A little clarification please because I am receiving two conflicting views. How long after the Empress Wave passes a world are its effects still felt given there is a count of psionic people present? One thought said up to three years after the passing of the Wave. A second said that it took up to eleven years for a world to normalize.
This question has not been directly answered by the information available. The wavefront (and peak effects) take approximately 30 days to pass over a given system. The implication is there are some direct residual effects still occurring for several months afterwards. That is people still being directly affected by the wave. The recovery time for the effect on every person is decades.
Think of it like an earthquake. The ground shakes, everything falls down. There are a few localized aftershocks. But on a timescale of weeks rather than minutes. And now all the everythings are still fallen down and need to be rebuilt.
The implication I've gotten is there isn't any shielding that will stop the effects of the wave. More to the point, no one has tested it well enough to say for sure. Like the Zhodani, a technology advance, scientifically curious who've known about this for a thousand years don't have the answer to this question.Next, there is a mottled opinion base of how much personal and structural (planetside vaults, bulk hauler starships with psi-shielding, etc.), protection psionics sophonts need to weather the Wave.
Well, maybe there's some Ancient's technology but then you are having magic vs magic handwaves.
Not familiar with the CABAI references to comment.I saw on the wiki a reference of utilizing CABAl technology on succeptible starship traveller. Thoughts? Obviously not every world threatened by the Empress Wave will have access to such tech.
The implication from the TNE writeup's is the Zhodani are going for the "Ignorace is bliss" approach and hiding all evidence of the wave. I speculate this is because the Zhodani leadership can not conceive of a plan to deal with the wave that doesn't induce widespread panic. The existing canon implies the Tavrchedl' are able to deal with small scale events; a single person here, a small group there. The problem is if you are for so very long use to dealing with a calm, rational group of people, the thought of having them suddenly all panic is a disaster. So the Zhodani are stuck between the "mass panic at the news" and unknown but horrific results of the wave.Lastly, since the Zhodani are aware of the Empress Wave, how far is the Tavrchedl' willing to go to "enhance everyone's calm" even for the suspicious races outside the Consulate? Cover-up anyone?
I one of the people proposing the Zhodani load everyone onto massive transport ships, jump through the wave and back again a month later. But the Tavrchedl' are not an unlimited resource. And in a society where mind-to-mind contact is common and expected, fear and panic spread like a wildfire plague. Especially among the nobility.
So how do you deal with a Consolate wide apocalypse when, if you tell a group of ministers about the problem and solution, you may create a planetary wide panic attack.