Frustrated Ref "You ALL took (skill zee) and NOBODY took (skill why)? Just how did you think you'd manage to (basic task eks)?"
Whatever happened to: "Each of you need to try to get at least one skill level in the needed skills on the ship, or you can't use those characters."
It was always interesting having players go through charagen, trying to get a particular skill. The results always made for fun gaming--and the characters, even though we tried to get specific skills--wouldn't get them in the way we imagined.
I'd start off with: "We'll need a character as Pilot, one as Navigator, one as know the drill."
Then, in order for all characters to play, the best person for the job wasn't always in that position (I like how that immulated real life). For example, the ex-Scout with Pilot-3 and Navigator-1 might serve as the ship's navigator because the only ship skill one of the other players ended up getting was Pilot-1.
This led to more background for the characters because we'd want to answer "why?". Why is the more experienced pilot not be utilized?
Well, maybe the Pilot-1 is part-ship-owner. Maybe the Scout is new. There are all sorts of reasons.
Kinda like making up the whys and howcomes of UWPs.
As for the Free Skills with MGT. Don't like it. That's strike two, in my book. I don't mind occassionally giving away a Skill-0 based on a character's background. And, I don't mind changing out some skills in the chargen tables if it makes sense for the career or the character. I don't even mind skill options, like being able to take Swimming when a Vehicle Skill is thrown.
But, giving full skill to players...I don't like that at all. I might as well be rolling up the entire PC group myself and passing out pregenerated characters.
I hate to say it. But, the more I see from MGT, the more I don't really like it.