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Errata - that difficult subject

Imperial Encyclopedia - Library Data Chapter

Pg 17 - Andory - Correct name is Andor, as per TravellerMap.com

Pg 18 - Antiquity (Corridor/Ian 0816 A423420-C) as per Travellermap.com.

Pg 18 - Aslan Calander subsection: Aslan homeworld is Kusyu not Kuzu. (i.e. you won't find Kuzu @ travellermap.com)

Pg 19 - Aslan Border Wars - change Kuzu to Kusyu in the See also paragraph.

Pg 22 - Darrian Confederation - Change UWP for Mire to A665A95-C as per TravellerMap.com

Pg 27 - Imperial Calender - Capitalize Second in 2nd sentence.

Pg 27 - Imperial Research Station: Capitalize Third in the second sentence.

Pg 29 - Imperial Sunburst - If the Imperial Army uses a black sunburst, what is the color of the banner?

Pg 31 - Kuzu - Change to Kusyu.

Pg 31 - Lair: Change Kuzu to Kusyu in the second sentence.

Pg 31 - Lanica: Last sentence, change an to a.

Pg 44 - Vegan - Change Muan Gwi's UWP to A556A86-E, as per TravellerMap.com
Imperial Encyclopedia - Equipment

Pg 53 - Ball, Rescue; Anyone figure out how this TL7 device retains heat for 5 -7 hours?

Pg 53 - Binoculars, Image Converter: Change second sentence to read:
Both have minor disadvantages: infrared radiation (IR) images can be camouflaged by insulation and light illumination (LI) requires background light to amplify.

Pg 55 - Communicator/Recorder - Change Tape length to Recording length.

Pg 56 - Data-Display/Recorder Headpiece - reads like google glass - adjust specifications?

Pg 58 - Goggles, Combination IR/LI: Change the first sentence to read:
These goggles combine infrared radiation (IR) and light intensification (LI) detection in one unit and are worn like eyeglasses.

Pg 62 - Navigator, Inertia: Missing Volume & Weight for the TL10 device.
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Imperial Encyclopedia - Combat Equipment

Pg 70 - Revolver - Either drop the last 2 sentences or add speed loaders (Patented in 1893).
Reload 30 seconds my ass - unskilled, maybe.

Pg 70 - Snub Pistol - See above

Pg 75 - Personal Armor Table - Additions:

Chameleon Option TL 12 - Price +1,000
Psionic Shield Option TL 12 - Price +4,000

Pg 75 - Flamethrower: Length 1.2 meters, Volume 18 liters
Imperial Encyclopedia - Starships, Spacecraft & Vehicles.

Pg 80 - Fighter (question on errata): Special = HoloHUD x1/2/2, ????

Pg 84 - Gig - Missing Type: (Type G)
Imperial Encyclopedia - Missing Chart

Does anyone know where the Surface Travel Charts (pg 98) disappeared to? I have the 3rd edition IE & it isn't in there (Nor is it at Drive-Thru RPG and it also isn't on my MT CDrom).

Any assistance on this would be appreciated.....
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Howdy sfchbryan,

Does anyone know where the Surface Travel Charts (pg 98) disappeared to? I have the 3rd edition IE & it isn't in there (Nor is it at Drive-Thru RPG and it also isn't on my MT CDrom).

Any assistance on this would be appreciated.....

I have a softcover copyright 1987 1st printing and a Drive-Thru RPG PDF 3rd printing of the Imperial Encyclopedia. The last page number in both copies is 96. The inside of the back cover would be 97 which means that by my count page 98 is the back cover.

I am guessing that you are referring to the Starship Operating Procedures found on pages 92 and 93, unfortunately I am not sure what you are asking for specifically about surface travel charts.

Step 4, page 92, has a table titled Travel Times to Orbit that shows the time needed to go from a planet's surface to orbit by cross referencing by world size and the acceleration used by the maneuver drive. Step 12, page 93, has a table titled Travel Times from Orbit which is used to go from orbit to land on the planet's surface.

Digest Group Publications Starship Operator's Manual Vol. 1 pages 61 and 63 skip the tables that have the travel times already calculated. The operator's manual has a table that shows the standard and high orbits for world sizes 0 to A, small and large gas giants with atmospheres of 2 or greater. Unfortunately, my attempts using the calculations in the operator's manual don't match the ones in the Imperial Encyclopedia.

Hopefully, I was on the right track.
Does anyone know where the Surface Travel Charts (pg 98) disappeared to? I have the 3rd edition IE & it isn't in there (Nor is it at Drive-Thru RPG and it also isn't on my MT CDrom).

