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GDW Mayday using vassal module

OK setting up the ships. Looks like Mycenae has plugged in all the information on the ships that are listed in the Mayday rules. Again he has added nice documentation on how to set up and get started. I'll cut and past a bit plus add some screenshots.

Click Ships > Select a ship type (such as Scout)


Once you choose a ship and place it on the map you'll be able to right click the counter and pull up a menu that gives you various options.


Clicking on Attributes will bring up information about your ship. This is only available on the "Present" counter.


He recommends if you are going to change/modify/or create your own ship to use the "Custom" ship counter in the ships pallet.

OK once you have your ship, you have to add an ID to it. Again you right click on the counter and then choose Set ID.


This is important, not only personalizing your ship, it is used to setup the "Future" and "Past" counters to be associated with your ship.


There are two counters in the ship's pallet named Future and Past, grap one of each and place it on the map. Then right click, choose Set ID and then name them the same as your "Present" ship counter.


The ID for each counter (Past, Present, Future) for a single vessel must be identical (and unique on your side).


What is cool is how Mycenae set up the programming in the module so that as you progress through turns, you will only have to move the "Future" counter and the other counters will follow suite. Brilliant! Next I'll try to just move around the map showing how the vector movement works.
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Well I was pleasantly surprised finding out other details that Mycenae has included in his Mayday module. I was playing with the Turn Sequence and sub-phases on the menu bar. The rules are a bit ambiguous on who starts first, again I think there needs to be a house rule here to figure out initiative and who goes when much like the old D&D initiative. Damage is applied immediately within the game and so there is an advantage to who goes when. What is nice is Mycenae has set it up so you can change this.




-Advance the turn counter by clicking +, or Ctrl+Space. Advancing the turn counter to the Laser Fire phase will trigger the automatic movement.
-The default scenario assumption is that the Intruder player moves first, with each player alternating turns. If the Native moves first in a given scenario, you can change the turn order by right-clicking the Turn counter, picking Configure Phasing Player, and selecting the Native to move first on each turn.
-You can also use this function to skip the phases of Turn 0 after setup, to begin the battle.

Bursting out of hyperspace the free-trader Freya headed in a steady but watchful pace towards Efate.

Though far from Vargar space there were always rogue pirates not to mention privateers clandestinely funded by Zhodani funds. There had even been rumors of an Ine Givar base supporting these forces operating from the moons of the major gas giant in the system.

But the Freya was not as she seemed, under her camouflaged hull was a Solomani Blockade-Runner.

Captain Omen chewed on his unlite cigar, rubbing his short but thick black beard, eyes narrowed as he studied the display and instrument screens.

Coded Identification signals were rendered when quizzed by the automated space station located near the much used jump point. Fooled by the stolen codes the Freya was passed as one of the many automated container ships with which she had enter the system.

Now Captain Omen's challenge was to anticipate the robot container ships course and not seem out of place and raise suspicion. Along with the codes had been the recorded preflight course. However Planetary Traffic Control could possibly make changes at anytime while the ships are enroute.
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Movement sequence troubles?

OK, I've got my Free-Trader Freya setup here with all counters named similar in the ID.


I started a simple straight forward movement with a constant 1G acceleration each turn. But I think as I mention a couple months ago it seemed the "Present" counter jumped too soon to the "Future" counter.

Here is a movie in the Windows .wmv format (635KB) of my vassal screen showing what I mean when I click through the Turn Phases.


I think but correct me if I am wrong, the "Present" Counter should jump to the "Future" counter position at the beginning of the player Movement Phase. Then within the Phase, the "Future" counter is placed to indicate the position of the "Present" counter the next Movement Phase of the player. The module looks to move the "Present" counter to the "Future" counter position at the end of the Player's Movement Phase. Is this correct?
Another nice feature Mycenae included was the option to hide the "Future" and "Past" counters.


I can't imagine what the board will look like with several ships and missiles flying about with all their counters. Here is the Freya surrounded by robot transport ships.

Here is a screenshot of the vassal board in the middle of turn 4. The robot transport ships are accelerating to 4Gs then turning towards Efate located in the middle of the map.


I only have, 'show movement trails' on the Freya, figuring it would add even more confusion to show the transports.

Here is a movie of the turn sequence and phases to turn 4, I started to use the Ctr-space bar to move through the phases.


