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Gateway GM blog (SPOILERS for QLI adventures)

Well, there was a session. It blew Cold Fuzion off the rails, but it was great fun.

Last session left off with the party imprisoned by the MOJ in the marine barracks on Kishimaa. I didn't think the motivation given in the adventure for them to continue investigating once freed would work for my player. So I had the MOJ push/pull the party into investigating, saying that they needed outsiders because their faces were known on Shamuus. Between the threat of prosecution for shipping drugs and the offer of a Gauss Rifle permit (the unlicensed weapon had been found aboard Event Horizon), the party were persuaded to hunt Gvarrk on Shamuus.

They went through the Shamuus part roughly as written, except they went to the hotel before the apartment. The guys in flak vests with autopistols very nearly killed Athos, who had a concealed body pistol on this "no guns" world. He was bleeding at –6 before Bert (who goes through doors second) managed to drop the last thug. Then they headed for Hansen’s World. Well, Bert headed for Hansen’s world and Athos woke up in the Autodoc halfway there.

At this point I had a real moment of, um, something – I handed SR the “MOJ briefing on Hansen’s World”, i.e. the description of it from the adventure, and he said “what’s this ‘Fuzion Lab’ on the map?” I will vet handouts more thoroughly in future…

After they arrived, things went per the script for a while – they landed at the public starport, saw signs of the riot, got rammed by the fleeing woman, and fled after her without fighting police or mob. Later they got their visit from the two cops asking about the woman (they’d been identified from video footage cross-referenced to a hotel registration). The cops asked a few questions, leading to “and what’s your business here on Hansen’s World?” SR thought hard for a while, and then told them he was investigating on behalf of the MOJ who thought that it might be the source, or at least a distribution avenue, for Cold Fuzion.

This is not something the adventure was designed to handle……but it was actually an OK thing to say. He’d arrived in town on a crime-fighting mission and he was requesting the aid of local law. He was talking to two honest cops, one of whom (Bertram) practically had light bulbs going off over his head (visible on a good Sense Motive roll). And it looked like I might be winging it from here…

They agreed to exchange information, the constable said he’d arrange a meeting with the chief (who was busy with the riot aftermath), and Bertram said he’d go check some things.

Athos went off to Gather Information in the seedier bars, and pose as a wholesale buyer who was looking to score a lot (MCr 1-5) of the drug for export. He arranged a meeting with “some guy” whom I decided was a High Raider (the people making the drugs). This guy listened to Athos’s pitch and decided he was “competition”. He agreed a follow-up meeting in a couple of days, then booked a hit on Athos and Bert for that night. This was the hit mentioned in the adventure, and was my flailing attempt to stay with the published story. They got their warning phone call before the hit, and ambushed the hit men, who were soon fleeing. They chased them, giving one a called shot to the legs (for questioning) and the other a called shot to the head. Then they called the police. Who sent a detective round, and took them in for questioning.

Next morning, Athos found himself sat in a room with the head of the Colonial Police brooding across the table like a thunderstorm. [I said “think of him as Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner”.] After a few minutes of brutal staring, the chief got the story and made him a strange offer: he’d “do him a favour” by keeping him in jail, if Athos would testify that the hit men had tried to kill him etc. Athos asked why this was a favour, and the chief told him the two hit men were Pharmacom company security.

And there we leave it, with the party again in jail, but this time willingly. The two police/security forces are on collision course. Director Persus is about to go finally and irrevocably mad. Bertran is still good guy in the midst of the bad guys. And on Monday it will all blow sky high. Now I just have to figure how to get the PCs front and centre, or at least involved, for the climax.
A few tips for people running Cold Fuzion:

- If you've got the PDF, and want to print, do a "graphic select" on the text in each page and print it as a selection (expanded to fit the paper). Turn on print preview until you get this working how you want. This will save you printing that border. Then hand write page numbers on it, or you'll go mad later.

- Read the "supplementary material" on pp214-219 before you read the adventure starting on p183. That is the real introduction, the adventure contains many terms like "atmospheric mining" which will make no sense until you're read it.

- If you print or photocopy the supplementary material as a handout, don't give them the map on p214 which has "Fuzion Lab" marked on it.

- After your party get arrested at the unspecified third system, have the IMOJ take the PCs back to Shamuus with them under detention instead of going off and coming back for them. This cuts two or more weeks of doing nothing out of the adventure (affects mortgages, reduces the chances of PCs saying "Why bother, he'll be long gone by now").

- Do not read out the data point on p199 which says "He appears to be somewhat personally upset over her death". This is spurious -- she isn't dead, and he wouldn't know if she was. It caused me enough confusion just reading the adventure, who knows what it would do if read aloud to players...

