Having just gotten the book, I'm trying to work through character creation to make sure I'm not inadvertently creating any "house rules", or mis-understanding anything. If you'd be so kind as to point out any errors below, it would be much appreciated.
Concept: I'm looking to build a risk-taker who is focused on hazardous environments and materials. The type of guy who salvages the uranium out of undetonated nuclear missiles while in freefall in tainted atmosphere.
Stats: Rolled 4d6 drop lowest x 8. [14 13 17 13 9 11 16 12]
S 13 - D 13 - C 17 - I 14 - W 9 - Ch 12
Race: Vilani, for no partcular reason, but I start considering if his family is former (disgraced) nobility.
Homeworld: High Tech 2 [roll 5], Tech 11 [2 on D3], Port A (4), Na Va [7]
Homeworld Skills: T/Comp 0, T/Mechanical 2, Pilot 0 [Saw no reason to buy others at 0 since I assume I can put class skill points in them later. Pilot 0 from Vessel feat.]
Homeworld Feats: Armor (Vac Suit), Zero-G Adaptation, Vessel (Grav)
Initial Class: Belter [Chosen because Demolitions and T/Medical are class skills]
Racial Feat: Nerves of Steel
Lvl 1 Skills: Appraise 1, Bluff 2, Demo 4, Forward Observer 1, Gambling 4, Gunnery 4, K/Mining 1, K/Geology 3, T/Astrogation 1, Pilot 4, P/Prospecting 2, Search 4, T/Medical 4, T/Sensors 1 [Not so good at mining, mostly prep for Hazmat duties. (6 (class) + 2 (int) + 1 (vilani)) x 4]
Lvl 1 Feats: Armor (Light), Weapon (Marksman), Imp. Zero-G Adaptation, Dumb Luck
Prior Hist 1: Belter (Rush Region [12], Fail Survival [roll 3 + terms 0], Robbed [2], Re-enlist OK [9]) [No XP b/c of failed survival
. Ending age = 18]
Muster Out (Belter): Cash 100,000 [4 + 1] [Failed survival, but not dishonorable. I still get benefits, yes? Went for cash since it had the gambling bonus.]
Prior Hist 2: Marines (Raid [20], Extra Risk +5, Survived [roll 15 + edu 3], Commision [10 + 3 vs DC 3], Promotion [8 + 3 vs DC 6], SEH Decoration [16 v DC 1], XP Bonus 4000 [13 vs DC 1, 4 on D4], Re-enlist OK [12]) [Can promotion and comission happen at once? Ending rank = O2, age = 22, XP = 19,000! Good god, that was a lot of XP for one term!]
[Five new levels. Taking Belter x 1, Marine x 4. Can I take levels in Belter during Marine Prior History?]
Level 2 Skills: Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Search 1, T/Medical 1, T/Comm 1, T/Comp 1, T/Elec 1, T/Grav 1 [promote core skills, make sure T/ skills are trained]
Level 2 Feat: Vessel (Starship) [noticed this was not on the Marine list]
Level 3 Skills: Combat Eng 1, Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1 [new class has 2/lvl]
Level 3 Feats: Zero-G Combat, Medical Specialty (pathogens), Weapon (Sword), Weapon (Combat Rifle), Focus (Cutlass), Armor (Medium) [includes feat for char lvl 3 and starting feats for Marine]
Level 4 Skills: Combat Eng 1, Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1
Level 4 Feats: Weapon (Ship Weapons)
Level 4 Attribute: +1 Con
Level 5 Skills: Combat Eng 1, Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1
Level 6 Skills: Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1, T/Medical 1
Level 6 Feat: Great Fortitude
Prior Hist 3: Marines (Raid [20 again! Freakishly lucky die rolls only happen when preparing a practice char. I hate you, Murphy!], Risk +3, Survived, Promoted, MCUF Decoration [1 vs DC 1... is 1 an auto-fail here?], XP Bonus 1000, No Re-enlist) [Ending rank = O3, age = 26, XP = 27,000]
Level 7 (Marine) Skills: Demo 1, Gambling 1, Survival 1, T/Medical 2
Level 7 (Marine) Feat: Second Wind
Muster Out (Marines): Low Passage, Weapon x2, TAS Membership [Went for the material goods, since I already have good cash and it has nice attrib bonuses]
Prior Hist 4: Mercenary (Recruiting, Survived, No Comm, Promotion, No XP, No Cash, Required Re-Enlist) [Do I start here as O3, or as E1? Can I take addl risk when there is no survive DC? If so, does that also give a commision chance? Total rank = E2, age = 30, XP = 32,000]
I'll stop here since I've mostly covered my questions.
If I hadn't gotten required re-enlist, could I have gone back to Marines Prior History afterward? Can I do so after the second Merc term, even though I'm older than 34? If so, do I resume at my previous rank?
