Ok, that's the 200 dT limit, unless your ship has the proportions of an uncooked spaghetti noodle. And it's called "sungate" because ???Sungates are 7- to 15-meter rings using edge technology involving superconductors and magnets. Each ring is quantum-entanglement-paired, molecule-by-molecule (where it counts), with its twin. They're not megastructures. They do use a lot of Thulium-169, but a modern world can produce enough metal for a new sungate in a month or two.
Hmmm. Why build a factory where you have no infrastructure? Just send the stargate factory through the gate. One machine at a time if the whole factory is too large to fit through.Maybe it costs $1T to install a new sungate factory on a world, but I doubt it. You can ship the Thulium-169 in from existing mining operations, even through a sungate. Since sungates decohere when they pass through another sungate, they can only travel STL. So once you get to a new star, you start building a new sungate factory to reach the next star.
It cost the USA $13B (maybe $50B in today's money) to go to the moon for a short visit. Why did they bother?If that costs $1T, why do you bother?
Ummm, each of those probes is basically a '70s era calculator running off a radiothermal-electric generator. No life support, no complicated machinery. There are probably ocean-going vessels that are still operational after decades... but you don't die if something relatively minor goes wrong.The Voyager probes are still functional... except that their power curve is below full operation levels. Pioneer 10 is thought to be still semi-functional, but is beyond contact range. All three are over 40 years old...
It cost the USA $13B (maybe $50B in today's money) to go to the moon for a short visit. Why did they bother?
Ok, that's the 200 dT limit, unless your ship has the proportions of an uncooked spaghetti noodle. And it's called "sungate" because ???
What percentage of the structure has to be made of the quantum paired matter?I would think that making identical machines out of quantum paired atoms would be even more phenomenally expensive. You're synthesizing large (above iron fusion limit) atoms? In pairs? And then capturing the two atoms individually and adding them onto a piece of technology entirely built one atom at a time?
Hmmm. Why build a factory where you have no infrastructure? Just send the stargate factory through the gate. One machine at a time if the whole factory is too large to fit through.
It cost the USA $13B (maybe $50B in today's money) to go to the moon for a short visit. Why did they bother?
So, to cover the OP's question, the functional equivalent might be a space race between the Paneuropean Federation and North American Combine nations (to use one game's future polities) for interstellar real estate and prestige.
Thanks for bringing things back home.
I think that gets you to the next star, but not the next ten stars. I'm looking for a sustainable economic model that makes sense of expansion.
I'm coming to the realization that it just won't happen as quickly as I was hoping for the setting. It shouldn't be a deal breaker, but I was trying not to get too far out from "today," as that requires all kinds of predictions about society that I'm not ready to make.
Also, this assumes that we're finding earthlike planets that have similar amounts of colonizable surface. A water world offers little. A rocky superearth might offer 10 times the surface area of Earth; that can absorb overpopulation a lot longer than a planet comparable in size to Earth.
What do you figure the current "year" would be in Main Sequence? Would the setting have its own special calendar, with Earth dates provided as well?
I would say that if humanity found an Earth-like world sufficiently similar to call it Earthlike people would want to go there. It's an instant sale, maybe with that guilty feeling of seeing something for sale online, realizing the price is a mistake, but you know they'll have to honor the price.
It cost the USA $13B (maybe $50B in today's money) to go to the moon for a short visit. Why did they bother?
Cold war activity, PR, which system is the future communism or capitalism, etc.
This summarized stylized rant by Neil Tyson covers the reasoning and benefits pretty well.
So, to cover the OP's question, the functional equivalent might be a space race between the Paneuropean Federation and North American Combine nations (to use one game's future polities) for interstellar real estate and prestige.
Rereading this, what is the main indicator of wealth & status in yiur setting? Like what seperates a more powerful/wealthier noble from another? The ability to build and send out sungates?Great suggestions!
Most of them assume that normal folks can make sungates and build a fleet of spaceships. The sungates are pretty difficult to make. Most of the bits of spaceships are easy to make, but it's hard to build ships that can survive a 0.2c trip across 7 LY (sungates have to travel NAFAL to their destination).
I guess a megacorporation might "go rogue" and try to scoop up a planet before a government got it, but then they're basically a government, too, and they're probably at war now.
So fleeing for religious reasons, a la Pilgrims, doesn't work as well in my setting. Likewise, there aren't aliens.