Any assistance on this would be appreciated.....

What is a surface travel chart? I don't know how you tell editions, but my old beat up copy of IE never had a page 98; page 97 is printed on the inner side of the back cover. Index doesn't show a surface travel chart either.
What is a surface travel chart? I don't know how you tell editions, but my old beat up copy of IE never had a page 98; page 97 is printed on the inner side of the back cover. Index doesn't show a surface travel chart either.

Directly below the IBSN number is a series of numbers - the first one is the edition number. Both of my dead tree IE start with a 3, which tells me it is the 3rd edition.

I have no idea what Surface Travel Charts are. I just know that it is listed in the Table of Contents, just below the Spinward Marches Chapter.

All of my copies of IE are 3rd Edition (dead tree & electronic). I was wondering if this was either A) removed from the 1st & 2nd edition to make room for something else, or if it got moved somewhere else. (Like Effects of Planetary Environment on Combat, Effects of Weather on Combat and Designing Planetary Defenses. The Players Manual states that those 3 sections are in the Referee's Manual. They aren't; they are in the World Builders Handbook.)

This is the only think holding me up from finishing the Imperial Encyclopedia.
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Morning sfchbryan,

Originally Posted by Carlobrand
What is a surface travel chart? I don't know how you tell editions, but my old beat up copy of IE never had a page 98; page 97 is printed on the inner side of the back cover. Index doesn't show a surface travel chart either.
Directly below the ISBN number is a series of numbers - the first one is the edition number. Both of my dead tree IE start with a 3, which tells me it is the 3rd edition.

I have no idea what Surface Travel Charts are. I just know that it is listed in the Table of Contents, just below the Spinward Marches Chapter.

All of my copies of IE are 3rd Edition (dead tree & electronic). I was wondering if this was either A) removed from the 1st & 2nd edition to make room for something else, or if it got moved somewhere else. (Like Effects of Planetary Environment on Combat, Effects of Weather on Combat and Designing Planetary Defenses. The Players Manual states that those 3 sections are in the Referee's Manual. They aren't; they are in the World Builders Handbook.)

This is the only think holding me up from finishing the Imperial Encyclopedia.

I also just stumbled over my copy of MegaTraveller GDW product number 0210 ISBN 0-943580-49-8, bar code 0-86070-00210-7, which is a box set containing the 1st printing/edition of the Player's Manual (GDW 0211), Referee's Manual (GDW 0212), Imperial Encyclopedia (GDW 0213), and the Spinward Marches A detailed Stellar Sector located on the fringes of the Imperium. In addition to the box set I also have paper copies of the Player's Manual 3rd printing/edition, Referee's Manual 2nd printing/edition, and as mentioned earlier Imperial Encyclopedia 1st printing/edition.

My electronic copy was purchased as a bundle from Drive Thru RPG and includes The Player's Guide to MegaTraveller, The Player's Manual 3rd printing/edition, Referee's Manual 1st printing (which has a hand written notation that errata was entered), the Imperial Encyclopedia 3rd printing/edition, and Referee's Companion 1st printing/edition.

None of the 1st printings/editions Imperial Encyclopedia has entries for Surface Movement Charts or the Spinward Marches Map.

On the inside front cover of the Player's Manual is a copy of the Spinward Marches Sector Map. My guess is that the entry of Surface Movement Charts should probably be referred to as a the Spinward Marches Sector Survey Chart or Table.

I hope this is closer to what you are asking for. Of course my collection appears to be missing the World Builders Handbook, which I am guessing is part of the MT CD-ROM. Another item to move to the top of my wish list.
Of course my collection appears to be missing the World Builders Handbook, which I am guessing is part of the MT CD-ROM. Another item to move to the top of my wish list.

World Builder's Handbook was a DGP Publication, and is not on the MT CD-ROM (nor is it legally in PDF form anywhere, unless the rights to publish DGP material are secured somehow).
Howdy whulorigan,

World Builder's Handbook was a DGP Publication, and is not on the MT CD-ROM (nor is it legally in PDF form anywhere, unless the rights to publish DGP material are secured somehow).

Another item I will have to hope I stumble upon on eBay or Half Price books or other similar places.
Directly below the IBSN number is a series of numbers - the first one is the edition number. Both of my dead tree IE start with a 3, which tells me it is the 3rd edition.

I have no idea what Surface Travel Charts are. I just know that it is listed in the Table of Contents, just below the Spinward Marches Chapter. ...

