Well, 1248 was accepted as canon and published as canon.
The wiki lists it as canon, but given this change that's not really true any more.
Pre-wave, I agree. However the goal of the Lorenverse (If I understood correctly) was to save the Third Imperium of the Classic Era by avoiding the Rebellion and Virus. It sounds like the Empress Wave will roll through and Zombie Apocalypse the Third Imperium after all. The Lorenverse just bought a few decades stay of execution, not a full pardon.I don't know if anything in the Lorenverse has been directly contradicted in the same manner.
The retcon of the Wave completely overwrites my version of it, and since elements of the 1248 setting were based upon that interpretation, they're dead too. Other stuff is more questionable, but I don't see how the states of 1248 as published could possibly exist in a period when the apocalyptic steamroller wave was surging through former Imperial space.
The Lorenverse isn't as directly smashed flat by the change, I don't think.
Now that is an interesting idea...Exactly. I've often described "my" Wave's "wavefront" as being fractal.
Perhaps the point of departure of the Lorenverse is the Empress Wave was never initiated thousands of years ago...
something that would rid Traveller of the 3I/OTU
"rid"? that sounds sad. is the 3i that bad?
Does 1248 cover the Empress Wave at all? I assume it must, but I don't have anything for that line.
Many of the 3I's fans have come to see it as a straight-jacket.
Some of the brilliant work done highlights this effect...
GURPS Traveller detailed the late 3I beyond playable levels.
Travellermap has basic UWPs for every world in more than 35 sectors.
At one point, many of us thought of the Sunbane/GEnie archive as a good thing... then, trying to use it later... came to feel different.
The Land Grant system in the CT run... those subsectors and sectors have a sense of being something special. The Subsectors moreso than the Sectors... more hand massaged data.
GEnie/Sunbane data outside those 6 sectors or so, was pretty impersonal feeling, lacking in that sense of life. There's some gems hidden - cases where raw random did some interesting things.
But the open space that was the 3I of the late 80's (even in MT) and early 90's (and into TNE) was gone by 1997, with M0 detailing and canonizing the Sunbane data...
It's not just Traveller that has collapsed under its own weight of canon. Both L5R and most of the D&D settings. (The realms have been retconned all to hell and back.)
Many of the 3I's fans have come to see it as a straight-jacket.
Some of the brilliant work done highlights this effect...
GURPS Traveller detailed the late 3I beyond playable levels.
Travellermap has basic UWPs for every world in more than 35 sectors.
At one point, many of us thought of the Sunbane/GEnie archive as a good thing... then, trying to use it later... came to feel different.
The Land Grant system in the CT run... those subsectors and sectors have a sense of being something special. The Subsectors moreso than the Sectors... more hand massaged data.
GEnie/Sunbane data outside those 6 sectors or so, was pretty impersonal feeling, lacking in that sense of life. There's some gems hidden - cases where raw random did some interesting things.
But the open space that was the 3I of the late 80's (even in MT) and early 90's (and into TNE) was gone by 1997, with M0 detailing and canonizing the Sunbane data...
It's not just Traveller that has collapsed under its own weight of canon. Both L5R and most of the D&D settings. (The realms have been retconned all to hell and back.)
Now checking revised speed vs distance where the wave is vs the date of the Expeditions to determine how far back the Zhodani should have known about the Wave.
There is no reasonable argument that the 6th expedition did not figure this out. They have a thousand years worth of data and worlds to compare and discover the effects. The Zhodani have known about the wave since the founding of the Third Imperium, and suspected it for a thousand year before that.
It's not just Traveller that has collapsed under its own weight of canon. Both L5R and most of the D&D settings. (The realms have been retconned all to hell and back.)
Many of the 3I's fans have come to see it as a straight-jacket.
The year for the "Wave of Craziness" chapter in the AotI novel is 434. If travellermap has the sector placed right (i'm pretty sure inexorabletash got it right), the date and distance corroborates the FTL speed of about 1pc/year with and to hit Zhdant in late 1100's. This being the case, I guess Mr. Miller likes it that way.