Kroyloss and takes a puts together a ship of warriors and sports to go to Venejen (of Research Station Gamma fame) to protect and start casting the Chirpers there.

Also the TNE Smash and Grab supplement has a very interesting adventure where a Mother Virus takes on a Droyne personality. "
PoT also alludes to the Droyne Coyns casting of chirpers in the write ups for plots on Tinyid/Thoezennt (lies smack dab between Marax & berkin/Shenk btw).
Now IMTU, I utilized a few remnant NPC's knowledge (yes former Scouts Maspy!)with the players setting up the Droyne "takeover" of the planet from anti-alien, but psion-led humans.
The plan mushroomed when the Droyne leadership caste (sounds like Minbari B-5 to me! YUS)learned that offworlders were buying the chirpers as slaves. Sooooo, they premepted RCES and sent teams of these Kroyloss out with the outgoing slaves throughout the Thoezennt Slave trade (wherever chirpers be, there the Guild's clients had enslaved them it seemed to me)...A brilliant stroke of luck putting two and two together when the Covert operative who was aiding this died, and someone else (a PC picked up the ball). Here were for 2-3 years covert guerilla armies of Droyne awaiting "the signal". The plan was sold to LoROG HQ of RCES and named "Operation Dominoes".
Made for a nonstop TED busting run of planets! Need a native army--already in place.
"Say Goodnight THeodore, You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting."

(Traveller New Era Heretic in Chief)
Hip Hip Hoorar

Is there anything more terrifying than an assault force of hi tech Droyne? Invisible, combat armour, FGMP, flight, psionics????

I surrender!
Originally posted by Elliot:
Is there anything more terrifying than an assault force of hi tech Droyne? Invisible, combat armour, FGMP, flight, psionics????
They're pretty bad, I agree, but don't forget that the invisibility doesn't work against electronic detection. Anyone in a battlesuit, for instance, would be able to see them.

Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elliot:
Is there anything more terrifying than an assault force of hi tech Droyne? Invisible, combat armour, FGMP, flight, psionics????
They're pretty bad, I agree, but don't forget that the invisibility doesn't work against electronic detection. Anyone in a battlesuit, for instance, would be able to see them.

</font>[/QUOTE]I don't recall coming across this invisibility thing. Is it that they can render themselves invisible by blanking themselves out of someone's perceptions using psionics, but it doesn't work against machines (obviously)?
I thought it was only the chirpers that has the innate psionic invisibility. I'll have to go reread my Alien Module: Droyne again.

Have read Alien Module: Droyne recently and invisibility is certainly there (look in the Psionics section)! Its something that DN in the PoT adventure conveniently forgot - just another little editing of canon to make the aRsCES an invincible force.
Cool. Thanks, Elliot. I'd forgotten, and have not yet had the time to seek out the information. I appreciate you posting it for me, though.

I'm looking forward to the Domain sourcebook, as it is supposed to have the rest of the Major Races in it (Droyne, K'kree and Hiver).

Keep On Travellin',
The Ancients are definately a kick butt force

For instance, I started a thread on the traveller-tne group on Cloaking devises ( TL 18 + ), and with Nanotechnology ( several sites and threads...where even the Borg would be proud...is basically TL 20 for "hive mind sentience" )

a resurgance of the Ancients is exactly what I did..

a small PE right in the middle of Evil itself...
Core/Core...a PE of Ancients coming back to see what the heck happened after all those years, and with a small hiding base of the last child of Grandfather ( I am thinking that came from "secrets of the Ancients" by Marc Miller ) right in the H subsector of Core sector..it can get fun for a "coming back" party

With 1 or 2 Droyne worlds in the sector ( I personally like more, but Marc say he likes 1 or 2 AT MOST ) so I go with what he says..

anyways..I feel as though with Virus running rampant, with slavers and pirate cartels..the area is very nasty..so who do you call.

The Ancients

How do I play them, as a light in the evil blackness of the Black Curtain...

Is is Canon, I doubt it, but with the new sourcebook coming, it would be nice to have an Ancients reawakening high in TL to fight off the evils of huge Puppeteer fleets

Why do I say Puppeteer??..well in Vampire Fleets, it says that Core Sector is THE TERRITORY for Puppeteer virus fleets, which are so strong that they chased every other virus type away

and with TL 17 computers having a sentient intelligence, you could imagine the Ancients ship personalities ( TL 20+ ) fighting off the virus', and the struggle therein

Another fun idea to ponder on is at TL 20 I use the use of FULL mind transfers to a sentient, it can be organic or inorganic, a machine or clone

I can imagine Ancients using thier psionics to invade the Virus computer system of the ship to take it over...or how about redoing the Ancient WarBots from Vland and having a go...

Like one of the guys joked about my ideas..

"I am Lucan of Borg, you will be assimilated "