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Duke Norris and Imperial Warrants


SOC-14 1K
Is there some published adventure or supplement that gives the story of Duke Norris Aledon of Regina receiving the Imperial Warrant that let him dismiss Admiral Santanocheev and take over direct command of Imperial forces in the Fifth Frontier War? I saw bits and pieces of the story "as it happened" in TNS new items in JTAS during the time of the FFW event, but I have seen some posts from others that seem to indicate more knowledge of the inside story.

Then when MegaTraveller came out, there were hints in the library data (ref's version) that Norris had done something underhandeded to gain another Imperial Warrant (signed in blank) that appointed him as Archduke of Deneb. Was there an adventure to go with that story as well?
Is there some published adventure or supplement that gives the story of Duke Norris Aledon of Regina receiving the Imperial Warrant that let him dismiss Admiral Santanocheev and take over direct command of Imperial forces in the Fifth Frontier War? I saw bits and pieces of the story "as it happened" in TNS new items in JTAS during the time of the FFW event, but I have seen some posts from others that seem to indicate more knowledge of the inside story.

It's from the background in Spinward Marches Campaign. Norris had asked for it years before and Strephon had sent a light cruiser with it; the cruiser went down on Algine, and Norris secretly went to Algine to fetch it (He must have gotten stuck on Algine since it took him so long (He was gone almost two years fetching his warrant. He could have been to Capital and back in that time), but that's not implausible).

Later Norris' warrant, issued to him personally and specifically by Strephon in 1104 (IIRC) and giving him vast authority, got mixed up with the warrant on the Kinunir, a double-blank warrant (giving vast authority to anyone who got his hand on it) issued (or forged) before the Kinunir was lost in 1088. The Kinunir warrant and Norris' warrant are two different warrants (I also think that the Kinunir warrant is a fake, but that's a side issue; if it had been genuine, Norris would either have forwarded it to its intended recipient when it was recovered in 1105 or (more likely) have returned it to Strephon).

Then when MegaTraveller came out, there were hints in the library data (ref's version) that Norris had done something underhandeded to gain another Imperial Warrant (signed in blank) that appointed him as Archduke of Deneb. Was there an adventure to go with that story as well?

Not a warrant. He used a blank piece of Imperial Stationary to write a patent of nobility naming him Archduke of Deneb. (Presumably with the full knowledge and agreement of enough other nobles to pressure Delphine into accepting it, though that last bit is just my take on a very iffy story).

Thanks, Hans. I guess I missed The Spinward Marches Campaign. Sometime after The Traveller Adventure but before MT?