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FFW PBEM - TNS Bulletin




The office of Sector Admiral Cunningham, CINC Imperial Forces/Spinward Marches, confirmed rumors of Outworld Coalition incursions into Imperial territory, and that in fact engagements have occured between Imperial forces and Zhodani & Vargr elements. A state of war is now assumed to exist between the Imperium and both the Zhodani Consulate and the Vargr enclaves of Uthith and Gireel.

A massive Zhodani battle fleet attacked Imperial forces at Jewell/Jewell on 187-1107, engaging the SDB squadrons there and conducting a brief surface bombardment before jumping outsystem.

The spokesman also revealed that the 3277th Imperial Marine Regiment was under heavy ground attack at about the same time by a "substantial Vargr naval and ground force" on Dentus/Regina. The 3277th Regiment was said to have inflicted "significant casualties" on the attackers, but under heavy pressure.

But more electrifying yet was news of an engagement between the Imperial 214th Fleet and two Zhodani assault fleets in the Grant/Jewell system three weeks ago. The spokesman declined to report casualties suffered by either side other than to confirm that both sides had incurred losses.

Meanwhile, another Zhodani Fleet has reportedly entered the Frenzie system in Vilis subsector. Officials declined to comment or speculate on operations of the 193rd Fleet, in whose sector of operations Frenzie lies, or whether Sword Worlds Confederation forces were assisting the Zhodani.

"Imperial forces are marshalling to counter this threats. Have confidence that the invaders will be repelled," was the spokesman's only answer to questions regarding the Imperium's response to the invasion.

The Travellers Aid Society has issued a warning bulletin classifying the entire Spinward Marches as an Amber Zone until further notice.


Traveller's News Service - Special War Bulletin
Cronor/Cronor 0304

Provincial Governor Stalijtlas held a press briefing today concerning what he referred to as the "current state of hostilities between the Zhodani Consulate and the Imperium". Citing operational security concerns, the Governor gave few details but did reveal that Zhodani forces were in the process of annexing neutral several worlds "to secure legitimate Consular interests in the region".

Governor Stalijtlas did admit that the co-dominium world of Esalin was among these, but other than revealing that military operations had been conducted against Imperial forces based there, he declined to comment more specifically.

When questioned regarding the extent of Zhodani military operations the Governor stated: "Consular armed forces will go as far as necessary to achieve the objectives of the Consulate, and in many cases will be responding to the requests of sophonts oppressed by the Imperium. Look at Porozlo, for example - dissatisfaction with Imperial rule there is so significant that the Ine Givar number at least half as many as the supposedly legitimate forces. Surely those beings deserve justice."

Governor Stalijtlas would not confirm that Zhodani forces were operating in conjunction with the Sword Worlds Confederation or Vargr elements, but did say that "Zhodani forces will naturally cooperate with those supporting freedom."


Stay tuned to the Traveller's News Service for continuing coverage of the war in the Marches!

Fear not, the game is on-going! We just had a few minor and not-so-minor disruptions on my end, but things are back on track. Here's this week's update.

Traveller News Service - Continuing War Coverage!


Sector Admiral Cunningham, CINC of Imperial Forces, Spinward Marches, released the following statement today:

"Imperial sector HQ can confirm that the forces of the Outworld coalition have begun an Invasion of Imperial space. Imperial forces are moving to defend out people against this savage act of aggression.

"We can confirm that Outworld coalition forces have commenced the bombardment of planetary populations inside imperial space. Some of these attacks have been carried out without formal declaration of war and where possible Imperial policy will be to bring those responsible to justice.

"Our forces will no doubt repulse these attacks and carry the battle to the aggressor. However this will be a long war as Imperial forces on the frontier have traditionally been kept at a low level to avoid provoking our neighbours.

"Reinforcements have begun to arrive but as yet we are still outnumbered."


In a brief statement, Sector Admiral Cunningham announced that a state of war now exists between the Sword Worlds Confederation and the Imperium. The Admiral declined to answer questions beyond stating that Sword World forces were engaged in combat against Imperial forces in the Vilis and Lanth subsectors.


In a solemn ceremony, Rear Admiral Vasilyev, commander of the 212th Fleet, accepted the colors of the 3277th Marine Regiment from the regimental sergeant major and the executive officer of the regiment's 2nd Battalion, the senior surviving officer of the regiment. The 3277th regiment succumbed to the Vargr 101st Field Army, after putting up a heroic resistance against 100 times their number and inflicting significant casualties on their attackers.

212th Fleet arrived too late to relieve the embattled Marines, but in time to avenge them. A sharp space action between the 212th Fleet and forces from the Vargr Uthith enclave resulted in the expulsion of the Vargr from the system and the destruction of the enemy "stay-behind" forces by the Imperial 437th Corps.

"The final message from regimental HQ was "The 3277th will uphold the traditions of the Corps,'", Admiral Vasilyev noted in a brief address to the regiment's survivors. "You have gone far beyond that, and forged a shining, new chapter of the history of the Imperial Marines."

Admiral Vasilyev closed his remarks stating "We will carry the war to the enemy, and carry these colors with us."
