When I first saw T:2300 (as soon as it came out) I thought that the rules system was fairly good*. In fact, I'd rather use that than the D20 system, which seems to me to be very complicated as well has having a "level" system in it, which I don't like.
Am I in a very small minority in liking the older rules? Also, are there conversion notes between the GDW and D20 systems about? I will definitely be purchasing the dead tree 2320, but would prefer to stick with the system I already know.
* Excepting combat, but I'm hardly ever happy with game combat systems and tend to avoid combat anyway.
Am I in a very small minority in liking the older rules? Also, are there conversion notes between the GDW and D20 systems about? I will definitely be purchasing the dead tree 2320, but would prefer to stick with the system I already know.
* Excepting combat, but I'm hardly ever happy with game combat systems and tend to avoid combat anyway.