Hope these help.
So, in between working out how to take Cold Fuzion forwards, I'm wondering what to do afterwards in case I want to start dropping hints and foreshadowing. Of the QLI adventures there's EA1-3 or Keepers of the Gate still available. Both start about 15 parsecs away, in roughly opposite directions. Whilst I like Keepers of the Gate, I'm not sure that SR will; and it would leave me high and dry. So it looks like the EAs.

Whichever it is, I really want to get away from the long strings of worlds with nothing but trade rolls I had around EA4, and get some local adventures in along the way. That means knowing where they're going, and finding/inventing material for the places I can safely predict they'll visit.

It might be easier to start with EA3, which opens at Pinkatto, rather than going right down to Arkaene for EA1. I'll have to have another look at them and see if anything's compromised by switching the order, and if I'll have problems getting from the end of EA3 to the start of EA1. Once I've chosen the next adventure, I'll work out how to get there.

It's an easy start -- the Event Horizon is about due for annual maintenance, and the nearest scout base for the freebie is Annapabar, where they can also check in with the scout intel folks. That points them in the right direction.

The road to Annapabar lies via Guarda and Lepanto or Kishimaa and Kam, I've got descriptions for one world on each leg. Well, the latter looks better for trade and I wrote my own Kishimaa so I had hooks in mind. Looks like I need to find/invent an adventure for Kishimaa, then.

At Annapabar, I'll give them a reason to head towards EA1 or EA3. They'll very probably go through Glen Murdoch in either case, for financial reasons. So that's a choke point, and it's described in ITC, so maybe I can find some sort of small adventure to suit it.

Right, I think that's enough planning ahead for now. Once I've settled on which Epic to run next, I'll start on any work that's needed to flesh it out (the EAs mostly seem a bit slender).

Now I can start foreshadowing. So far I've fed SR lots of news/hints/tales about Solomani commerce raiders, figuring that EA1 was in the pipe, so I'll have to start dropping some hints about the Loyal Sector Guard at the capital, ready for EA3.

So, I wonder, does anybody else approach campaigns like this or am I some kind of freak?
Ya know, I wish somebody would write an EA in the Imperial Trade Cluster. And when that's done, somebody else could write an EA at Lepanto (amber zone having a Sollie rebellion) to connect it to Objects of the Mind, Cold Fuzion and Merchant Cruiser. Then there'd be a set of five adventures that mesh together nicely.
Another tangential tangle with Cold Fuzion this evening.

I wanted to get some more use of the published material, and to provide time for events to catch up with the PCs. So after a few hours of voluntary jail time the police chief came back, and told them he wanted to get them out of town for a couple of days. He knew these people from the university of Annapabar who had some seismic survey sensors to place and a missing employee to find. They should watch the evening news while they were at it, and if they saw an item about this year’s police barbecue it was time to come back to town.

They eventually saw Director Persus go mad on TV, and found the missing employee’s air/raft. But rather than investigating the thirteenth location in its navcomp (his cave), they followed up on a sensor trace to the southeast (I wanted to foreshadow the fuzion lab). It vanished, but instead of saying “oh well” like I wanted they headed for the point where they lost it and started a spiral search pattern.

Eventually the found a gully, and SR went overboard in the grav bike to check it out. He soon found a grav vehicle in pursuit, which ran in to Bert and the point defence laser on Event Horizon. Bert scooped SR back aboard just in time to say that this odd-looking modular cutter, which had just flown out, was showing a power spike like a triple laser turret. They fired a missile at it, and took a laser hit that destroyed the fuel processor before their missile introduced the cutter to the cavern wall.

Completely ignoring my two previous attempts to scare him off, SR headed back to the cave mouth on his grav bike and crept onto the lip. He couldn’t see inside in the local coloured air, but the IR sight on his rifle picked things out through the fog. I described about eight guards, supervising prisoners hurriedly loading things onto a couple of ships, with possibly more guards out of sight, and no way of knowing what was on the way. SR weighed boldness against prudence, and decided to fly his grav bike into the cave and steal the Beowulf with the open cargo ramp.

Yes, that’s what I thought too.

And he pulled it off! The 30-meter visibility let him drop the bike almost onto the ramp before any guards saw him. He dashed inside, trusting to his hostile environment suit (which is AR7 and costs about Cr 10,000/bullet to repair) to keep out pistol rounds for long enough to get the gauss rifle going. Against ordinary high raiders in vac suits, he’d soon killed the guard aboard and handed his weapons to the prisoners, who took out the guard outside, while he went upstairs to kill more pirates and get more weapons to give to more prisoners. Soon the ship was under control, and he met missing IMOJ agent Daria Radisson who persuaded him to free the other prisoners in the rest of the base rather than running off with the Beowulf to claim salvage.

