In Mongoose I have found the character connections terrific for creating a new group with a back story that means much to the players and helps bring the campaign to life before it even starts.
What about when a new character is being made for an existing group? How do you handle this?
You could just gen in isolation and back date the start of char gen when they muster out but that fails to connect the character to game history and other characters.
You could set a start date and just work through terms from the past to present, maybe drifting if the character musters out early.
What have people tried? How did it go?
What about when a new character is being made for an existing group? How do you handle this?
You could just gen in isolation and back date the start of char gen when they muster out but that fails to connect the character to game history and other characters.
You could set a start date and just work through terms from the past to present, maybe drifting if the character musters out early.
What have people tried? How did it go?