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General Eating Vegan in the Imperium

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Due to a post I made the other day, I've been wondering if Cannibalism exists in the Imperium?

It would bring new meaning to 'Eating Vegan' if Vegans become a delicacy.

I just think it could be put in as a harsh underbelly activity in the Imperium that SPA and other departments have to keep an eye out for. Along with other Sophont trafficking.

What do you think?
Does cannibalism still exist on Earth today?
It will exist in the 57th century.
Particularly in off the trade lane planets, potentially any limited resource dystopia whether billion pop worlds or isolated outposts/asteroids. Plus of course strange beliefs, cultural imperatives or maybe alien/bioengineered physiology that favor that dietary choice.

Kind of ups the stakes if the incoming pirates are known cannibals.
Cannibalism is defined as the consumption of another human's body matter, whether consensual or not. So, eating Vegans shouldn't be problematic. Unless a Vegan catches you doing it.
I suspect eating any sophont or near sophont would be treated with much the same revulsion as modern humans treat cannibalism (ignoring the few degenerates who want to try it and the ‘all cultures’ lot).

Any world actively and openly practicing it would either be persuaded to stop (violently or otherwise) or red-zoned
I suspect eating any sophont or near sophont would be treated with much the same revulsion as modern humans treat cannibalism (ignoring the few degenerates who want to try it and the ‘all cultures’ lot).

Any world actively and openly practicing it would either be persuaded to stop (violently or otherwise) or red-zoned
It was a joke
1. Predator sophonts who see other sophants as just another meal.
2. Sophonts who eat other sophonts situationally - winner eats loser of battle for example.
3. Sophont is a 'tasty' delicacy to another sophont.
4. Sophont is a necessary medicinal source for another sophont that must be cooked and ingested orally.
5. Sophont ingests another sophont because: aphrodisiac, psionic booster, physical/mental booster, illegal drug effects...
6. I'm sure there are other reasons.
Dragon steaks.

In theory, they're sophonts.

Dragon scales utilization might be the same as scalping.

At some point, some people might remember that certain tiger parts have medicinal properties.
Murder is still implicitly illegal under Imperial Law, per the Warrant of Restoration, Article I. It applies to all sophonts.

Warrant of Restoration: Article I, Paragraph 4:
"The lmperium considers as citizens any living recognized sentient creature native to or naturalized by a member world of the lmperium, or any living recognized sentient creature swearing fealty to the lmperium directly. No immunity, protection, right, or privilege granted by the lmperium to a citizen of the lmperium may be abridged or denied by any member world."