I'm looking at getting into 3D printing, and I figured the most fun way would be to start with Traveller starships. And what better starships to try than the ugly, boxy, structurally simple Judges Guild unstreamlined ships?
I have no idea how it will print - probably poorly, but then again, it's my first attempt at 3D modeling in years, and the first time I've used FreeCad. And I've never done 3D printing before.
I still have to add some greebles, including the airlocks, but I'm happy I made it this far.
It's designed to be at 1:1000 scale, to match the starships I picked up from Foreven Shipyards and DSL Ironworks on Shapeways.
As a complete aside, the Judges Guild "Starships and Spacecraft" supplement was one of the first supplements I picked up for Traveller - probably at about the same time I picked up Adventure 1 and Supplement 3, and helped make Traveller awesome in my High School Freshman brain. So, even though these ships are ugly, I will always have a fondness for them.
I have no idea how it will print - probably poorly, but then again, it's my first attempt at 3D modeling in years, and the first time I've used FreeCad. And I've never done 3D printing before.
I still have to add some greebles, including the airlocks, but I'm happy I made it this far.
It's designed to be at 1:1000 scale, to match the starships I picked up from Foreven Shipyards and DSL Ironworks on Shapeways.
As a complete aside, the Judges Guild "Starships and Spacecraft" supplement was one of the first supplements I picked up for Traveller - probably at about the same time I picked up Adventure 1 and Supplement 3, and helped make Traveller awesome in my High School Freshman brain. So, even though these ships are ugly, I will always have a fondness for them.