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Extending Character Generation in Classic Traveller


During character generation, careers provide four tables from which to skills are obtained: the usual Personal Development table, Service Skills table, Education table, and Advanced Education table (that can only be used for characters with EDU 8+).

This rule adds a fifth table into the mix, providing skills based on the character's homeworld. Note that some military characters may have changed homeworlds after joining the military.


Anytime a character is elligible for a skill, the playrer can attempt to roll on one of the Fifth Tables instead of the normal career tables.

Roll SOC or less on 2D.

If successful, the character is allowed a roll on the Fifth Tables. But, failure means no skill at all is awarded (attempting a roll on the Fifth Tables is risky).

Rolls on the Fifth Tables can only be attempted once per term.


When a character is allowed to roll on a Fifth Table, roll 1D on the appropriate column to find the Fifth Table that will be used to determine skill.

If the SOC check made to earn a roll on the Fifth Tables succeeded by 3+ points, use a +1DM on the table below.

If the SOC check made to earn a roll on the Fifth Tables succeeded by 5+ points, the player may pick the appropriate table (subject to the column of his character's homeworld).

Skills obtained on the Fifth Table are awarded just like normal career skills (Skill-1 is awarded first, and if the same skill is rolled a second time, the skill becomes Skill-2, etc). This is unlike the Background Skills tables (which begin at Skill-0).


+1DM if Fifth Table SOC check succeeded by 3+ points.

If the Fifth Table SOC check succeedec by 5+ points, the player may choose the Fifth Table from the choices under his homeworld.

1. Business
2. Business
3. Transportation
4. Personal
5. Vice
6. Combat
7. Business


+1DM if Fifth Table SOC check succeeded by 3+ points.

If the Fifth Table SOC check succeedec by 5+ points, the player may choose the Fifth Table from the choices under his homeworld.

1. Vice
2. Vice
3. Business
4. Transportation
5. Personal
6. Combat
7. Vice


+1DM if Fifth Table SOC check succeeded by 3+ points.

If the Fifth Table SOC check succeedec by 5+ points, the player may choose the Fifth Table from the choices under his homeworld.

1. Transportation
2. Business
3. Vice
4. Technical
5. Space
6. Personal
7. Combat


+1DM if Fifth Table SOC check succeeded by 3+ points.

If the Fifth Table SOC check succeedec by 5+ points, the player may choose the Fifth Table from the choices under his homeworld.

1. Space
2. Business
3. Vice
4. Technical
5. Personal
6. Combat
7. Space


+1DM if Fifth Table SOC check succeeded by 3+ points.

If the Fifth Table SOC check succeedec by 5+ points, the player may choose the Fifth Table from the choices under his homeworld.

1. Transportation
2. Business
3. Vice
4. Technical
5. Space
6. Personal
7. Combat


Appropriate to all five homeworlds.

1. Admin
2. Broker
3. Legal
4. Liaison
5. Trader
6. Carousing


Appropriate to all homeworlds except Patinir.

Vanejen or Natoko natives received a +1DM on their respective tables if EDU 8+.

Aramis natives are allowed to roll on their table ONLY if they have EDU 8+ (characters with EDU 7- loose the skill).


1. Equestrian
2. Equestrian
3. Small Water Craft
4. Lighter-Than-Air Craft
5. Wheeled Vehicle
6. Large Water Craft
7. --


1. Equestrian
2. Wheeled Vehicle
3. Small Water Craft
4. Lighter-Than-Air Craft
5. Large Water Craft
6. Submersible
7. Propeller-Driven Aircraft


1. Equestrian
2. ATV
3. Hovercraft
4. Grav Belt
5. Air/Raft
6. Helocopter
7. Jet Aircraft


1. Grav Belt
2. Vacc Suit
3. Vacc Suit
4. ATV
5. Grav Vehicle
6. Ship's Boat
7. --


Apropriate for natives of all five homeworlds.

Pysadian natives must roll INT or less on 2D in order to roll on the table. Failure means the skill is lost.

Natives of the other four planets roll 1D on the table without condition.

