The greenhouse life support model requires air and light to function- items in short supply after impacts after combat or crashes.
According to CT Beltstrike, the fuel consumption formula for power plants is 0.05 tons of fuel per 100 tons of hull to provide Basic Power (life support, automatic doors, landing lights, housekeeping services, etc. etc. etc.) for 7 days.
By contrast, 1EP of production (used by weapons, computers, screens, maneuver/agility, etc.) costs 0.35 tons of fuel per 100 tons of hull.
Therefore ... for a 100 ton hull that is capable of up to 2G maneuver, you get the following fuel demands:
- Basic Power = 0.05 tons of fuel consumed per week
- 1EP = 0.35 tons of fuel consumed per week
- 2EP = 0.7 tons of fuel consumed per week
So lazily accelerating around for 1 week of 1G continuous acceleration would cost 0.5+0.35=0.4 tons of fuel per week. Increasing the maneuvering power to a continuous 2G acceleration would increase the fuel consumption rate to 0.75 tons of fuel per week.
20 tons of fuel / 0.4 tons consumed per week = 50 weeks of continuous 1G acceleration endurance
20 tons of fuel / 0.75 tons consumed per week = 26 weeks 16 hours of continuous 2G acceleration endurance
The greenhouse life support model requires air and light to function- items in short supply after impacts after combat or crashes.
Any kind of closed loop regenerative biome life support will get "billed" to the Basic Power requirement for the amount of tonnage dedicated to that function. If it's integrated into a ship, the Basic Power budget for the ship's tonnage "pays for" the energy production bill to keep the closed loop regenerative biome life support systems operational and balanced.
If, however, you do what I've been doing and put those regenerative biome life support systems into separate modules (I've been using 12 ton modules as my basic building block) then the Basic Power for those extra modules needs to be paid as "extra hull" above and beyond the native hull displacement of the parent craft.
So if I've got a 100 ton hull with a 24 ton hangar in it that 2x 12 ton modules can be loaded into (doesn't matter what they are, staterooms, laboratory, environmental tank, cargo hold, anything) ... then that craft will have a Basic Power fuel consumption rate of 100 (the ship, including the hangar) plus 24 (the two 12 ton modules loaded into the hangar). So the total amount of hull displacement needing Basic Power services is actually 124 tons, not merely 100 tons. Reason being that you're paying for the fuel consumption of every ton of hull ... and if the (otherwise unpowered) modules are dependent for Basic Power from their parent craft, then the fuel consumption demand for those "extra hull tons" is going to get "billed" to the power plant of the parent craft. It's not a HUGE difference (more like a rounding error compared to the EP fuel consumption), but it is still present and ought to be accounted for (if you're drilling down to this level of fuel consumption bookkeeping).