Momentarily looking down for his lighter Capt. Omen doesn't see the robot ships change course and hurriedly tries to correct his error, cursing all the time.


Realizing the ruse is revealed, the Freya tries to shoot out some of the robot transport drives to make them into space hazards hurtling towards Efate. Thereby acting as a diversion for the Freya to flee.
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I gave myself the benefit of doubt and made sure the computer programming of the ship was setup. I figured since I had changed my vector that I at least had to have the M-maneuver program running. This only allowed me to run the T-target program.


Targeting the lead robot ship T-1 the Freya fires upon her, initially rolling a 7.


After all the modifiers this was changed to a 4, a no hit on the Attack Table.

OK during this Computer Programming Phase


I uploaded the L-launch program so that I can shoot some missiles next turn. I have to have the T-target program also loaded to launch so I have to unload the M-maneuver program. On the downside next turn I can't make any maneuver changes.

Efate Central Control who were at first mystified that one of the robot ships seem to be off course quickly realized this was some sorta guerrilla or Zhodani terrorist attack. They begin to direct the robot ships to slow down and turn away from Efate. One of the Efate officers suggests ramming the Freya with one of the robot ships if the chance arises.


Unable to maneuver the Freya hurtles onward, firing a laser again at T-1, which misses.


In the Ordnance launch phase, the Freya launches one of its standard missiles. I assume that the Freya has to target the same ship as the ship she targeted for laser fire.


Information is filled out in the missile attributes dialog, some tweaking looks necessary. I think the Burns is suppose to be click boxes? I also place the Past and Future counters of the missile as per the rules on the same Past and Future positions of the firing ship.

OK, I am going to keep the same arrangement of programs on this Native Computer Programming phase.


But I think I have already made a mistake with the missile. I think after placing the Future missile counter on the Future Ship counter I was suppose to adjust its maneuvering towards the target?


Which being a 6G6 limited homing contact would mean I could move 6 hexes from the current placement of its Future counter?


Here I am still trying to adjust the movement from the future position I think I messed up on.


Lucky I saved the game each turn so I am going to back up and try to figure that out again.
I am totally confused now about what "Burns" actually means. Does this mean a 6G6 missile can accelerate or maneuver 6Gs for 6 turns? Or that it has 6 units of fuel that are burned away after the first turn since its a limited missile and has to use its full G rating?

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I am going to assume the missile can move 6 turns at 6Gs, and like a ship it can change its displacement from its future vector position by its G maneuver rating. So from its initial launch future position it will target the Present position of the target.


OK, robot ships are scattering and the missile is at the Past location of the target.


Measuring the vector from its past counter to present and then adjusting again towards the present position.


Hmmm will the missile ever hit if it has to constantly move towards the present position instead of the future?

And am I actually operating the missile like it has discretionary maneuver instead of limited by not using its full Gs but then I would overshoot the target.

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The Freya snaps off a Laser shot at T-2 and misses. Capt Omen vows to get a more powerful computer that can run better targeting programs!


To ad to the confusion, the Freya launches a second missile, this one targeted at T-2.

Well I just found out something, I can't undo moves and even clicking backward on the phase bar activates the move command. So I hopelessly screwed up my missile tracking. Of course I hadn't saved for several turns so I didn't have that option either.

I decided to begin afresh and start a new scenario. In the interim I tweaked the module more and added some things I thought necessary. There was a nice starfield in the background but it was taking so much time to render that I decided to delete it. Before I had a hard time after using the range finder to figure out the ships vector what hex I was suppose to put the Future counter on. I turned on the hex number to help remember which hex. I also turned on the center of the hex to help figure out vectors.

I felt it necessary to have an overview window as well. Its hard zooming in and out trying to track everybody.



As mentioned before there had been rumors that a guerrilla base was located on one of several moons orbiting the main gas giant in the Efate system. After the crazed event of a free-trader shooting up a convoy of robot transport ships inbound to Efate, then departing towards said moon. The Imperial Navy Command HQs on Efate decided to send a warship out to investigate.

There is indeed a base on the moon. Currently at the base is a pirate corsair, not visible to the investigating Imperial destroy because it is refueling in orbit around the gas giant. The corsair had detached its pinnace to guard duty over the base before setting up for refueling. It is now in orbit around the moon.