1. Carousing
2. Gambling
3. Streetwise
4. Brawling
5. Bribery
6. Forgery


This table is appropriate to natives of Natoko, Patinir, or Aramis. Natives from all three planets receive a +1DM if EDU 8+.

1. Steward
2. Medical
3. Gunnery
4. Engineering
5. Navigation
6. Pilot
7. Space Sub-Tbl (roll on the Space Sub-table)


1. Vacc Suit
2. Vacc Suit
3. Survey/Prospecting (choose either Survey or Prospecting)
4. Z-G Environ/Z-G Cmbt (choose either Zero-G Environ or Zero-G Combat)
5. Accel Rifle/Snb (choose either Accelerator Rifle or Snub Pistol)
6. Ship's Boat


This table is appropriate to natives of Natoko, Patinir, or Aramis.

1. Mechanical
2. Electronics
3. Communications
4. Computer
5. Jack-o-Trades
6. Technical Sub-Tbl (roll on the Technical Sub-table)


1. Computer
2. Robot Ops
3. Robotics
4. Gravitics
5. Jack-o-Trades
6. Space Tbl (roll on the Space Fifth table)


This table is appropriate to natives from all five homeworlds.

Physical allows one of the following (player's choice): +1 STR, +1 DEX, or +1 END.

Mental allows one of the following (player's choice): +1 INT or +1 EDU

Special allows the player to pick any other Fifth Table and roll on it regardless of requirements.

1. Linguistics
2. Leader
3. Physical (see note above)
4. Mental (see note above)
5. +1 SOC
6. Special (see note above)


Natives roll on the appropriate column according to their homeworld.


1. Brawling/Club (choose either Brawling or Club)
2. Club/Cudgel (choose either Club or Cudgel)
3. Sling
4. Blade/Dagger (choose either Blade or Dagger)
5. Polearm (choose either Spear, Halberd, Cudgel, or Pike)
6. Revolver


1. Brawling/Club (choose either Brawling or Club)
2. Blade Cmbt (choose from pg. 10 of Supplement 4)
3. Bow Cmbt (choose from pg. 11 of Supplement 4)
4. Revolver
5. AutoPistol
6. Rifle/Carbine (choose either Rifle or Carbine)


1. Brawling/Club (choose either Brawling or Club)
2. Dagger/Sword (choose either Dagger, Cutlass, Broadsword, or Sword)
3. Pistol (includes both Revolver and AutoPistol, but not Body Pistol)
4. Rifle/SG/SMG (choose either Rifle, Carbine, Shotgun, or Submachinegun)
5. Laser Weapons (includes Laser Rifle and Laser Carbine)
6. Accel Rifle/Snb (choose either Accelerator Rifle or Snub Pistol)


1. Brawling/Club (choose either Brawling or Club)
2. Dagger/Sword (choose either Dagger, Cutlass, Sword, or Broadsword)
3. Pistol (includes both Revolver and AutoPistol, but not Body Pistol)
4. SG/SMG (choose either Shotgun or Submachinegun)
5. Demolitions
6. Zero-G Weapons (includes both Accelerator Rifle and Snub Pistol)


1. Brawling/Club (choose either Brawling or Club)
2. Brawling/Club (choose either Brawling or Club)
3. Dagger/Foil (choose either Dagger or Foil)
4. Shotgun
5. Snub Pistol
6. Accelerator Rifle


Muster out after each term. This way, PCs will have money if they want to travel to another world or buy anagathics (or even use it for a PSI test) during character generation.

But, PCs are still limited to only 3 rolls on the Cash Table, so keep count!

Remember that Disabilty awards may increase the number of times the Cash Table can be accessed. And landed nobles will accrue money from their fiefs each year (increasing the amount of money the character has at the start of gameplay).


Remember to consult the world's Law Level and Technology Level when players choose weapons. A world like Aramis has a high enough TL that laser weapons can be available, but the Law Level prohibits their use. Therefore, characters in civilian careers will not gain skill in laser weapons on Aramis, but characters in military careers might. Use common sense.


A noble's position in Imperial society affords him some perks, one of these being the Benefits table when mustering out.

