An Air Force Flying Squadron, whether it be fighters, tactical lift, strategic lift, bombers, etc, etc. will have the following:
Commander - LtCol
Director of Operations (DO) - LtCol
1-4 Flights - Typically a Major or Senior Captain.
Flight members will run the gambit of officers (Lt-Major) as well as enlisted (E-1 thru E-8) Aircrew i.e. Flight Engineers, loadmasters, etc. depending on the type of aircraft. Cargo (lift) aircraft have mixed crews, officer and enlisted verses bombers or fighters, which are typically all officer crews.
There will also be support functions within those organizations such as:
aircrew life support (enlisted)
training (enlisted/officer)
weapons and tactics (manned out of aircrew resources)
standards and evaluations (manned out of aircrew resources)
aircrew forms (enlisted)