Greetings, all:
Originally posted by hunter:
Once the final PDF is finished it will be posted and updated in the eLibrary where you will be able to go and download the updated copy.
This hasn't happened yet, right? That is, the final PDF is not yet available, right?
(Actually, I assume there will be a BIG announcement once it's ready.)
But the reason I ask is because:
(a) the
Store Catalog listing for the Gateway book in the Traveller Store says $10;
while (b), if you click the More Info link at the end of that listing, and go to its
Detail View Listing, then the price is $15.
So the discrepancy made me wonder if one of them (the more expensive one) was different -- maybe even the Final Version.
So: how will people who pre-ordered be notified? Once there is a new entry in our eLibrary accounts, or the existing one changes, will email be sent to us, or should we watch this forum, or...?
And heck, while I'm at it: what's the current ETA -- has it gone to the printer yet?
Thanks so much,