Nobles may choose to roll on the Noble career muster tables, or the muster tables from the career the noble chose to follow, if he didn't follow the Noble career path (although only three rolls on the cash table--any cash table--are allowed unless disability benefits are appropriate).

For example, if a noble is following a career in the Imperial Navy, the noble may choose to use the muster tables from the Navy or from the Noble career.


When a noble rolls on the Benefits table of the Noble career (and only on that table--not on the Benefits table of any career he is following), roll 1D. A result of 1-3 means that the muster table in Supplement 4 is used. A result of 4-6 means the Benefits table below is used.

Nobles can use noble influence on this roll.


1. High Psg.
2. +1 INT
3. +1 EDU
4. Travellers'
5. Yacht
6. Fief

Fife means awarding the noble lands corresponding to his noble rank, or, if already landed, it means lands are expanded to include an area as if the noble was 1 rank higher (rank doesn't change, only the lands).

SOC B - Fief of 1 hex on homeworld (typically 2D square km). Influence of this noble is typically centralized around his homeworld.

SOC C - Fief of 2 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 10 square km). Influence of this noble is typically centralized in the subsector of his homeworld.

SOC D - Fief of 4 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 100 square km). Influence of this noble is typically centralized in the same subsector of his homeworld.

SOC E - Fief of 16 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 1000 square km). Influence of this noble is typically spread throughout the sector of the homeworld.

SOC F - Fief of 256 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 10,000 square km). Influence of this noble is typically spread throughout the sector of the homeworld.

SOC G - Fief of 480 hexes on homeworld (typically an entire world). Influence of this noble is spread throughout the Imperium and is especially strong within the noble's home domain.


Fiefs produce income in taxes (or maybe from the Imperium) of Cr1000 per hex per year. Use the hex count mentioned above to determine the amount of income typically produced in a year.

GMs who wish vary this amount can do so by determining an average yearly amount as just described, taking 10%, then multiplying that result by a 3D roll on any particular year.


Should a character, during the character generation process, fail a survival roll or decide not to reenlist, the character may attempt another career. Use a -2DM on the enlistment throw for characters who want to change careers. -3DM for a third career. -4DM for a fourth, etc.

Otherwise, careers are determined normally (as modified by these rules, of course!)


When rolling on the Aging Table, roll the exact same roll a second time--if successful, the PC is awarded a skill.

For example, Harri is 34 years old and is required to roll on the Aging Table. His rolls are 8+ or -1 STR; 7+ or -1 DEX, and 8+ or -1 END. Harri rolls and ends up with the same STR rating but looses one each in DEX and END.

But, old age and experience typically make people wiser. Harri is allowed three throws to determine is skills are awarded. He'll throw 2D, three times, for 8+, 7+, and 8+. Each time Harris succeeds in that throw, he is awarded a skill.


Muster out after each term. This way, PCs will have money if they want to travel to another world or buy anagathics (or even use it for a PSI test) during character generation.

But, PCs are still limited to only 3 rolls on the Cash Table, so keep count!

Remember that Disabilty awards may increase the number of times the Cash Table can be accessed. And landed nobles will accrue money from their fiefs each year (increasing the amount of money the character has at the start of gameplay).


Remember to consult the world's Law Level and Technology Level when players choose weapons. A world like Aramis has a high enough TL that laser weapons can be available, but the Law Level prohibits their use. Therefore, characters in civilian careers will not gain skill in laser weapons on Aramis, but characters in military careers might. Use common sense.


A noble's position in Imperial society affords him some perks, one of these being the Benefits table when mustering out.

Nobles may choose to roll on the Noble career muster tables, or the muster tables from the career the noble chose to follow, if he didn't follow the Noble career path (although only three rolls on the cash table--any cash table--are allowed unless disability benefits are appropriate).

For example, if a noble is following a career in the Imperial Navy, the noble may choose to use the muster tables from the Navy or from the Noble career.


When a noble rolls on the Benefits table of the Noble career (and only on that table--not on the Benefits table of any career he is following), roll 1D. A result of 1-3 means that the muster table in Supplement 4 is used. A result of 4-6 means the Benefits table below is used.

