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German-speaking Traveller Players...

Hi, yes we have. Especially in WWII there have been a lot of tanks with a feline Designation. But even nowadays tanks have cats' names (Leopard - a main battle tank, Luchs - a lightly armored recon vehicle)
Nowadays theres a switch toward rodents for armored vehicles (Marder-an APC, i.I.a.c.)
And some rockets have birds of prey' Names (Milan)
Hmmm, there's not so much I really remember.

Btw, and somewhat off topic, it's nice to give some input. I remember some german designatons of gear in 2300AD which almost made my ears bleed...
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Citizen: SOC-11
CID # 2930

Icon 1 posted April 25, 2006 11:57 PMApril 25, 2006 11:57 PM Profile for epicenter00 Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Free-ish translations are fine. In fact, I'd rather have them free-ish. The point is to get some reasonably authentic names for these creatures. Mostly, these creatures won't be a hazard to players, but are going to be used as names for military vehicles, military units (do Germans have a tradition of naming military units after animals? I'm unsure), commercial products, as well as in slang.

There's already a certain mythology about these creatures, usually descended from human folklore on Earth. However, a few of language terms are new.

For instance, a nachtfalke has lovely iridescent violet-black plumage with "eye" like patterns (think peacock) on their tailfeathers and wings. Yet these are dangerous creatures well able to kill a man in one or two swipes. Because of their beauty and deadliness, Neubayern slang also uses Nachtfalke to refer to a "femme fatale." Commonly, it's used to refer to high class prostitutes or courtesans, though the term has been co-opted to refer to any beautiful woman where the hazards of associating with her are part of her allure. Not all women are insulted if they're called a nachtfalke.


The setting is a homebrew campaign called Crusade Across the Stars, a modification of TNE universe but with a strong 2300 feel where the players start (my two favorite Traveller-ish games). I've got quite a bit written up on it, but didn't want to spam people on here with Yet Another Campaign. The nation of Neubayern is one of the starting points.

Michael Brinkhues:

The Spotted Crosshead is basically a large bear-like creature that lurks on stony mountainsides and such above the treeline (most of the time). It has grayish fur that is spotted or speckled with spots of black and white (similar to flecktarn camoflauge). However, on its head is a cross-shaped (or plus-shaped) area of white fur, thus the name "crosshead."

The Lurker parter refers to the fact that people associate the Haunting Lurker as creature that "lurks." It's a bat-like creature that can fly very slowly when it desires (nearly hovering) and lacks the distinctive 'flapping' noises that Earth bats make when they fly. So they're very quiet for the most part, though the ultrasonic cries they make to echolocate can't quite be heard by humans, it leaves humans with a sense of unease, thus areas where these bats tend to hunt were considered "haunted." They tend to be very patient and wait for their prey to settle down in some fashion before attacking, thus they lurk. They secrete a natural painkilling venom that they 'spit' onto their targets before feeding so those being fed on don't feel it. People would go to sleep out in the open, and the bat would literally eat parts of the face off...and the victim would have never felt a thing. As always, if you can think of a more evocative German name for such a creature, I'm always open for suggestions/ideas.


That's actually a good point. It has been some centuries since initial colonization so there probably will be shortening or bastardization of the names. The animals are largelly under control. People still do get killed by them, but those are usually campers or hikers or similar types. You don't have animal attacks in settled areas anymore.
Thats fine, I am not criticizeing you-I just thought it an interesting point, though maybe I should have brought it up in a separate post. As I said it is a great setting.
The Lurker parter refers to the fact that people associate the Haunting Lurker as creature that "lurks." It's a bat-like creature that can fly very slowly when it desires (nearly hovering) and lacks the distinctive 'flapping' noises that Earth bats make when they fly. So they're very quiet for the most part, though the ultrasonic cries they make to echolocate can't quite be heard by humans, it leaves humans with a sense of unease, thus areas where these bats tend to hunt were considered "haunted." They tend to be very patient and wait for their prey to settle down in some fashion before attacking, thus they lurk. They secrete a natural painkilling venom that they 'spit' onto their targets before feeding so those being fed on don't feel it. People would go to sleep out in the open, and the bat would literally eat parts of the face off...and the victim would have never felt a thing. As always, if you can think of a more evocative German name for such a creature, I'm always open for suggestions/ideas.
How about Nacht-Kobald(night haunter)? German mariners used to have legends about the "Kobald", a sort of ghost that haunts unlucky ships. To carry the analogy further, one can say that the Nacht-Kobald lives near seacoasts and is especially annoying to fishermen. Or they might live just outside the starport and come in at certain times. Furthermore to carry this further one can add to them all sorts of scary folktales of the kind that Central and Eastern European's seem to have a gift for. Perhaps a character who is like that "Jonah"-obsessed sailor, in Master & Commander? Perhaps the colonists are convinced that the new Port Director and the PC's must have committed murder and are therefore attracting the Nacht-Kobald, whose right it is to prey on the Abandoned...
Well, actually this "creature" originates from the "Kobold" (Leprechaun) stock, this subspecies is called "Klabautermann".

