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Easy: CT Characters with Traveller5


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I just realized that it might be easier than we have ever thought to use CT characters with T5.

My Current Way

My current way is to map skill levels, because in T5 you get more. I went into The Traveller Book and analyzed the special rules for each skill, and grouped the skills into an "A" list and a "B" list.

Now I mapped skill levels from CT to T5. First, I doubled the CT skill level, and then, for "A" list skills, I would add one more.

What you end up with is a "close enough" system.

My New Brainwave

Consider T5's task system. It has that special TIH rule that says if your skill level is lower than the task difficulty, you bump up difficulty by +1D. On the average, that's similar to a -3.5 DM to the task.

So how about using CT characters just as they are, and dropping TIH?

Consider the bloke with Dex 7 and Gun Combat 1. Assuming NO MODS AT ALL, at Range 2, his chances are better than CT (68%):

2D < 8

At Range 3, again assuming NO MODS AT ALL, his chances are low but not unreasonable (26%):

3D < 8

This is when ignoring TIH. This also ignores a number of possible difficulty and dice modifiers.


It's easier to run CT characters in T5 by not mapping skill levels and ignoring TIH. You, as referee, always have to be sensitive to the player characters' skills mix, skill levels, and general capabilities, regardless of system. This kind of sensitivity PLUS throwing out TIH for CT characters makes them work AS IS.
CT chargen creates characters with no only a lower number of skills but also skills with lower skill levels, on average.

If you use the T5 task system, then you should probably use the T5 Chargen system, too.
CT chargen creates characters with no only a lower number of skills but also skills with lower skill levels, on average.

If you use the T5 task system, then you should probably use the T5 Chargen system, too.


CT runs between 1 and 6 levels per term †
T5 between 4 and 8.‡

† 1 term, 1 first term, 1 commission, 1 promotion, 1 service, 1 rank
‡ 4 term + 4 position (citizen life, first term), or 8 term (scout explorer)
If you use the T5 task system, then you should probably use the T5 Chargen system, too.
That goes without saying.

But guess what? It works pretty good when you can't. And this gives me a bridge when refereeing CT games.

See, I can run CT games using T5, and the players don't have to learn a new chargen system. Which seems like a fairly ridiculous scenario at first, until one thinks about it a bit.

I can run CT with a modified task system at a 'con, and it's still CT.
[/FONT]There's nothing stopping using these characters as is with T5 tasks. There are modifications needed -- that's the point of my OP, right? -- but putting those mods on the task system rather than the characters makes it work without changing the character sheets. That's a win.
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This points out the real issue, namely: T5 chargen is not geared towards convention play. It's geared towards campaigns.

The ideal would be for me to pour T5 chargen into a Book 1 mold.

Coming up, sooner or later.
That goes without saying.

But guess what? It works pretty good when you can't. And this gives me a bridge when refereeing CT games.

If it works for you, then great. To me, it seems like you're going a long way for a band-aid.

I would suggest either just eyeballing the NPCs and giving them important skills that they need for their immediate role in the adventure. Or, roll up a some NPCs (probably using your nifty web site to do it), and have them ready-to-go when needed in an adventure.
Actually, it doesn't really work all that well, and for a reason I have known about since T4; namely, 2D tasks are unbalanced with characters who have high characteristics.
Actually, it doesn't really work all that well, and for a reason I have known about since T4; namely, 2D tasks are unbalanced with characters who have high characteristics.

That is an issue in any system that uses a stat+skill roll under mechanic, and one of the reasons that every game system, aside from T5, that has used it has failed. People find a better system, and move on.
Actually, it doesn't really work all that well, and for a reason I have known about since T4; namely, 2D tasks are unbalanced with characters who have high characteristics.
Which is what some of us have been saying for an awfully long time now - T5 character generation favours getting stats as high as possible during generation.

CT was always about skills.
On a more constructive note:

to convert a CT NPC add every level zero skill normally granted by the referee as per the basic rules, add level zero in every service skill that doesn't already have a skill level.

Double all existing skill levels, level zero skills are level 1 or 2; the first time you have to use them toss a coin or roll a die - 50/50 chance of being level 1/2.
Actually, it doesn't really work all that well, and for a reason I have known about since T4; namely, 2D tasks are unbalanced with characters who have high characteristics.

Hmmm, I think it works just fine, as it restores the idea that people have natural talents AND skills, it's also nicely balanced in combat with how quickly you can degrade with hits.

And aging HURTS- a real balancer for character gen.

Well at least my mutant CT version. Can't speak to T5 specifically.

The key is in managing the difficulty system, ESPECIALLY having brutal 'you don't know what you are doing' mods to unskilled throws and not a million skill-0s.

May also have to be a mod to use intelligence when you are wounded or ill, I'm mulling that one over now.