Nobles can use noble influence on this roll.


1. High Psg.
2. +1 INT
3. +1 EDU
4. Travellers'
5. Yacht
6. Fief

Fife means awarding the noble lands corresponding to his noble rank, or, if already landed, it means lands are expanded to include an area as if the noble was 1 rank higher (rank doesn't change, only the lands).

SOC B - Fief of 1 hex on homeworld (typically 2D square km). Influence of this noble is typically centralized around his homeworld.

SOC C - Fief of 2 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 10 square km). Influence of this noble is typically centralized in the subsector of his homeworld.

SOC D - Fief of 4 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 100 square km). Influence of this noble is typically centralized in the same subsector of his homeworld.

SOC E - Fief of 16 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 1000 square km). Influence of this noble is typically spread throughout the sector of the homeworld.

SOC F - Fief of 256 hexes on homeworld (typically 2D x 10,000 square km). Influence of this noble is typically spread throughout the sector of the homeworld.

SOC G - Fief of 480 hexes on homeworld (typically an entire world). Influence of this noble is spread throughout the Imperium and is especially strong within the noble's home domain.


Fiefs produce income in taxes (or maybe from the Imperium) of Cr1000 per hex per year. Use the hex count mentioned above to determine the amount of income typically produced in a year.

GMs who wish vary this amount can do so by determining an average yearly amount as just described, taking 10%, then multiplying that result by a 3D roll on any particular year.


Should a character, during the character generation process, fail a survival roll or decide not to reenlist, the character may attempt another career. Use a -2DM on the enlistment throw for characters who want to change careers. -3DM for a third career. -4DM for a fourth, etc.

Otherwise, careers are determined normally (as modified by these rules, of course!)


When rolling on the Aging Table, roll the exact same roll a second time--if successful, the PC is awarded a skill.

For example, Harri is 34 years old and is required to roll on the Aging Table. His rolls are 8+ or -1 STR; 7+ or -1 DEX, and 8+ or -1 END. Harri rolls and ends up with the same STR rating but looses one each in DEX and END.

But, old age and experience typically make people wiser. Harri is allowed three throws to determine is skills are awarded. He'll throw 2D, three times, for 8+, 7+, and 8+. Each time Harris succeeds in that throw, he is awarded a skill.
Originally posted by WJP:

Characters who have not otherwise been determined as having Vilani ancestry (either from the Noble ancestry chart or the Vilani mixed-blood chart) may be the benefactors of Solomani geneering of their family tree. Nobles who have been determined as having Solomani ancestry still have to roll on this chart to get the benefit.


-1- Roll SOC or less on 2D to see if the character is a candidate for Solomani geneering.

-2- If successful, make the roll to see if in fact the character is a product of Solomani geneering (not a Vilani character). Roll 12+ on 2D. Noble influence can be used on this roll.

-3- If a geneered character, roll 1D on the table below. Geneered stats are generated by rolling 3D, taking the best two.


(1) = One geneered stat; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(2) = Two geneered stats; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(3) = Three geneered stats; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(4) = Four geneered stats; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(5) = Five geneered stats; all five except SOC

(6) = One geneered stat; player's choice (cannot be SOC)

Characters who benefit from Solomani geneering will generally have higher characteristics (rolling 3D, taking the best two dice), but the minium of 1 and maxium of F for a stat cannot be exceeded.
I love this system. True, it has some potential for unbalance, but its still a simple, efficient system to integrate biomods (it'll even be easy to add light cybernetics to the system) into Traveller without upsetting the system or the OTU.
Originally posted by WJP:

Characters who have not otherwise been determined as having Vilani ancestry (either from the Noble ancestry chart or the Vilani mixed-blood chart) may be the benefactors of Solomani geneering of their family tree. Nobles who have been determined as having Solomani ancestry still have to roll on this chart to get the benefit.


-1- Roll SOC or less on 2D to see if the character is a candidate for Solomani geneering.

-2- If successful, make the roll to see if in fact the character is a product of Solomani geneering (not a Vilani character). Roll 12+ on 2D. Noble influence can be used on this roll.

