Dave, Swiftbrook
Thanks for taking an interest!
You are almost spot on Dave, the centre cylinders (four in total) are 9.75 metres in diameter.
When I last calculated its volume, it was a shade over 7000 tons, but the additional containers and stuff will be pushing it towards 8 - 9000 tons.
I agree with the points made about the boats, I started off with a couple, but as the design is modular and repetitive, it seemed more balanced to have more along the hull. The turrets started out as turrets, but as the ship concept became bigger, I ended up pretending they are bays instead.
I should mention that the large cylinders on each side detach, there's a whole skeleton / spine going on under there!!!
Truth be told, my operating concept all along has been that it is a Victory / Liberty ship, cheap, functional, ugly, so the fleet tender thing is not set in stone, I figured maybe there was a need for a ship to look after the smaller escorts requirements.
Roles would include freighter, refueller, mobile repair shop, troop transport.
At the moment, the rough plan is that the main accomodation is along the top cylinders, cargo along the side cylinders and boxes beneath, fuel and engines at the back, bridge is the sphere on top near the back.
Keep the ideas coming, it helps me put off the evil day when I texture this monstrosity.