A Klabautermann is a water sprite (or nix) who assists sailors and fishermen on the Baltic Sea in their duties. He is a merry and diligent creature, with an expert understanding of most watercraft, and an unsupressable musical talent. He also rescues sailors washed overboard.

His image is of a small sailor in yellow with a tobacco pipe and woolen sailor's cap. This likeness is carved and attached to the mast as a symbol of good luck.

Despite the positive attributes, there is one omen associated with his presence: no member of a ship blessed by his presence shall ever set eyes on him. He only ever becomes visible to the crew of a doomed ship.

The Klabautermann is sometimes described as having more sinister attributes, and blamed for things that go wrong on the ship. This incarnation of the Klabautermann is more demon- or goblin-like, prone to play pranks and, eventually, doom the ship and her crew.
Originally posted by Dunryc:
Well, actually this "creature" originates from the "Kobold" (Leprechaun) stock, this subspecies is called "Klabautermann".

A Klabautermann is a water sprite (or nix) who assists sailors and fishermen on the Baltic Sea in their duties. He is a merry and diligent creature, with an expert understanding of most watercraft, and an unsupressable musical talent. He also rescues sailors washed overboard.

His image is of a small sailor in yellow with a tobacco pipe and woolen sailor's cap. This likeness is carved and attached to the mast as a symbol of good luck.

Despite the positive attributes, there is one omen associated with his presence: no member of a ship blessed by his presence shall ever set eyes on him. He only ever becomes visible to the crew of a doomed ship.

The Klabautermann is sometimes described as having more sinister attributes, and blamed for things that go wrong on the ship. This incarnation of the Klabautermann is more demon- or goblin-like, prone to play pranks and, eventually, doom the ship and her crew.
Sorry, but whenever I hear "Klaubautermann", I have to think of Pumuckl... :rolleyes:
Citizen: SOC-8
CID # 6291

Icon 1 posted April 27, 2006 07:24 AMApril 27, 2006 07:24 AM Profile for Dunryc Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Well, actually this "creature" originates from the "Kobold" (Leprechaun) stock, this subspecies is called "Klabautermann".

A Klabautermann is a water sprite (or nix) who assists sailors and fishermen on the Baltic Sea in their duties. He is a merry and diligent creature, with an expert understanding of most watercraft, and an unsupressable musical talent. He also rescues sailors washed overboard.

His image is of a small sailor in yellow with a tobacco pipe and woolen sailor's cap. This likeness is carved and attached to the mast as a symbol of good luck.

Despite the positive attributes, there is one omen associated with his presence: no member of a ship blessed by his presence shall ever set eyes on him. He only ever becomes visible to the crew of a doomed ship.

The Klabautermann is sometimes described as having more sinister attributes, and blamed for things that go wrong on the ship. This incarnation of the Klabautermann is more demon- or goblin-like, prone to play pranks and, eventually, doom the ship and her crew.
interesting. and more can be made of that too which really belongs in post "starlore".
Originally posted by KrasnyKot:
Hi, yes we have. Especially in WWII there have been a lot of tanks with a feline Designation. But even nowadays tanks have cats' names (Leopard - a main battle tank, Luchs - a lightly armored recon vehicle)
Nowadays theres a switch toward rodents for armored vehicles (Marder-an APC, i.I.a.c.)
And some rockets have birds of prey' Names (Milan)
Hmmm, there's not so much I really remember.