-3- If a geneered character, roll 1D on the table below. Geneered stats are generated by rolling 3D, taking the best two.


(1) = One geneered stat; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(2) = Two geneered stats; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(3) = Three geneered stats; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(4) = Four geneered stats; roll randomly (cannot be SOC)

(5) = Five geneered stats; all five except SOC

(6) = One geneered stat; player's choice (cannot be SOC)

Characters who benefit from Solomani geneering will generally have higher characteristics (rolling 3D, taking the best two dice), but the minium of 1 and maxium of F for a stat cannot be exceeded.
I love this system. True, it has some potential for unbalance, but its still a simple, efficient system to integrate biomods (it'll even be easy to add light cybernetics to the system) into Traveller without upsetting the system or the OTU.
I love this system. True, it has some potential for unbalance, but its still a simple, efficient system to integrate biomods (it'll even be easy to add light cybernetics to the system) into Traveller without upsetting the system or the OTU. [/QB]
I'm glad you dig it. I put a lot of work into this, and I posted it here in case another GM could benefit from it.

You know, it's share-and-share alike. Just tonight, I downloaded a pdf file someone had put together with some character generation thoughts you had written. I really liked your Colonist career--had to steal it for my game.


I love this system. True, it has some potential for unbalance, but its still a simple, efficient system to integrate biomods (it'll even be easy to add light cybernetics to the system) into Traveller without upsetting the system or the OTU. [/QB]
I'm glad you dig it. I put a lot of work into this, and I posted it here in case another GM could benefit from it.

You know, it's share-and-share alike. Just tonight, I downloaded a pdf file someone had put together with some character generation thoughts you had written. I really liked your Colonist career--had to steal it for my game.


True, it has some potential for unbalance, but its still a simple, efficient system to integrate biomods (it'll even be easy to add light cybernetics to the system) into Traveller without upsetting the system or the OTU. [/QB]
I did consider the unbalancing aspect of this when I was writing it--which is why I made it so hard for a character to get it.

IF the character makes the SOC check...

IF the character rolls a damn high 2D roll...

The character STILL will probably only have one or two stats modified with Solomani Geneering.

I figure, hey, if a player rolls the SOC check, the 2D roll, AND the top number on the list for all stats to be geneered, then the dude deserves the superman he'll get.

...or will he? He could still roll 3D, take the best two, and still end up with something like a 5 in a stat. Easy to do. I rolled (really rolled) 5D damage in a CTI example in the other thread, and ended up with 1, 1, 2, 2, 5.

So, I'm not so sure this rule will unbalance the game, but if you're worried about it, but still want to use this rule, change the chart up a bit. Don't let the "all stats except SOC" result be possible.

Just an idea.
True, it has some potential for unbalance, but its still a simple, efficient system to integrate biomods (it'll even be easy to add light cybernetics to the system) into Traveller without upsetting the system or the OTU. [/QB]
I did consider the unbalancing aspect of this when I was writing it--which is why I made it so hard for a character to get it.

IF the character makes the SOC check...

IF the character rolls a damn high 2D roll...

The character STILL will probably only have one or two stats modified with Solomani Geneering.

I figure, hey, if a player rolls the SOC check, the 2D roll, AND the top number on the list for all stats to be geneered, then the dude deserves the superman he'll get.

...or will he? He could still roll 3D, take the best two, and still end up with something like a 5 in a stat. Easy to do. I rolled (really rolled) 5D damage in a CTI example in the other thread, and ended up with 1, 1, 2, 2, 5.

So, I'm not so sure this rule will unbalance the game, but if you're worried about it, but still want to use this rule, change the chart up a bit. Don't let the "all stats except SOC" result be possible.

Just an idea.
Originally posted by WJP:
Just tonight, I downloaded a pdf file someone had put together with some character generation thoughts you had written. I really liked your Colonist career--had to steal it for my game.
Just make sure you download the latest, formatted version; the older one is far less comfortable to use. The newest version is this one.

So, I'm not so sure this rule will unbalance the game, but if you're worried about it, but still want to use this rule, change the chart up a bit. Don't let the "all stats except SOC" result be possible.

