My Fave nation is the land of OZ, and not just bacause I'm an Aussie.
secound prefrance is non-cannon and kind of a Non-Nation, the SWC (South West Coalition) a counter mexican political movment operating in what they call "Occupied US Territory". Made up of mostly middle class Whites, Blacks and Asians sick of an inordinately high tax burden and the inability to advance socially or economically due to racial persuade. Many go to the US or Texas for higher education and once their secretly change citizenship and undergo militia training, before returning home to work, the group is largely non valiant the only major action was an abortive partisan uprising under the guise of the South Western Militia during the Texan rebellion of 2099. The goal of the SWC is “to gain a peaceful separation from Mexico (or by force of arms in necessary) so they can rejoin the US or Texas and live as free men and women not constrained by our ethnic backgrounds”. The SWC is largely self funding but has a number of backers (financial and otherwise) in doth The States and Texas including both governments. The group lacks the numbers, training, coordination and equipment to stage a successful uprising and they know it so they focus of keeping the dream of freedom alive and wait for an opportunity to act. Although the past few years (between the years of 2300-2303) their has bean a rise in action taken against overly corrupt and oppressive officials calling it’s self the South West Coalition Militia including gangland style executions and fire bombings of homes offices and a few car bombings of government political rallies for good measures.