For what it is worth (and it is only my opinion - which, with $5 might get you a cup of coffee these days)...
When using strictly random generation, the "secondary" system may end up being even MORE powerful than the original primary system that was generated back in the day when SCOUTS was just a gleam in someone's eye's mind.
With the advent of Scouts, I can't help but wonder why the people at GDW didn't go further with it and incorporate it within subsequent publications? MegaTraveller with its Civil War aspect, came to the fore, but that doesn't explain why the astrographical nature of SCOUTS should have been ignored entirely. That is...
Until you realize that it involves potentially violating the material that had been initially published under the older brand such as the Spinward Marches supplement etc. Then came the Spinward Marches Campaign, which did something really ghastly... it created star types for established worlds that did not match the rules given in either of MegaTraveller or SCOUTS - and forever set in motion things that caused problems for even such as GURPS TRAVELLER BEHIND THE CLAW. All because people didn't want to invalidate previous work!
Ah well, that's neither here nor there. T5's incarnation has finally resulted in the upgrades to the stellar types for the various main worlds, along with world diameter changes required for worlds to retain atmosphere etc.
Yes, I KNOW that any GM can take their Traveller Universe in any direction they see fit, but my thread was basically a comment on the fact that Traveller has retained its blind spot for YEARS despite the evolution in Astrographical knowledge, and even the implementation of perhaps better rules for simulating realistic star systems. Sometimes, the saying "never let the facts get in the way of a good yarn" is true, and as has been alluded to elsewhere, Traveller is SPACE OPERA for all that it sort of puts in realism for its setting.
In the end, people will do what they intend to do, and that's that. As for space being 3D in Traveller? I nearly choked when I saw the jump shadow and jump masking rules introduced by GURPS TRAVELLER and subsequently used in other game system rules...
If the star systems are truly three dimensional, some of those Jump masking rules make no sense. For instance, how do you know that all of the star system's plane of the elliptic are parallel with each other? What if the nearest star system to the one you're in, is top on to your system (ie, looks like you're atop of its elliptic instead of edge on)? That is if it were REALLY 3D.
In the end, IMTU rules, and what people incorporate into their games from OTU becomes a sort of "commonality" with other people's universes. I mentioned the blind spot because it seems decidedly odd to me that after nearly 40 years of existence, there are STILL some blindspots in the Traveller Universe! Sort of a "wow, look at that!" kind of thing.