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Emergency Shotgun

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Hey Everyone,

I read somewhere that you can use an emergency flare gun as a one-shot shotgun. Anybody ever try this in-game?


I've never used it, having never had a shotgun skill (so far, the only PC I've used was a rifleman), but it does seem logical. I'll ask my Ref.
In real life never ever try this unless you are desperate.

Any shotgun shell bigger then a 410 will blow up the barrel (if you are lucky) and possibly the flaregun & your hand.

Of course in the future, flareguns are known to have been used for such emergency actions and some manufactures have made their flareguns usable this way (at a higher cost) with out becoming damaged.

Several times legistation has tried passing law that all flareguns in emegency kits on space craft have the ability to fire shotgun shells (or some type of ammunition.) Both the military and other representation have fought against this stating that the flaregun would then considered a firearm and would be banned on many worlds.
(Note of Interest: Known legal representatives of Known black marketters and pirates supported the ban of making flareguns able to shoot any type of ammunitions except flares. )

For larger flare guns, there are shotgun adapters that fit into the gun and reduce the bore to a suitable shotgun shell. These are typically made of steel or suitable alloys that can handle the much larger pressures generated by a shotgun shell. Even with the adapter, most flare pistols are far to light to be used with shotgun ammunition. The recoil is quite 'lively'.

Adapter is TL 6 and costs. Cr20. Most worlds treat the adapter as a shotgun and restrict it as such.
Turning things around a bit, I once got a catalog from a fringe paramilitary supplier (damned if I know how I got on *that* mailing list). Among other things, the catalog had various types of "interesting" shotgun shells:
  • standard</font>
  • solid shot</font>
  • flechette</font>
  • incendiary</font>
  • flare</font>
  • "high explosive"</font>
  • "HEAP"</font>
  • Paint</font>
  • And probably some others that I don't remember (it was a long time ago).</font>

I think that you could do the same thing for the Traveller shotgun.
I never got the catalog again. No, I didn't order anything.

Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
No, I didn't order anything.

But but - you're a Texan!?!?!
A flare gun could easily handle the pressure of firing your typical low-velocity grenade. This would of course require a grenade made to the same caliber as the flare gun. A standard 40mm grenade uses a low pressure cartridge that is based on technology that was developed during WWII by Germany.

Originally posted by LordRhys:
A flare gun could easily handle the pressure of firing your typical low-velocity grenade. This would of course require a grenade made to the same caliber as the flare gun. A standard 40mm grenade uses a low pressure cartridge that is based on technology that was developed during WWII by Germany.

You must mean the Kampfpistole, a 2.7cm flare gun that was adapted to fire small grenages and probably intended as a light armor weapon.

See: http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/8172/panzerfaust8.htm

Perhaps an adapter would allow RAM grenades to be fired from a suitably made (i.e. not cheesy plastic) flare gun. Why? I don't know.
While back I ran across a few "incendiary devices", turns out they were 50s era(or older) naval military flareguns. While not prohibited, I really didn't want to ever see them being used against myself or others. This flare gun used the Colt 1911 style body but had TWO side-by-side 10 guage barrels and used a break open breach. Ouch!

Get out your wrist supports, a pair 12 guage adaptor rings and you are ready to go blow things up.