Btw, and somewhat off topic, it's nice to give some input. I remember some german designatons of gear in 2300AD which almost made my ears bleed...
Speaking of World War II, I'm developing some Space Nazis for my American Sector campaign. perhaps some of you Germans would like to visit anf offer some advice on this.

For instance what would be the German names for these Ship codes?

Ship Type Codes
Primary ______________ Qualifier
A Merchant ___________ A Armored
B Battle _____________ B Battle: Boat
C Cruiser; Carrier ___ C Cruiser; Close
D Destroyer __________ D Destroyer
E Escort _____________ E Escort
F Frigate; Fighter ___ F Fast; Fleet
G Gig; Refinery ______ G Gunned
H ____________________ H Heavy
I, J Intruder ________ I, J
K Pinnace ____________ K
L Corvette; Lab ______ L Leader; Light
M Merchant ___________ M Missile
N ____________________ N Non-Standard
P Planetoid __________ P Provincial
Q Auxilary ___________ Q Decoy
R Liner ______________ R Raider
S Scout; Station _____ S Strike
T Tanker; Tender _____ T Troop; Transport
U ____________________ U Unpowered
V ____________________ V Vehicle
W Barge ______________ W
X Express ____________ X
Y Yacht ______________ Y Shuttle; Cutter
Z ____________________ Z Experimental

If you could find the German names for these things that would be a great help, also what would you call a German Space Navy, Scouts, Marines, and Army anyway?

Thank you in advance.
Far be it from me to comment, but is it not a bit insulting to ask Germans to help you create Space Nazis. I had a quick look. Is your premise that the Germans of the future are all Nazi's and Americans are all clean cut and wholesome BuzzLightyear clones?

So where are your Commies to win the war for the Americans then? Or the British, Commonwealth, japanese or French? Is the German zone going to have opressed Czech and Polish planets? Are there Italian, Hungarian, Romanian or Finnish client states?

It all sounds a bit far fetched, then it is science FICTION.
Why insulting? The Nazis were Germans, that's a historical fact, I'm not making this up.

But if I say the Nazis were Germans does not imply that all Germans were Nazis. I just want to get the German Culture part of it right so it wouldn't be insulting, or at least o I don't come up with names for spaceships that don't sound dumb and ridiculous to Germans Ears. I don't know German, my knowledge about how the language is put together is limited, and there are all sorts of rules of usage and grammar that I don't know about, if I simply substituted German words for English words using a German/English Dictionary, I might use the wrong form of the words. I want the names of the ships to sound like they come from an authentic German Culture, I think that is hardly insulting at all.

The association of Nazis with Germans has been established during World War II, and in order to recreate that same sort of atmosphere for a Traveller Campaign, I want my space Nazis to speak German, that means I need some German names for spaceships and German names for characters. The Leader of these Space Nazis is called Karl Stremple, he is the Fuhrer of this Nazi Nation. I'm not sure if Stremble is a German name, I just made it up.

If one were to do a cowboy and indians movie, one should consult with the indians I think to at least get the indian warrior names right when they are shooting at the cowboys. How insulting to the indians would it be if a cowboy got shot in the back with an arrow fired by an indian brave named "Running Chicken"? Maybe it would be insulting to the cowboy if he got shot by an indian with such a name.
just a little bit of humor inserted there.

I don't know about Commies, I'm not recreating all of Europe in Space, just the American Sector and something for the Americans to fight that is more or less their equals technologically speaking. I note that George Lucas based his Evil Galactic Empire in part on Nazi Germany, he after all made up a bunch of Storm Troopers dressed in white armor for his heroes to fight. There were in fact called Storm Troopers in the movie, but the Germans were first out with the name Storm Troopers, the German Storm Troopers didn't dress in white Armor, but they were in fact called Storm Troopers. Lucas could have called them something else, but the historic example of Nazi Germany stuck in his mind, so he made his Galactic Empire Nazi like so as to contrast with the heroes heroic struggle.