SR is so mercenary it’s untrue. When he was five, he put his hand in a “monkey trap” jar of sweets at Cardiff zoo and couldn’t get it out. It was still there forty minutes later.

Anyhow, he freed the prisoners (losing 2 or 3) and was just settling down to serious looting when the police chief called on the radio to say everything was gone to hell in Bangor City. The director had locked himself up in his office, guarded by combat robots, and was declaring himself king/president/god and calling everyone else traitors. He was threatening to run the air system in reverse and suck poisonous air into the cavern city. Arzdric Corvos, the company security chief they’d finally figured as the man behind the pirates/drug, had vanished. Officer Bertran had vanished. There was panic in the streets. They needed somebody to take care of Persus, somebody to take close the cavern doors (and reduce the effect of reversed fans), somebody to do something about Arzdric…

Our “heroes” headed for the company starport, hurtled past the guards on their grav bike and ignored the gunshots, blasted down the tunnel to the south doors and closed them from the inside – only to find that they didn’t quite work. Bert did a bit of radical maintenance to get a “that might slow it down” fix, then some percussive maintenance with a shotgun to make sure nobody used the “open” button again. Then they headed for the tallest building in the area, which could only be Pharmacomm HQ. Ignoring my casually described ground entrance, they quite sensibly flew the bike through a top floor plate glass window and went straight for the boss.

They only had to take out two combat robots that way, while Persus watched them on the cameras and taunted them over the PA in a sing-song voice. But SR didn’t think to disable the lift when I described it working its way up the floors, stopping at each… So anyhow, they swiftly rounded up Persus in his office full of model yachts, and found that his computer was locked, and got a password out of him with a bluff after enduring some lunatic taunting. That got Bert past the security, and he said “maybe half an hour to get all the power sorted and the fans back on”.

SR began to relax.

From down the corridor, around the bend, came the sound of the lift door sliding open. The seven combat robots from the lower floors began their advance…

They messed SR up pretty good. Bert, who wears Reflec under his suit (the robots had lasers), had to leave the computer to help. Soon there were three wrecked robots and two very wounded adventurers. That’s when Persus went running down the corridor and waving his arms at the robots, yelling “no, you’re damaging my yachts”. The robots stopped firing immediately. The PCs didn’t. Exit robots.

So they clobbered Persus unconscious, and Bert went back to the computer. A few minutes later, SR got a call from Bertran (who’d been incommunicado). He’d found Arzdric in the ship repair bay, and found the warehouse where the bad security guys had locked the good security guys, and he needed a bit of help with the two SMG-toting guards. Athos went to help, figuring that releasing the security team would give him enough backup to kill the Evil Pirate Gang and take their stuff. He nailed the first one from cover (perfect use of Sniper Shot feat), and the other blazed back. He rolled a 20, then another 20 to confirm the critical, and killed the PC stone dead.

Ten minutes later, the fans came back on. Sixty thousand lives were saved. SR’s comment on that was “If I had a credit for each…”

They’ll start building the statue in his memory next week.
"SR is so mercenary it’s untrue. When he was five, he put his hand in a “monkey trap” jar of sweets at Cardiff zoo and couldn’t get it out. It was still there forty minutes later."

Actually it was Bristol zoo. But I've learned since then, next time I'll pick the jar up and drop it to get at the stuff inside. ;)
Thought I would share my adventuring notes too:

Adventuring Notes

 Malfeasant

Whilst refuelling at one of the Gas Giants of Klesiter Alpha in the system 069-526, we responded to an emergency beacon from the Scout-class starship ‘Malfeasant’ trapped deeper within the Gas Giant’s atmosphere. We managed to rescue an Ursa (the Captain) from the stricken ship before it fell deeper and was crushed by the atmosphere. We also acquired a PDA* from the Captain’s cabin.
We noted the Malfeasant had been rigged for work deep in a Gas Giant’s atmosphere and had considerable supplies onboard for the same.
The Ursa was taken to Sentry and successfully revived. The rescue generated considerable positive publicity for Athos Fauge and Bert Higgins.

*See: ‘Vraidercalt’

 Solomani ‘Terrorists’

Accepted mission to track down a group of suspected Solomani terrorists somewhere in the Sentry Cluster. To provide credibility to our travelling around the Cluster we were given a cover mission of collecting hard-copy records from various starports around the cluster.
Suspects were found on a remote island on Miip. Whilst collecting information from the group’s ATV, we were discovered and forced to flee in the ATV after a fire-fight. We returned a few hours later in the Scout ship and managed to eliminate five of the suspects – approximately half of their number.
A laptop with intact records of the group’s activities were passed to our controller on Sentry along with dog-tags taken from one of the dead (showing #72437). The same body also had a book of matches with the following written inside: The Goat Keller, 1320 East, Lansing. It also gave a comm number.