Is "different atmosphere" really that big of a deal? Is spending billions of dollars to open up a new planet, get colonists there, build infrastructure there, etc. cheaper than, you know, just putting up some kind of big bubble on Earth and changing the atmosphere inside it?
Once you're on a few different planets, is a disaster likely to kill everyone? I guess a nearby star could go supernova, but we'd know well in advance.
Rereading this, what is the main indicator of wealth & status in yiur setting? Like what seperates a more powerful/wealthier noble from another? The ability to build and send out sungates?
What is the main "fuel" of ships in your setting you would say? The kind of thing that draws merchants, adventurers, etc to space stations or planets out on the frontier?
In fact, what is the frontier or core in your setting?
In addition, how do traders and such work in your setting? They work for a company or are they independents or what?
Demonstration of capability.
If you can build a rocket that gets a man (and necessary life support) into orbit and back down safely, you can do the same with a small nuclear weapon.
If you can do that with enough payload to reach the moon, land safely, take off again, and land back on Earth safely, you can put as many MIRVs on any arbitrary points on Earth as you want (demonstrates payload and accuracy).
And you get to plant flags, and claim it's entirely peaceful use of Space. The people who need to know better, already understand the implications.
It's a balkanized setting right? With the various nobles & territories being sort of like empires and such?The main indicator of wealth is actual net worth in the interstellar economy. That is, not potential wealth (not "I own this planet, so I am worth all of its resources") but actual wealth ("I sold all the extractable precious metal on this planet to BobCorp, worth $2T, so I am worth $2T").
Do you have your own titles that correspond with the ranking system used in most Traveller rulebooks? Or would you just use the normal Traveller noble titles?The main indicator of status is noble title. Better title = better status. Among the same rank, political and military power would break ties.
So pretty much only the wealthy can send out sungate ships? Wouldn't perhaps a good reason to send them out be not just for colonizing but also exploration?The ability to build and send out sungates is difficult, but not that hard. What differentiates people in this process is the ability to send out fast sungate ships (NAFAL, remember) to reach new stars before anyone else does and plant a flag on them. But then we get to why people would care about that if they had all the stars they need. And then we beg the question, full circle.
So is it like the fuel is used for a small reactor for the EM drive while the main reactor powers everything else? Or is it more like it's used to help open a sungate when needing to go somewhere?The main fuel of ships is probably deuterium and lithium (cheap aneutronic fusion) to power an Em-drive, so there's no fuel scarcity anywhere. Manned ships never pull much more than 1G.
The frontier of the setting is on the edges of the slowly expanding sphere of exploration (5-10 years per LY radius). Only Main Sequence stars are suitable for sungates but that includes a bazillion small M-class stars.
How many star systems have been colonized colonies are the main "worlds" when there are no Earth-like planets around?The core of the setting is Earth and a handful of nearby "early colony" star systems, plus maybe one or two more distant "hubs" that are controlled by the most powerful nobility.
Would most yachts or passenger ships or cargo ships be sort of like grapeships from Orion's Arm? I imagine they'll never be allowed to "own" a ship themselves?Traders and such always work for someone: probably a corporation who is chartered by a noble. It's difficult to be unaffiliated in the Main Sequence setting, if you want to have any kind of power at all. Or if you want to have a starship (which is a special kind of power). Note that control of starships is managed not by buy-sell regulation, but by the regulated use of sungates. Sure, any wealthy schmuck can get their hands on an (illegal) space yacht to zip around a star system, but they need permission to traverse the sungates out of the system. If their yacht isn't chartered by a noble, they will quickly get into trouble and have nowhere to run.
It's a balkanized setting right? With the various nobles & territories being sort of like empires and such? Do you have your own titles that correspond with the ranking system used in most Traveller rulebooks? Or would you just use the normal Traveller noble titles? So pretty much only the wealthy can send out sungate ships? Wouldn't perhaps a good reason to send them out be not just for colonizing but also exploration? So is it like the fuel is used for a small reactor for the EM drive while the main reactor powers everything else? Or is it more like it's used to help open a sungate when needing to go somewhere? How many star systems have been colonized colonies are the main "worlds" when there are no Earth-like planets around? Would most yachts or passenger ships or cargo ships be sort of like grapeships from Orion's Arm? I imagine they'll never be allowed to "own" a ship themselves?