I know this is not truly an errata, but someone should clarify how skills are used in starship combat:
Ship’s tactics skill is (according to the rules) regulated by the tactics pool rules. IMO this leads to unbelievable situations. A CA may have a crew well over 500. If we assume about 1.5 ship’s tactics level per 10 crewmembers (1 in 10 has the skill, with about 1 in 20 at more than level 1), we can have tactics pools well over 75. It’s not clear in the rules if the tactics pool may be used to lower enemy’s rolls, and if so, at which moment must you specify to which roll do you apply how many tactics points, but at those pool levels, the combat may be quite complex.
Aside from that, following the rule to the letter, the ship’s tactics skill that the OC has are counted equally that any the ship’s surgeon (to give an absurd example) may have.
And when you add to this that tactics skills may be used as ship’s tactics at minus one (PM, pages 29 and 40), even the marines may be decisive that way…(how can the marines, except those serving as gunners, influence the ship's combat before boarding actions it's anyone's guess). A troop transport with a regimental capacity may be quite a hard nut to crack just for that (if full, the same transport will be quite easier to destroy when empty...

Pilot skill is (IMO) not clear how is used. The only clear use it has is to line the spinal gun, where it can be used in place of agility (RM, page 95, but specifies on this task). Also under emergency agility (page 94) says
as always, Pilot skill may be substituted for emergency agility if desired. I wander what does this
as always means, as nowhere else in the book I’ve found it can be substituted (except to aim spinals, as noted above).
Gunnery skill: I wrote a full post about that
http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showpost.php?p=370039&postcount=526 (and still waiting someone to answer

). Also to discuss is which skill should be used in the case of a weapon (usually a bay or spinal) or screen that has more than one crew member serving it. The higher? Commander’s? Average? Added?