Communists don't make the best villians, despite the fact that the Germans only rank third in the number of people killed by Genocide, the first tow are China in the Cultural Revolution and Russia during Stalins forced collectivization and starvation of the peasants, but too many people view the Communists as misunderstood progressives who may have went just a little to far in their revolutionary zeal. I don't want to get into a discussion about whether the Communists are evil here, that just takes up too much time. I get less arguments if I protray Nazis as evil, you get very few arguments on that score. The reason for this I think is that the Third Reich was only around for the same length of time as the Roosevelt Administration, the Soviets on the other hand have existed for decades, they got themselves and their ideology embedded in peoples minds more, that is my theory anyway. But I'm not here to discuss this, that it only my reason for using Nazis as space villians, as they seem to do so well in the publics imagination.

The Germans invented a bad guy franchise with their Nazi movement in the 1930s, and that has been used time and time again by many movie producers and book writers for many decades. James Bond dealt with many Nazilike villains for instance. In the Movie Moonraker for instance, the main villian was a kind of a Nazi who build a space station using a bunch of knock off space shuttles called Moonrakers, his plan was to exterminate mankind while his select few waited in the space station. After mankind was wiped out, he and his select few would recolonize the planet and begin mankind anew. Granted they didn't go "Heil Hitler" but in essence their villany was borrowed villany. My villains just so happen to be closer to the original source material that either George Lucas's Galactic Empire or the villains of Moonraker.
Yeah, I do agree with you there, Droptrooper.

I was tempted to ask Laryssa to politely make a new thread for his "space-Nazis" thing. But then again, this is a public fora, so I suppose I can't really police what other people say.

This is a bit of a tangent, but I did start this thread so I'm going to indulge a bit. Also, I've been remiss in thanking everyone for their input on the German creature names.

So a big thank you to everyone who suggested names and such for me. You've all been a big help in shaping the mythology and history of the Neubayern nation IMTU.

As a little background to concerned readers about Neubayern IMTU - without getting too much into reams of history that people might not be interested in, I tried very hard in fashioning my Neubayern nation to get away from the "Nazi" thing. It's been around seventy years since World War II ended now and while I don't advocate we all forget what happened, perhaps it's time to move on from typecasting space-facists as Germans? Hardly anyone from that generation are even alive anymore. It's even a bigger difference IMTU, where it's (TI year) 1240. It's been many thousands of years since all those events occured on Terra. Given human nature, I'm sure there's been plenty of even worse tyrants, despots, and mass murderers since then. Men (and women) responsible for the deliberate and systematic deaths of billions and the destruction of entire worlds around some idea or another of "racial hygeine."

Indeed, it's entirely possible in such future conflicts the Germans would be the first to oppose such despots because they've "been there, done that, don't want to let anyone make those choices again."

Thanks for reading and apologies for the tangent.
Well if it was facists, then I'd be looking Italian names for ships. Being a Facist is not quite as bad as being a Nazi. The Italian Army during World War II was something of a joke, and they needed alot of help from the Germans.

I must appologize for not having read this thread from the begining. I just saw the thread title, "German Speaking Traveller Players" and I presumed that what I was working on was related since I was creating a German-Speaking Space Nation. I didn't say all Germans became that Nation, and I didn't say that the Germans sent out only one Phoenix mission, Some other German colonists may have done better than the Fourth Reich. What I wanted was some familiar looking bad guys that didn't need much explaining. Real Nations have a much more authentic feel than made up ones. Is Neubayern a Phoenix Nation like the American Sector or the Fourth Reich, that is located elsewhere in Charted Space? I mean can you get there by starship starting out in the Third Imperium for instance. Anyway naming those ship types would be useful for Neubayern just as it would be for the Fourth Reich.

No need to be insulted, it is just your nation's history, it just is. Many on the Left like to do Cyberpunk, where they basically portray the USA as a corrupt Republic run by MegaCorps, and this has no factual basis at all, so count your blessings.
You are a very bizarre woman Laryssa. I don't suppose you have ever noticed that Corporations run your oligarghy/plutocracy, through sponsorship and lobby groups. Ah well here to talk about Traveller (BTW Fascism isn't exclusively Italian, eg the Union of British Fascists, nor Nazi's German eg American Nazi Party)

Running a cultural/ethnic state is all very well and would work to an extent, but 3000 years have passed and I suspect that a better option would be to keep the historic names and change the cultures.