 Collateral Security

Whilst completing our cover mission for the above, Athos was approached on Kerin’s Tyr by a Mr Georjak Milakii (Vargr). Mr Milakii asked Athos Fauge to deliver some weapons and ammunition to a small group of farmsteaders who were being terrorised by a band of nomads known as the Karbal. Whilst demonstrating how to use these new weapons, the Karbal laid siege to the farmstead, trapping Athos and a local group of friendly nomads known as the Artath. Athos led the defence of the farmstead, beating off a force of approx. 300 Karbal with only 40 defenders.
Georjak Milakii was so impressed with Athos’ leadership in defending the farmsteaders on his land, he promised Athos collateral security against any loan he wished to take out in the future. (Value of collateral approx. 300,000 Cr.).
This incident made the national news, making Athos a minor celebrity.

 Vraidercalt

The PDA taken during the rescue on the Malfeasant contained audio notes made by the ship’s Ursa Captain, Vilis Klein. The following is an abridged version:

Vraidercalt attacked by pirates… missjumped 24 parsecs… ended up in Klesiter Beta Gas Giant (Railarii) at 069-526. No comms.
Skimming on Gas Giant goes wrong… trapped in atmosphere. Lost main drive, but have contra-grav plates left. Cannot reach escape velocity with thrusters.
Eight crew go into low berths in launch and escape Gas Giant heading for Klesiter Alpha.

Vilis Klein discovers the dead launch and alters the logs to hide the Vraidercalt’s location. When Athos and Bert find the Vraidercalt in the Event Horizon, we find the auto-pilot on but power failing and the vessel’s orbit decaying to an alarming rate. Visually, the ship is in a very poor condition; most of the aft section and engine rooms are completely missing and in several places the interior staterooms are exposed to the Railarii’s toxic atmosphere.
We board at the ventral airlock just behind the bridge but soon move the ship to an airlock on the port bow. Inside we find three still-functioning low berths and move these into the Event Horizon. We also rescue 48 crates of electronic spares belonging to Ling Standard Products before we are forced to flee the Vraidercalt. Viewing the Event Horizon’s sensors shows a giant jellyfish eating the remains of the Vraidercalt.
The low berth survivors are handed over to the starport authorities on Sentry. Ling Standard Products purchase the salvaged cargo from us and offer one favour as part of the deal.

 Shangri-la

Visited Shangri-la to ‘rescue’ Bert’s sister from a wedding. Whilst there, Athos accepted a 200,00 Cr. job from a Mr Byron, a local millionaire. His Secretary, Mr Elliott Cook, explained that Mr Byron’s private museum had been broken into and six small statuettes and a brooch (that once belonged to an Empress) had been stolen. The guards had been gassed and the house security measures had been taken off-line by the burglars, which explained the lack of evidence of forced entry.
Athos and Bert followed the few clues available and eventually tracked down the surviving local small-time crook who squealed on the three off-worlders. These were from a system known as New Kurdistan (two parsecs away). Athos and Bert tracked down where two of the three were, but a gunfight ensued where they both died. A postage receipt showed the statuettes had been posted back to New Kurdistan, but before Athos could get clearance from Starport tower to lift off, Naval Intelligence arrived and warned Athos and Bert to drop the case.
Athos explained to Mr Byron and Mr Cook why they could not continue with the case and expenses were paid. Naval Intelligence warned us not to go near New Kurdistan for a few weeks.

Other Notes

 To get a Gauss Rifle licence, talk to Councillor Houlon at the Imperial Delegation at Liar’s Oath.

 One favour owed by Ling Standard Products for returning cargo off the Vraidercalt wreck.

These notes are incomplete. I will finish them off in the near future and post them soon.
Originally posted by Morte:
What I wish I'd done is had the drive sabotaged earlier, to drop them to J2 and force them to go via Du. I'd advise anyone else running it to do that. If you're open to small changes, Michael, you might consider swapping the order of Act 2 Scene 1 and Act 2 Scene 2. Whilst 2:2 doesn't have to be run after 2:1, people will naturally tend to run them in the order they're printed.
Good point, I am probably going to run this soon, and that would have been a hassle. Thanks for blogging this!

Funnily enough, it looks like I will be running a single player PBEM trader campaign - for the same reasons you gave above. The mate I will be playing with lives 30 mins away, but with our family lives the way they are we never get enough time to play.