Spinward Flow
SOC-14 5K
That requires cargo space.You could pay it forward, and keep a stock of spare parts.
150 person/weeks of life support costs Cr150,000 and requires 1 ton of cargo space. (CT Beltstrike, p3)
2 person/weeks (equals 1 person for 2 weeks) of life support costs Cr2000 and requires 0.013333333333333 tons of cargo space (which is sufficiently negligible that it becomes a "rounding error" when talking about 2 weeks worth of supplies and thus rounds down to zero tons for simplification).2. Life Support.
Each occupied stateroom on a starship involves an overhead cost of Cr2000 per trip (two weeks) made.
For anyone who wants to get too pedantic about it, 0.013333333333333 tons of displacement amounts to all of 186.666666666 liters of volume, which "isn't much" when 1 ton of displacement is valued at 14,000 liters of volume.
Point being that short term life support (read: single jump worth endurance of 2 weeks at commercial operations tempo) is small enough to be subsumed into the "4 tons per stateroom" basic construction rules for starships. If you want longer life support endurance, you're going to need to spend cargo hold capacity for the privilege of storing those (extra) life support consumables.