Admiral Morgan
14th Imperial Fleet
Fleet elements Qty Size
Cruisers 6 10-40kt
Lt. Carriers 2-3 10-40kt
Destroyers 7-8 1000-10,000 tons
Escorts 8-10 100-1000 tons
Support Vessels 25-28 varies
There is also a BatRon of Kokirrak class dreadnoughts located in the system. With one Kokirrak dreadnought permanently assigned to serve as the Archduke’s mobile command post in time of crisis.
Imperial Fleets
Named Fleet ( or Sector Fleet)
Is composed of numbered fleets equal to the number of imperial owned subsectors.
Gateway Domain in 993 there is one named Fleet the Lay Sector Fleet.
The Ley Sector Fleet in 993 contains 14 numbered Fleets.
Numbered Fleet ( or Subsector Fleet)
Is composed of:
1 Capital Ship Squadron
1 Cruiser Squadron
several Destroyer Squadrons
a number of escort and patrol vessels
plus support Vessels equivalent to support its deployments.
Known Numbered Fleets in 993 are the 14th in Diamond-Prince Subsector, 124th in Spearhead Subsector, and the 262nd in Frontier Worlds Subsector.
14th Fleet
1 BatRon
4-8 Korirrak class dreadnoughts
1 CruRon
` 6 cruisers
2-3 Lt Carriers
2 DesRon
4 destroyers each
8-10 escorts
25-28 support vessels
In infromation on the 14th Fleet we know that it is one of the few regular fleets that has not been called to fight in the Solomani Rim War.
14th Imperial Fleet
Fleet elements Qty Size
Cruisers 6 10-40kt
Lt. Carriers 2-3 10-40kt
Destroyers 7-8 1000-10,000 tons
Escorts 8-10 100-1000 tons
Support Vessels 25-28 varies
There is also a BatRon of Kokirrak class dreadnoughts located in the system. With one Kokirrak dreadnought permanently assigned to serve as the Archduke’s mobile command post in time of crisis.
Imperial Fleets
Named Fleet ( or Sector Fleet)
Is composed of numbered fleets equal to the number of imperial owned subsectors.
Gateway Domain in 993 there is one named Fleet the Lay Sector Fleet.
The Ley Sector Fleet in 993 contains 14 numbered Fleets.
Numbered Fleet ( or Subsector Fleet)
Is composed of:
1 Capital Ship Squadron
1 Cruiser Squadron
several Destroyer Squadrons
a number of escort and patrol vessels
plus support Vessels equivalent to support its deployments.
Known Numbered Fleets in 993 are the 14th in Diamond-Prince Subsector, 124th in Spearhead Subsector, and the 262nd in Frontier Worlds Subsector.
14th Fleet
1 BatRon
4-8 Korirrak class dreadnoughts
1 CruRon
` 6 cruisers
2-3 Lt Carriers
2 DesRon
4 destroyers each
8-10 escorts
25-28 support vessels
In infromation on the 14th Fleet we know that it is one of the few regular fleets that has not been called to fight in the Solomani Rim War.