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FF&S for T:NE..will it work with Twilight:2000 v2.2?

I've got the Traveller New Era Core book (~300pages) and got the PDF of Fire, Fusion and Steel that goes with it. I recently picked up the reprint of the Twilight 2000 rules that FFE put out that has version 1 of the rules(from the box set) and 4 modules plus a couple of challenge articles in it. I see that there was a version 2.2 of Twilight 2000 published that made the rules synch up with the TNE rules.

I have two questions for anyone who might know.
(1) Will the FF&S design rules I have work with this T:2000 v2.2 edition PDF I see is available?
(2) Is the T:2000 v2.2 edition PDF going to be 90% a duplication of what I already have in my edition of TNE?

I was just curious since I'd rather not waste the money on the 2.2 ruleset if I already have most of it in my TNE book. Is there a lot of T:2000 specific info in this v2.2 core book or is it mainly contained in the 1st and 2nd edition sourcebooks? For instance does the T:2000 v2.2 book contain the essentials from the 1st edition sourcebooks like Howling Wilderness and RDF to detail those areas or will I still need to grab a copy of those sourcebooks from the 1st edition rules?

On drive-thru-rpg the full size preview for the T:2000 v2.2 book comes up blank for me so I can't see the table of contents to see what it contains.
Pretty much... there are some rounding differences in T2K, and T2K works from real world values... but the stats and careers are compatible (as are Dark Conspiracy's), tho characters themselves are not (due to lower skill acuisition rates in TNE)...

As for mechanics, it's about 25% of T2k 2.2, and 35-40% on TNE, AND TNE is a larger book... But that's because TNE adds ship ops, ship combat, world gen, world collapse, trade, zero-G, high-G, etc. 90% of the T2K rules are in TNE, but that's only about 60% of the TNE Rules. And there are a few nifties buried in T2K that aren't in TNE.

T2K 2.2 gives a flat-rate skill gain, as opposed to TNE's declining gains, and extra skills. Dark Conspiracy is REALLY useful in T2K, as it gives a huge range of civilian careers.

You can simply drop in equipment and vehicles... but traveller vehicles weigh too much.. ;)
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What Aramis said regarding vehicle masses. Though with a bit of fudging it is possible to get something closer to real vehicles. For example my TL5 Leopold tracked tank is actually a rebadged Panzer III Ausf F and my Heinrich is a Panzer IV. Basically throw out the turret rules as written, design the main turret and tank chassis as if they were both open topped vehicles. That will reduce the mass a bit.

TNE's Fire Fusion and Steel does work for Twilight2k although everything (not just the vehicles) is too heavy. Tac missiles in particular, with the launcher supposedly x 4 the missiles weight. Crap. The launcher for the Dragon, Milan, Hot etc (I could go on and on here) are no heavier and in many cases lighter than the missile fired. Little things like that are fairly easily worked around though once you get past the Huh what were they thinking moment.

The disease rules in T2K 2.2 aren't in T:TNE though and are handy, for both.
Re:last post
Technically, there is no launcher for Javelin or Eryx as they're effectively fired out of their transit packinging.
Their guidance electronics, & possibly a monopod for bracing/weight relief, are placed on the launch tube just before firing, & are removed instantly afterwards, i.e they're "Snap on/Snap off"...
(I suspect with "the launcher is 4 times the missile's mass" rule was based on the heavy, reloadable, 3xTOW launcher fitted to some M113 ,Stryker, & Hummer dedicated anti-armour variants....).
Disposable package launchers are a separate type in FF&S. They weigh half the weight of the missile. I had a WTF moment when I went to design some missiles recently. My eyes skipped straight past package and locked on to tube. The tube launcher is a reusable launch tube, not the throw-away tube that everybody uses. The only examples I can think of are VLS on ships or the rocket pods on helicopters. I guess, Sea Sparrow and Sea Wolf would count as tube launchers as well.

The twin TOW launcher is a small turret with mountings for package launchers. The missile tube (package) mounts on the turret and is ready to fire.
Disposable package launchers are a separate type in FF&S. They weigh half the weight of the missile. I had a WTF moment when I went to design some missiles recently. My eyes skipped straight past package and locked on to tube. The tube launcher is a reusable launch tube, not the throw-away tube that everybody uses. The only examples I can think of are VLS on ships or the rocket pods on helicopters. I guess, Sea Sparrow and Sea Wolf would count as tube launchers as well.

The twin TOW launcher is a small turret with mountings for package launchers. The missile tube (package) mounts on the turret and is ready to fire.

No, TOW is not a package launcher at all - rather it is a tube launcher that is reused. The missiles are loaded a bit like ammunition for a CPR gun.
No, TOW is not a package launcher at all - rather it is a tube launcher that is reused. The missiles are loaded a bit like ammunition for a CPR gun.

True, I was sure I'd seen them handled in tubes. Must be shipping containers. The tubes stay with the launcher, so TOW is a good example of a tube launcher.
Looking for

The rules sheet on how to roll up a USAF SP for Twlight 2000 1ed. I only saw the write up once and they actually seemed to have it pretty close by what I remember. Anyway I would love to have it, seeing that I was a SP for 15 years:)
True, I was sure I'd seen them handled in tubes. Must be shipping containers. The tubes stay with the launcher, so TOW is a good example of a tube launcher.

The Helitow version of TOW (and indeed it's South African "Knockoff's" Swift & Ingwe) do use package launchers, rather than tube launchers, for Helicopter use....
Hellfire, on the other hand, uses a launch rail system, for ground based applications....