I felt it was obvious before--that it wasn't necessary to spell it out.
Possibly. Your "might as well use pre-gens" comment, and then your attempt to defend it as a legitimate comparison was what caught my attention, though.
Let's say you're not playing with mature gamers who like to do what the GMs says no matter what the rules say.
I don't game with people like that, and I have absolutely no interest in whether or not an idiot can abuse a rule, or use it as an excuse for idiocy. If a rule works for reasonable people, then it works, as far as I'm concerned. I certainly don't want rules I like (such as the one in question) being removed just because some people are douches.
Another reason why its bad game design is that players will look at the rules and say, "Hey! More skills! Let's do this!"
Again, I wouldn't play with somone who said "the rules offer X, so we should do Y as well and ruin the game". Therefore, I do not want my game systems limited by the assumption my players might be disruptive and contrary. Sounds to me as if you're just scarred by bad experiences with idiots, and that's colouring your perspective.
It just shouldn't be in there.
Yeah, it should.
Look, maybe it shouldn't be there. But you've yet to make a case -- your objections boil down to stating that you don't like it, it detracts from the beauty that is random Traveller chargen, and it might lead some unspecified player (that I don't even want to associate with in the first place) to throw a tantrum if he doesn't get his way.
OTOH, I like that there is some non-random influence in the mix. I'm not attached to Traveller tradition, and I like the mainly-random with a few guarantees system found in MGT. The system works. It may not do what you want it to do, but it does do what I want it to do.
Further, I have a player who generally dislikes random character generation. We did a sample character over the weekend, and he enjoyed the process, but he would be much happier having more control over the end result when it comes to making the PC he uses in the game. He's going to play, without complaint, in any case, and use the random char gen, because he really wants to play some more Traveller and he trusts me as GM. So, it's nice to be able to throw him a small bone and provide him with a few options to flesh out his character exactly the way he wants to.
Not everyone is enamoured of random chargen, and I would guess that, overall, most people these days prefer point buy or other methods where they are offered more control than Traveller traditionally does.* Allowing a few fixed skill choices is potentially going to go a long way towards making Traveller more appealing to those people.
In any event, there's no objective right or wrong to including these skills - it's a matter of taste. Presenting your case as if it is anything other than subjective at its heart really isn't going to win anyone over to your cause.
*And, yes, I could be wrong about that. I don't think anyone has conclusive evidence as to what type of char gen is most popular in the RPing hobby.