Why not create America as an apparant democracy where freedom is worshipped but at heart it is rotton, where change and differences are oppressed. Make it familiar and different. Do the same with the space nazis. Make them vilified throughout space for their apparant trappings of evil, descent from the NSDAP but in reality they are an inclusive society, developing planets, encouraging trade and keeping the peace.

Have a twist and keep them on their toes.
As for the time differences, it takes a long to terraform a planet, and there is something called low berths which eliminate the perception of time passing. The America Sector is a sleeper colony.

Now if America was a plutocracy, the taxes wouldn't be graduated such that the highest income groups pay the most, and Republicans would win all the time, but since that is not happening that is evidence against your claim about my country.

Anyway, if America was rotten it would have no reason to pretend to be a democracy, just like Nazi Germany had no reason to pretend to be a democracy when it established the office of Fuhrer for Adolf Hitler. Hitler didn't go through the motions and pretend that he had to run for reelection. The fact that a police state has to pretend to be a democracy like the German Democratic Republic once did, is a sign of insecurity. In Charted Space no one outside the USA would care if it was a democracy or not and many countries were not democracies in Traveller. East Germany's pretense toward democracy was for the benefit of outsiders looking in.
Hello? McFly? This isn't a political website. it's about a GAME called Traveller. I don't give to hoots about your country...I'll take it as given that you are some kind of American. As a matter of fact the USA fits very nicely into the definition of plutocracy. Decisions held within wealthy classes, low social mobility, high economic disparity. Da-dah...USA=rule by the wealthy, Republican or Democrat. Oh well.

So how much actual time has passes between leaving the USA and today? Obviously enough time to terraform the planets? I suppose I'll just have to dig out your other threads and look.
Originally posted by Laryssa:
Anyway, if America was rotten it would have no reason to pretend to be a democracy, just like Nazi Germany had no reason to pretend to be a democracy when it established the office of Fuhrer for Adolf Hitler. Hitler didn't go through the motions and pretend that he had to run for reelection. The fact that a police state has to pretend to be a democracy like the German Democratic Republic once did, is a sign of insecurity. In Charted Space no one outside the USA would care if it was a democracy or not and many countries were not democracies in Traveller. East Germany's pretense toward democracy was for the benefit of outsiders looking in.
Um... hello? Nazi Germany *did* pretend to be a democracy - there were several elections in the thirties, the first was even no more rigged than to give the Nazis some 60+% of the votes. And Hitler did, at first, contend with being head of the government and only assumed the head of state mantle after Hindenburg died (I think there´s no difference between head of state and head of government in the US AFAIK but it is an important distinction in most European countries)

Besides, the more I hear about YTU, the more brutally unimaginative it appears to be. The US transplanted into space... well, okay, whatever makes you happy, and besides it´s your country. Nazis transplanted to space... then, *please*, at least show the miniscule amount of imagination necessary to give them a different nationality, or no discernable nationality altogether.

Because, that´s what everyone else does - at least everyone who takes pride for being able to do more than cut-and-paste from history books and use random generation rules.
If the United States was a dictatorship, it wouldn't be the United States. Also in my opinion Nazi Germany is not the same country as Germany, they just happen to speak the same language, that's all, just like Canada is a different country that also speaks English. The difference between Nazi Germany and Germany is that these two countries are separated by time instead of space. Another German, I believe his name was Albert Einstein held that time and space could be treated the same. So what if some of the World War II Germans were your direct ancestors, that says nothing about you or your country now. I also say so what if Americans once enslaved black people and cheated the Indians out of their land, it wasn't me. I shouldn't have to apologise for someone else's behavior, even if he was my direct ancestor.

You really shouldn't be so defensive about Germany of the past, what they did was wrong and they remain as an example to World History of what not to do. So long as people remember what Germany did in the 1930s and 1940s, perhaps they won't be inclined to follow in their footsteps if they don't want the stigma that comes with it. I think Germans will always have this Nazi thing hanging over their head, and people will always look to the Nazis for examples of villany when they write their stories, at least until someone does something much worse. I could expound on the crimes of Russia and China and say how they were much worse than Hitler was, but the left-of-center students of Karl Marx University aren't going to buy that their "Heroes of the Revolution" could be cruel or inhuman.

