SOC-14 1K
Yes, it is no more ridiculous than dodging light-speed attacks.Can "Help line up a shot" and dodging be done simultaneously?
I know rules don't talk about it, but "giving the gunner a stable paltfaorm" and dodging seem quite contradictory to me...
You can even dodge and dock with another vessel in the same round...
Yes, this is an advantage for ships with a single weapon, whether turret, bay, or spinal.As this is clearly not applicable to HG barrages (that represent many weapons at once), I assumed the HG FC programs were, as their computers, more powerful.
THis gives a clear advantage to fighters, if they divide on small flights...
It's well-defined, but not very detailed. It's all there in two paragraphs. No, distance and size doesn't matter.True, but quite ill defined.
As an example. are they affected by distance or by target size?
I had to re-read the rules. And then re-read them again. My head hurts.IMHO single weapons attacks should be handled by CB rules, not by barrage ones.
Using single weapon attacks as barrages makes them far too powerful.
Unless the Referee force your hand barrages are a choice. There is no lower limit to a barrage except "At minimum, a barrage must include ten weapons of the same type* or all the weapons on the ship of that type if fewer are mounted". A ship can only fire a single barrage on each target. You can always choose basic attacks instead.
* I guess?
The damage system to be used depends on the type of firer and target.
If the target is small, we use the basic damage system (unless the damage is larger than hit points; ship destroyed).
If the target is capital the damage system depends on type of firer: small does basic damage, but capital does capital damage.
So the simple damage system in HG is only used when a capital fires a barrage on another capital. In all other cases the basic system in the core book is used, except select systems cannot suffer a third hit on capital.
Hence the fighters are always using the basic damage system on the capital, regardless if they use basic attacks or barrages. And the capital always uses the basic damage system on fighters. Which invalidates nearly all my calculations in this thread (I think the bay damage is correct).
I start to remember why I didn't like the MgT1 ship system...
Edit: Re-read the rules again. The above is probably wrong, depending on the value of "normal". Barrages against capital probably should use the simplified system... Mongoose seems to have a curious aversion to expressing rules clearly.
Nope? They would use the basic system, so look in the Damage - Effect table in Core p150 to translate that into Two single hits (and no hull damage). The capital ship will soon find itself without armour and sensors (but at least the sensors will be repaired most rounds).A two seat fighter with good FM firing against the Planet cruiser as in my first example (as we have the System Damage tables for it) could produce up to about 6 hull/Structure hits plus a System Damage roll, that could mean reducing its armor or destroy 30-40 turrets...
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