This seems like as good a place for the thread as any.
In the past, we've discussed the issue of banks putting millions into shipping ventures that just might fail, the potential for shipbuyers to skip, the risks to the banks' investments and so forth. Some thoughts:
By longstanding canon, from Book 1 through MegaTrav (and Gurps? I don't have that book), merchant captains have a chance of retiring with a ship - and a debt. Takes a minimum of 4 terms to reach captain (with a whole lot of luck), typically more with no guarantee of getting there. So, if you make captain, you have a minimum of seven and likely more chances to roll a 6 on 1d6 - a pretty good chance if you're determined, and more likely if you spend more time getting to captain and have more rolls to play with.
That's, at minimum, a MCr 7.416 investment, 20% of the cost of a free trader. How you come up with 7 million credits over a career is an interesting discussion all by itself but not the focus at the moment. Point is, Captain So-and-so has a 7 million credit investment.
So, comes the day, and things haven't worked out as well as the good captain would have hoped. He's behind in his payments, the bank wants the ship. So he ...
Runs? That's the common thought, makes a certain amount of sense for players who value their freedom of movement and need a platform to go from adventure to adventure. Canon odds are pretty stiff: "Ships which have skipped are subject to repossession attempts if detected by the authorities. Such attempts may range from the formal service of papers through legal injunctions to armed boarding parties. On each world landing, throw 12+ to avoid a repossession attempt; apply a DM of +1 per 5 parsecs distance from the ship's home planet, to a maximum of +9. If the ship has called on the same world twice within the last two months, apply a DM of -2."
However, does it make sense for the captain with a 7-million+ credit investment? Not stated in the rules (which give very little information about the repossession process), but common in law is the idea that the owner is entitled to his investment back, less arrears, the cost of the foreclosure/repossession action, depreciation and losses incurred in reselling the repossessed property, and so forth.
In a nutshell, while canon doesn't specifically speaks to it, there is strong logic in the bank kicking back a fair portion of that 7 million credit investment: it gives the unfortunate captain a strong incentive to play by the rules. So, he loses his ship and ends up with, say, 3 or 4 million credits, having lost half his investment and found himself "beached", but "beached" with enough money to either go where he wants and retire in comfort or to begin investing and accumulating into the down payment for his next ship. Meanwhile, the bank gets the ship to resell, with the other 3 or 4 million credits covering the past due payments, legal costs covered, money for repair and reconditioning, and a hefty chunk of "penalties" to add to its profit margin. If the bank can get the captains to cooperate, they actually make more money more quickly by repossessing than by the loan itself. The older the ship, the larger the captain's investment, and the more money available to the bank to offset the ship's age and lower value - and the more money the captain gets back.
(Although, if the man's managed 10 or more years of steady payment, there's logic in extending a small short-term loan against his principal to bring the larger loan current, see him through the hard patch and help him become a steady payer again. Worst case, you end up owning more of his principal after repossession.)
I'm giving thought to allowing greater freedom to the player in choice of ship. So, for example, the far trader's something under twice the cost of a free trader: if he rolls a ship twice, he can take it as a far trader with a 40-year loan instead of the usual free trader with ten years of the loan paid off. Or, he can try his hand at design and order up a custom job - provided the custom job's design can make enough money to pay the loan. For that purpose, I'm assuming each roll of a ship is equivalent to MCr 7 toward a down payment. Allows for some tweaking.
I'm also wondering what mentions there are in canon about repossession. Like most folk, I've got my own house rules, but the body of canon's pretty large, there are many corners I don't know about. How patient are the banks?
In the past, we've discussed the issue of banks putting millions into shipping ventures that just might fail, the potential for shipbuyers to skip, the risks to the banks' investments and so forth. Some thoughts:
By longstanding canon, from Book 1 through MegaTrav (and Gurps? I don't have that book), merchant captains have a chance of retiring with a ship - and a debt. Takes a minimum of 4 terms to reach captain (with a whole lot of luck), typically more with no guarantee of getting there. So, if you make captain, you have a minimum of seven and likely more chances to roll a 6 on 1d6 - a pretty good chance if you're determined, and more likely if you spend more time getting to captain and have more rolls to play with.
That's, at minimum, a MCr 7.416 investment, 20% of the cost of a free trader. How you come up with 7 million credits over a career is an interesting discussion all by itself but not the focus at the moment. Point is, Captain So-and-so has a 7 million credit investment.
So, comes the day, and things haven't worked out as well as the good captain would have hoped. He's behind in his payments, the bank wants the ship. So he ...
Runs? That's the common thought, makes a certain amount of sense for players who value their freedom of movement and need a platform to go from adventure to adventure. Canon odds are pretty stiff: "Ships which have skipped are subject to repossession attempts if detected by the authorities. Such attempts may range from the formal service of papers through legal injunctions to armed boarding parties. On each world landing, throw 12+ to avoid a repossession attempt; apply a DM of +1 per 5 parsecs distance from the ship's home planet, to a maximum of +9. If the ship has called on the same world twice within the last two months, apply a DM of -2."
However, does it make sense for the captain with a 7-million+ credit investment? Not stated in the rules (which give very little information about the repossession process), but common in law is the idea that the owner is entitled to his investment back, less arrears, the cost of the foreclosure/repossession action, depreciation and losses incurred in reselling the repossessed property, and so forth.
In a nutshell, while canon doesn't specifically speaks to it, there is strong logic in the bank kicking back a fair portion of that 7 million credit investment: it gives the unfortunate captain a strong incentive to play by the rules. So, he loses his ship and ends up with, say, 3 or 4 million credits, having lost half his investment and found himself "beached", but "beached" with enough money to either go where he wants and retire in comfort or to begin investing and accumulating into the down payment for his next ship. Meanwhile, the bank gets the ship to resell, with the other 3 or 4 million credits covering the past due payments, legal costs covered, money for repair and reconditioning, and a hefty chunk of "penalties" to add to its profit margin. If the bank can get the captains to cooperate, they actually make more money more quickly by repossessing than by the loan itself. The older the ship, the larger the captain's investment, and the more money available to the bank to offset the ship's age and lower value - and the more money the captain gets back.
(Although, if the man's managed 10 or more years of steady payment, there's logic in extending a small short-term loan against his principal to bring the larger loan current, see him through the hard patch and help him become a steady payer again. Worst case, you end up owning more of his principal after repossession.)
I'm giving thought to allowing greater freedom to the player in choice of ship. So, for example, the far trader's something under twice the cost of a free trader: if he rolls a ship twice, he can take it as a far trader with a 40-year loan instead of the usual free trader with ten years of the loan paid off. Or, he can try his hand at design and order up a custom job - provided the custom job's design can make enough money to pay the loan. For that purpose, I'm assuming each roll of a ship is equivalent to MCr 7 toward a down payment. Allows for some tweaking.
I'm also wondering what mentions there are in canon about repossession. Like most folk, I've got my own house rules, but the body of canon's pretty large, there are many corners I don't know about. How patient are the banks?