This is a game, not a simulation
Roll playing versus
Role playing.
Choose wisely which takes higher priority for you ...

I can't make the distinction any clearer than that.
Don't shoot me, I didn't write the rules...
I'll grant you didn't write the rules ... but when you consistently misinterpret them even after being repeatedly informed of your error (with evidence and examples provided), that IS on YOU.
You're no longer a messenger at that point (don't shoot the messenger) ... you're a source of disinformation.
But Spinward Flow is correct about RAW, at least up to a point.
We don't have to like it or allow it in our campaigns, but it is RAW.
Correct, it is the Rules As Written.
Combining Pilot of ship and Pilot of small craft is common.
True. This is often times done to avoid the need to hire someone else with Ship's Boat-1 skill.
That is DEFINITELY a question of OR ... the Pilot can pilot either the Starship OR the Small Craft, but not both simultaneously (can't be in two separate craft at the same time). However, note that in order to pull off this trick, you need either Pilot-2 skill minimum (so as to default to Ship's Boat-1 when needed) or Pilot-1 and Ship's Boat-1 skill. Either way, this kind of OR position (not AND position, it's an OR position, which is an important distinction that any competent programmer ought to instantly recognize) means additional skill required for the position(s). So the starship+small craft pilot requires Cr6600 per month in salary to account for the additional skill requirement (6000*1.1=6600) they need to have, but they're not working two roles simultaneously.
Plural is used for any number that is not exactly one. A number of unknown value that can be zero, one, or two is a plural.
Yes, zero skills can be involved, e.g. for a cook (mentioned in LBB2'77).
Mainly because Steward-0 is considered sufficient for minimum qualification needed to fill the position of Steward.
Yet that is exactly what RAW says, sadly.
Yes, this looks like an exploit, but it also in accordance with RAW, unfortunately.
Noted without comment.
You can't have one person be in two places at the same time.
That's the limitation.
You can't fill a crew position on craft A
AND B at the same time.
So in a starship plus small craft circumstance, one person can fill crew positions on either craft (OR condition), but not at the same time (AND condition). So if you're filling a position on one, you can't simultaneously be filling that position on the other. Depending on how operations are organized, there are times when that is perfectly acceptable, such as a merchant ship with a small craft for orbital shuttle duties. The ship stays parked in orbit (unpiloted) while the pilot operates the small craft to shuttle cargo and passengers to/from orbit. Such an operational plan requires a "permissive" environment where neither starship nor small craft are under attack.
By contrast, if you want a fighter escort for your starship, you're going to need 2 pilots, not just 1.
One pilots the starship, the other pilots the fighter, simultaneously.
However, you CAN fill two crew positions ON THE SAME CRAFT (craft A and A, to be pedantic about it).
You can have a pilot/navigator who fills both positions simultaneously on the bridge of a starship.
You can have a steward/medic who fills both positions simultaneously for passengers of a starship.
You can have a gunner/gunner who fills two positions simultaneously for manning of weapons on a starship (they have enough skill to multi-task two gunnery positions).
You also have to find people willing to work the hours required. If an engineer generally works say 8 hours a day (why else would we need more of them?), an engineer filling two positions has to work quite a bit longer, he now has two full time jobs.
And this is where the correct application of rules for crew salary comes into play.
Single position:
- Gunnery-1 skill, Gunner position = (1000*1.0) = Cr1000 per month
- Gunnery-2 skill, Gunner position = (1000*1.1) = Cr1100 per month
- Gunnery-3 skill, Gunner position = (1000*1.1) = Cr1200 per month
- Gunnery-1 skill, Chief Gunner position = (1000*1.0)*1.1 = Cr1100 per month
- Gunnery-2 skill, Chief Gunner position = (1000*1.1)*1.1 = Cr1210 per month
- Gunnery-3 skill, Chief Gunner position = (1000*1.2)*1.1 = Cr1320 per month
Double position:
- Gunnery-2 skill, Gunner/Gunner position = ((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75 = Cr1650 per month
- Gunnery-3 skill, Gunner/Gunner position = ((1000*1.2)+(1000*1.2))*0.75 = Cr1800 per month
- Gunnery-2 skill, Chief Gunner/Gunner position = ((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1815 per month
- Gunnery-3 skill, Chief Gunner/Gunner position = ((1000*1.2)+(1000*1.2))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1980 per month
An NPC might just say no thanks.
Double the workload for a +50% increase in pay per month ... that's the economics of filling two crew positions and getting paid 75% for each (75+75=150).
So for a Skill-2 Gunner (to continue our above example, they can command a salary of:
- Cr1100 (Gunner position, junior)
- Cr1210 (Gunner position, chief)
- Cr1650 (Gunner/Gunner position, junior)
- Cr1815 (Gunner/Gunner position, chief)
- In order to command Cr1600 per month salary in a Gunner (junior) position, they would require Gunnery-7
- In order to command Cr1760 per month salary in a Gunner (chief) position, they would require Gunnery-6
So ... do you want to WORK
and get paid for it or not?
If you want "minimal duties" aboard, you're going to draw minimal pay for it.
The way for "better than minimum required skill" crew to draw extra salary per month is to fill a second crew position
and get paid for it.
It's not like they can draw 2x pay by working for two completely different ships at the same time instead, right?
So if you've got the skills to manage it (meaning Skill-2+), the best way to increase your own salary is to
take on extra crew duty beyond a single crew position ... because you've got the skill level to do so.
There can also be a problem finding people with the right skill combinations, or skill level.
When you require Skill-2+ instead of just merely Skill-1, that means adding "minimum 2 years experience" to the want ad. You'll have a smaller pool of applicants, but those who do apply should have more experience than the bare minimum (Skill-1) qualifications.
If anything, I would figure that the Skill-2/Skill-2 (different) combination would be the hardest to fill (minimum 2+2=4 years experience), not the Skill-2 (once) position that should be easier to fill (minimum 2 years experience).
If you have built your ship for engineers filling double positions, and you can't find a replacement engineer with skill-2 at the current port, you have a problem...
Well, you'll be "undermanned" until you jump to a place where that little crew problem can be solved ...

In other words, a temporary problem ... not necessarily a permanent one.
THe game effect is "at skill -1" not "reduced by 1 per position".
Now to educate people on the difference (there seems to be some resistance, still, or at least disappointment in the correct interpretation) ...