On a second thought, it isn't THAT unbalancing, even if used in conjuction with my "assign stats as you plase" rule, as long as SOC and EDU cannot be gengineered (well, for EDU you'll need cyber-memory implants, not gengineering
Originally posted by WJP:
Just tonight, I downloaded a pdf file someone had put together with some character generation thoughts you had written. I really liked your Colonist career--had to steal it for my game.
Just make sure you download the latest, formatted version; the older one is far less comfortable to use. The newest version is this one.

So, I'm not so sure this rule will unbalance the game, but if you're worried about it, but still want to use this rule, change the chart up a bit. Don't let the "all stats except SOC" result be possible.

On a second thought, it isn't THAT unbalancing, even if used in conjuction with my "assign stats as you plase" rule, as long as SOC and EDU cannot be gengineered (well, for EDU you'll need cyber-memory implants, not gengineering
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
On a second thought, it isn't THAT unbalancing, even if used in conjuction with my "assign stats as you plase" rule, as long as SOC and EDU cannot be gengineered (well, for EDU you'll need cyber-memory implants, not gengineering
). [/QB]
I'm not sure I follow. Isn't what unbalancing?

BTW, I downloaded the better copy you linked above--thanks for the tip!
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
On a second thought, it isn't THAT unbalancing, even if used in conjuction with my "assign stats as you plase" rule, as long as SOC and EDU cannot be gengineered (well, for EDU you'll need cyber-memory implants, not gengineering
). [/QB]
I'm not sure I follow. Isn't what unbalancing?

BTW, I downloaded the better copy you linked above--thanks for the tip!
Your Gengineering rules in general. [/QB]
Oh, gotcha.

Well, I figured many house rule systems use a 3D-take-the-best-two or a 2D-arrange-to-taste method of rolling stats, and I was never comforatable with that in Traveller. I always liked the one-roll-2D-per-stat method as written.

So, I came up with a method of implementing those house rules I'd seen in other people's games--but I made it very, very hard to get.

This discussion has been good, though (that's why we're doing it, eh?). After your comments, I revised the Solomani Geneering thing a bit.

Take a look at this and tell me what you think.


Results for the Solomani Geneering Table

1. 1 geneered stat; roll randomly; cannot be SOC
2. 1-3 geneered stats; (roll 1D: 1-3 = 1 stat; 4-5 = 2 stats; 6 = 3 stats); roll randomly; cannot be SOC
3. 1-5 geneered stats; (roll 1D: 1-2 = 1 stat; 3 = 2 stats; 4 = 3 stats; 5 = 4 stats; 6 = 5 stats); roll randomly; cannot be SOC
4. 3 geneered stats; roll randomly; cannot be SOC
5. Geneering (see below)
6. 1 geneered stat; player's choice; cannot be SOC

Geneering (result #4) allows a player to roll 2D five times then arrange to taste (except for SOC).
Your Gengineering rules in general. [/QB]
Oh, gotcha.

Well, I figured many house rule systems use a 3D-take-the-best-two or a 2D-arrange-to-taste method of rolling stats, and I was never comforatable with that in Traveller. I always liked the one-roll-2D-per-stat method as written.

So, I came up with a method of implementing those house rules I'd seen in other people's games--but I made it very, very hard to get.

This discussion has been good, though (that's why we're doing it, eh?). After your comments, I revised the Solomani Geneering thing a bit.

Take a look at this and tell me what you think.


Results for the Solomani Geneering Table

1. 1 geneered stat; roll randomly; cannot be SOC
2. 1-3 geneered stats; (roll 1D: 1-3 = 1 stat; 4-5 = 2 stats; 6 = 3 stats); roll randomly; cannot be SOC
3. 1-5 geneered stats; (roll 1D: 1-2 = 1 stat; 3 = 2 stats; 4 = 3 stats; 5 = 4 stats; 6 = 5 stats); roll randomly; cannot be SOC
4. 3 geneered stats; roll randomly; cannot be SOC
5. Geneering (see below)
6. 1 geneered stat; player's choice; cannot be SOC

Geneering (result #4) allows a player to roll 2D five times then arrange to taste (except for SOC).