My old paper copy is ISBN 0-943580-48-X, after which there's a string of numbers, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9," which I guess means it's a first edition. I don't know what the difference between an 48-X and a 49-8 is except maybe that my copy was a stand-alone purchase I picked up in a game shop in 1987 (still got the price sticker attached, though that's quite faded) and his is a boxed set. I do know that there's nothing listed after the Spinward Marches chapter in mine, so I presume this Surface Travel Chart is an addition they maybe intended to put in the later editions.
Howdy Carlobrand

My old paper copy is ISBN 0-943580-48-X, after which there's a string of numbers, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9," which I guess means it's a first edition. I don't know what the difference between an 48-X and a 49-8 is except maybe that my copy was a stand-alone purchase I picked up in a game shop in 1987 (still got the price sticker attached, though that's quite faded) and his is a boxed set. I do know that there's nothing listed after the Spinward Marches chapter in mine, so I presume this Surface Travel Chart is an addition they maybe intended to put in the later editions.

The string of numbers under the ISBN you indicate above, per my softcover copy of Books 0-8 The Classic Books from FFE is the print run number and is described as follows:

"Print Run Number. The publication data page (counting from the front of the book, the publication data page is page 2: the page after the title page) of each of the Little Black Books contains a string of numbers (1 2 3 4 5 etc.). The lowest number in the string indicates the printing of the book. If the lowest number is 3, the book in hand was the third printing. In some case, the printing numbers for books in the Traveller series reached as high as 23 (Book 4-Mercenary)."

Here is some information of what an ISBN means from http://www.isbn.org/faqs_general_questions#isbn_faq5

Does the ISBN have any meaning embedded in the numbers?
The four parts of an ISBN are as follows:
•Group or country identifier which identifies a national or geographic grouping of publishers;
•Publisher identifier which identifies a particular publisher within a group;
•Title identifier which identifies a particular title or edition of a title;
•Check digit is the single digit at the end of the ISBN which validates the ISBN.

Why do some ISBNs end in an "X"?
In the case of the check digit, the last digit of the ISBN, the upper case X can appear. The method of determining the check digit for the ISBN is the modulus 11 with the weighting factors 10 to 1. The Roman numeral X is used in lieu of 10 where ten would occur as a check digit.
More Errata for Imperial Encyclopedia

Pg 94 - Remarks codes:
Subsector or Local Capital uses a hollow star, Imperial Sector capital is a black star

The Referee's Manual states that the Subsector or Local Capital should be Cp (Basic Mainworld Generation 2 Step 13 - Supplemental Remarks) The Sector capital should be Cx.
Grenade Launchers

MegaTraveller Player's Manual (0211, 1987)

page 78: "Grenade Launchers" and page 79: "Rifle Grenades"

The difficulty profile for these weapons is given as "Indirect". This is not consistent with the descriptions of these weapons in other versions of Traveller, specifically Book 4: Mercenary, Striker, T4 and TNE, nor is it consistent with their real world equivalents.

Suggested simple fix: replace "Indirect" with "Rifle" in the "Difficulty As" column.

Better fix: create a new Direct Fire Difficulty Profile (page 72) titled "Unguided Launcher (UGL). This would be identical to the Rifle entry except that fire at Close and Short Range would be prohibited. These weapons have a minimum arming range and this change would simulate that (see Book 4: Mercenary combat tables). Flechette rounds would be immune from this restriction.

Both T4 and TNE allow grenade launchers to be used in indirect fire (other versions do not). This is separate from and in addition to their primary direct fire role. When used this way, they follow standard indirect fire rules, functionally similar to those in MT (page 73). If indirect fire is to be allowed for MT grenade launchers some clarifying note should be added pointing to the indirect fire rules.

Scatter: direct fire launched grenades that miss should use the grenade scatter rule from the MT Consolidated Errata.
Indirect fire grenades would use the normal scatter for this task.
The venerable G-carrier

That old veteran G-carrier cost a megacredit in CT, two in Striker, then went to MCr14.4 for MegaTraveller. I have tried my best, but I can't make a g-carrier cost MCr14.4 short of hiding 12 million in gold bullion somewhere aboard it.

What I get:
Hull: 8 dTon streamlined box, TL14 armor factor 10, 1.995 tons, Cr27,500

Power plant: 6 Kl TL15 fusion, 54 megawatts, 12 tons, Cr1,200,000

Drives: TL9 standard grav, 53 tons thrust, 5.3 Mw, 1.06 Kl, 2.12 t, Cr106,000
Performance: 1.1 G, top speed 120 KPH
(There are higher tech gravs available. They draw less power but, because of the power plant scale efficiency rule, there is power to spare and no benefit in reducing the power plant size. The higher tech gravs cost a lot more, and that in turn triggers major problems with control points, which are calculated from cost. Ergo, we stick with the older tech.)