Thanks for everyone's help, and apologies for the length.
. . . . . . . -- Eric
Concept: I'm looking to build a risk-taker who is focused on hazardous environments and materials. The type of guy who salvages the uranium out of undetonated nuclear missiles while in freefall in tainted atmosphere.
Stats: Rolled 4d6 drop lowest x 8. [14 13 17 13 9 11 16 12]
S 13 - D 13 - C 17 - I 14 - W 9 - Ch 12
Race: Vilani, for no partcular reason, but I start considering if his family is former (disgraced) nobility.
Homeworld: High Tech 2 [roll 5], Tech 11 [2 on D3], Port A (4), Na Va [7]
Homeworld Skills: T/Comp 0, T/Mechanical 2, Pilot 0 [Saw no reason to buy others at 0 since I assume I can put class skill points in them later. Pilot 0 from Vessel feat.]
Homeworld Feats: Armor (Vac Suit), Zero-G Adaptation, Vessel (Grav)
Initial Class: Belter [Chosen because Demolitions and T/Medical are class skills]
Racial Feat: Nerves of Steel
Lvl 1 Skills: Appraise 1, Bluff 2, Demo 4, Forward Observer 1, Gambling 4, Gunnery 4, K/Mining 1, K/Geology 3, T/Astrogation 1, Pilot 4, P/Prospecting 2, Search 4, T/Medical 4, T/Sensors 1 [Not so good at mining, mostly prep for Hazmat duties. (6 (class) + 2 (int) + 1 (vilani)) x 4]
Lvl 1 Feats: Armor (Light), Weapon (Marksman), Imp. Zero-G Adaptation, Dumb Luck
Prior Hist 1: Belter (Rush Region [12], Fail Survival [roll 3 + terms 0], Robbed [2], Re-enlist OK [9]) [No XP b/c of failed survival

Muster Out (Belter): Cash 100,000 [4 + 1] [Failed survival, but not dishonorable. I still get benefits, yes? Went for cash since it had the gambling bonus.]
Prior Hist 2: Marines (Raid [20], Extra Risk +5, Survived [roll 15 + edu 3], Commision [10 + 3 vs DC 3], Promotion [8 + 3 vs DC 6], SEH Decoration [16 v DC 1], XP Bonus 4000 [13 vs DC 1, 4 on D4], Re-enlist OK [12]) [Can promotion and comission happen at once? Ending rank = O2, age = 22, XP = 19,000! Good god, that was a lot of XP for one term!]
[Five new levels. Taking Belter x 1, Marine x 4. Can I take levels in Belter during Marine Prior History?]
Level 2 Skills: Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Search 1, T/Medical 1, T/Comm 1, T/Comp 1, T/Elec 1, T/Grav 1 [promote core skills, make sure T/ skills are trained]
Level 2 Feat: Vessel (Starship) [noticed this was not on the Marine list]
Level 3 Skills: Combat Eng 1, Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1 [new class has 2/lvl]
Level 3 Feats: Zero-G Combat, Medical Specialty (pathogens), Weapon (Sword), Weapon (Combat Rifle), Focus (Cutlass), Armor (Medium) [includes feat for char lvl 3 and starting feats for Marine]
Level 4 Skills: Combat Eng 1, Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1
Level 4 Feats: Weapon (Ship Weapons)
Level 4 Attribute: +1 Con
Level 5 Skills: Combat Eng 1, Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1
Level 6 Skills: Demo 1, Gambling 1, Gunnery 1, Survival 1, T/Medical 1
Level 6 Feat: Great Fortitude
Prior Hist 3: Marines (Raid [20 again! Freakishly lucky die rolls only happen when preparing a practice char. I hate you, Murphy!], Risk +3, Survived, Promoted, MCUF Decoration [1 vs DC 1... is 1 an auto-fail here?], XP Bonus 1000, No Re-enlist) [Ending rank = O3, age = 26, XP = 27,000]
Level 7 (Marine) Skills: Demo 1, Gambling 1, Survival 1, T/Medical 2
Level 7 (Marine) Feat: Second Wind
Muster Out (Marines): Low Passage, Weapon x2, TAS Membership [Went for the material goods, since I already have good cash and it has nice attrib bonuses]
Prior Hist 4: Mercenary (Recruiting, Survived, No Comm, Promotion, No XP, No Cash, Required Re-Enlist) [Do I start here as O3, or as E1? Can I take addl risk when there is no survive DC? If so, does that also give a commision chance? Total rank = E2, age = 30, XP = 32,000]
I'll stop here since I've mostly covered my questions.
If I hadn't gotten required re-enlist, could I have gone back to Marines Prior History afterward? Can I do so after the second Merc term, even though I'm older than 34? If so, do I resume at my previous rank?
Thanks for everyone's help, and apologies for the length.
. . . . . . . -- Eric