Comments about the Worlds and Travel Chapter - Part 8 (Psionics section)
This section opens up with the usual description of the treatment of Psionics in the OTU, slightly modified by the Collapse (such as underground Psionic Institute cells surfacing and takig power in the Collapse's aftermath, and other becoming anti-tyranny resistance groups trying to overthrow TEDs).
Hmmm... The psionic faction that thinks that Psions are superior to "mundane" Humans reminds me of the Babylon 5 PsiCorps, but, luckily, with far less resources; the 'Corps were one of my favorite villians in Babylon 5 and the archenemy of two of my most memorable PCs in a Babylon 5 PEBM RPG.
That said, locating Institute branches is done exactly as in CT-LBB3, with an added chance for a violent encounter (on a Catasrophic Failure) with violent anti-PSI elements. Psionic Strength testing is done as in CT-LBB3, that is with a Cr5,000 fee, though there is now an option to perform a non-monetary service to the Institute instead; Psionic Strength is generated as in CT-LBB3 and degrades with aging as in CT-LBB3, except that in TNE the degredation begins at age 17 instead of 18.
There is, however, one major difference between CT and TNE in regard to Psionic Strength: TNE states on p.246 that most NPCs don't even have a PSI Strength of 1, and that the procedure above is intended for interested PCs alone.
The mechanism for resolving psionic uses TNE's normal task-resolution system, with difficulty based on stress (i.e. the more peaceful the environment is, the easier it is to use PSI), but obce success is achieved a roll of 1D10+ PSI Strength + PSI Skill and with the target's INT and Willpower Skill serving as a negative DM is required; this is then compared to a table giving the "stage" of success. A bit cumbersome, IMHO. Also, under TNE, psionic use is as fatiguing as hard work.
Psionic training now usually requires a comitment to the Institution rather than the previous Cr100,000 sum; I like the new way better, as it encouraging roleplaying AND PC political agendas. Plus it has the familiar Babylon 5 "The Corp is Mother, the Corp is Father" air about it, which I also consider as a good thing.
TNE's Psionic Talents are somewhat different from the CT ones: they are Telepathy, Teleperception, Self-Awareness, Telephysics, Teleportation and Arcana. Each Talent is a cascade skill; each specific ability is a skill. Talents are recieved as in CT, i.e. by a series of throws while in training; all cascades start at 0 if they're recieved. Later experience forces the character to choose one skill within each cluster she has and specialize in it, rather than CT's hirarchial approach (i.e. the higher the Talent score, the more abilites you have in it in CT).
It is also noted that using Telepathic powers on creatures biologically and/or cognitively different from the user (i.e. a Human scanning an Aslan) is more difficult and reduces the "success stages". A new Telepathy power was added - Willpower Drain (used to reduce a target's resistance to Psionics); the Shield power no longer provides absolute protection but rather helps resist psionic attacks (as it should do).
Teleperception (i.e. clairvoyance, clairaudiance and so on) is very similar to the CT Clairvoyance Talent.
Telephysics is a greatly expanded version of CT's Telekinesis Talent, with Cryokinesis (psionically cooling objects) and Pyrokinesis (psionically heating objects) added to the old Telekinesis.
CT's Awareness Talent is now called Self, or Self Awareness (both terms are interchangingbly used in TNE), and is similar in composition to its CT equivalent, with the addition of the Orientation power (some kind of a "locations ense" power).
Teleportation in TNE is similar to Teleportation in CT.
Arcana is a new Talent, a replacement of "special", including three interesting powers - Computer Empathy (interacting with computers by psionics, and "mind-probing" AIs such as the Virus), Psionic Healing (healing others by psionics, disallowed by CT), and Prescience (very limited future-seeing and furtune-telling).
Psi Drugs in TNE work essentially in the same way as in CT.