Avionics: TL8 for 120 KPH NOE, 0.05 Mw, 0.4 Kl, 0.2 t, Cr106,000

Fuel: 13 kiloliters H2, 0.91 t. Provides 240 hours under full power.

Communications: TL15 System-range radio (wow!), 0.007 Mw, 0.014 Kl, 0.007 t, Cr150,000

TL14 V. Distant (50 Km) EMS Active Array, 0.050 Mw, 0.010 Kl, 0.005 t, Cr100,000
TL14 V. Distant (50 Km) EMS Passive Array, 0.010 Mw, 0.002 Kl, 0.001 t, Cr20,000

Weapons: TL15 RF-X, 42 Mw, 0.080 Kl, 0.080 t, Cr131,000
(This is silly. It doesn't have the armor to stand up to the kind of prey that needs this firepower, and it consumes 3/4 of the available power. I could shrink the power plant and cut the cost by almost a million credits by replacing this with a VRF gauss or an autocannon. However, it is what was originally installed, so it stays.)

Basic environment, 0.108 Mw, 0.540 Kl, 0.540 t, Cr1,080
Basic life support, 0.086 Mw, 0.430 Kl, 0.430 t, Cr25,771
Inertial Compensators, 2.160 Mw, 1.080 Kl, 2.160 t, Cr27,000
(I don't see a need for inertial compensators in a vehicle whose top speed is that of a car on the Interstate but, again, it is what was originally installed. It has no artificial gravity, so the occupants are still floating when in orbit. It's not generating any forces an occupant can't handle comfortably.)

2x Computer Model/0, 0.001 Mw, 1.000 Kl, 0.200 t, Cr120,000
1x TL13 Holographic linked, 0.002 Mw, 0.030 Kl, 0.020 t, Cr1,000
1x TL9 Heads up Display, 0.005 Mw, 0.500 Kl, 0.200 t, Cr20,000
(We are a wee bit short on control points. I get 257.5 verses 265.63 needed. We need two more holo-linked control panels, or one more if we ditch the inertial compensators. Note also that if we had gone with the more expensive gravs, we'd have needed a lot more control panels for them.)

Occupancy: 4x roomy seats, 0 Mw, 16 Kl, 0.080 t, Cr400
(I got tons of space here. 67.8 cubic meters. We can fit an additional 10 seats for the classic 14 and still have room for cargo.)

Cargo: 27 Kl, 27 t

As is, with the one control panel and 4 seats, I get a cost of Cr1,939,751, a far cry from the MCr14.4 suggested. (Loaded weight is 47.948 tons, so that's fine.)

If I kill the inertial compensators, add a control panel and put in 10 additional seats, I get Cr1,914,742, a weight of 46.007 tons loaded, and - oops, I've gone to 1.5 Gs and a top speed of 180 KPH. Still quite comfortable at cruise and no worse than a race car at top speed. (And, I've still got 6.37 Mw extra power.) I can drop it to around a megacredit, the CT value, and make it more like something I'd let the players use if I replace the plasma gun with something that doesn't draw power and shrink the engine.

Did I make a mistake somewhere?
Did I make a mistake somewhere?

Not that I see. But note that the MCr14 is either using the higher cost (and CP) high TL stuff for training compatibility (remembering the penalty is a diff shift for out-of-own-tech-bracket±1), or was a misplaced decimal.
Howdy Carlobrand,

I have checked the Consolidated MT Errata version 2.21 the only errata for a G-carrier I found was in VILANI & VARGR (878, 1990) errata on page 71. The G-carrier is TL 12 and has a price close to the one you calculated.
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Yes, fundamentally the MT GCarrier is a dud design anyway as you point out. The RFX-15 is quite incongruous, and it carries very few passengers compared with all the other canon GCarriers making it entirely mis-named. I'm also unsure what type of mount the fusion gun is in - there is no mention of a turret.

As you've shown, the current errata version is wrongly priced by a considerable amount, and needs HUHD control panel add-on rather than HUD to meet the CP requirement.

I make it a cost of Cr2028835 with the change to HUHD. My Gs are still 1.1 so no change in speed.

I think you've miscalculated the hull cost (should be Cr22500) and the cost of the avionics (TL15 would be Cr17000 and the TL8 you argue for would be Cr10000, so there is not much of a difference in the larger scheme of things) I make the basic life support at Cr32400.
It may be that no one has ever submitted such errata. My recommendation would be to open a thread stating the G-carrier, bang out a consensus and I'll add that to the errata...