So What would you prefer, that I create a Nazi State that speaks German or a Soviet state that speaks Russian?

As for MTU being unimaginitive, it is deliberately so. I wanted to take familiar elements and put them in the Traveller Universe. If I got very imaginitive, I would perhaps lose some people. Lets say all the people were robots, they used nanotechnology frequently etc and they invaded the USA. I would have to go around explaining their physiology, and all of that including trying to familiarize the reader with the unfamiliar and introduce a new futuritic vocabulary and nameing convention, then their would be little time to think up good storylines. If I had to explain what the aliens ate, what they breathed etc, then their society becomes rather simplistic and abreviated. However if I reproduced Nazi German to some extent, then some people will be familiar with it, they can add some comments saying the Nazis would do it this way or that they wouldn't do that.

Just now you said, "Nazi Germany *did* pretend to be a democracy" for example. You have an opportunity to add you expertise and improve the setting which was what I was asking all along when I wanted help with the names. If we are going to do a Nazi Empire, at least get it right.

If I made up my own Empire, The Goorsh Empire inhabited by creatures known as Weebils, know one can say I'm wrong. Nobody really knows how a Weebil thinks, and can't really say whether a Weebil would do this or whether he wouldn't. If some action in their part looks stupid from a human point of view it could all be due to their alien way of thinking.
There´s a difference between "taking familiar elements" and blatant cut-and-pasting. If I want Americans and Nazis, I´ll play Axis and Allies.

I´m not sure if you know the Honor Harrington novel, but if you don´t, you should read them - if for no other reason, then because they show you how to integrate historical elements into a science fiction setting without being a blatant copycat.

History has a lot more to offer for an SF setting than just cheap stereotypes. Lots of bits and pieces of historical precedents have been added to the OTU everywhere, but it doesn´t exactly hit you over the head with it - and it wouldn´t be half as good if it did.
You want an external threat for your USA. How about something that has not been done to death *quite* as throroughly? How about some local warlord gathers troops and starships and starts a campaign of interstellar conquest, similar to what Alexander the Great did? He probably shouldn´t be called Alexander the Great, except of course if he either thinks or pretends he is Alexander´s reincarnation or something - "great" men of that kind tend to be kind of whacky even in the best cases... Of course your USA isn´t the Persian Empire - which would be one way in which your scenario is a cut-and-paste job.

Or if you insist in Nazis, then read up on Nazi ideology - primacy of the state over the individual, racial purity, might makes right, the whole nine yards - and adapt it; anti-semitism is quite pointless if there are no jews within a few hundred light years, for example. Of course, the whole 20th century racism thing is a bit outdated in the 57th century - why worry that the guy next door is too tan, when the guy across the street has claws and fangs? ;) So you´ll have to adapt it. That´s the point of creating your own TU, at least to me - you get to do your own thing.

And I predict you´re going to lose more people by cutting and pasting history into your TU than by being creative and transforming bits and pieces of history into something new.
You could have a flying predator called an Engel, and a rare delicacy could be Engelwurst... Also, maybe you have swamps where people have to wear gummihosen to walk around, or get nasty infections from the swamp water...

Actually, I just really like those words, which is the only reason I suggested them. Also, they're the only words I know in German.
Originally posted by Chaos:
There´s a difference between "taking familiar elements" and blatant cut-and-pasting. If I want Americans and Nazis, I´ll play Axis and Allies.

I´m not sure if you know the Honor Harrington novel, but if you don´t, you should read them - if for no other reason, then because they show you how to integrate historical elements into a science fiction setting without being a blatant copycat.

History has a lot more to offer for an SF setting than just cheap stereotypes. Lots of bits and pieces of historical precedents have been added to the OTU everywhere, but it doesn´t exactly hit you over the head with it - and it wouldn´t be half as good if it did.
You want an external threat for your USA. How about something that has not been done to death *quite* as throroughly? How about some local warlord gathers troops and starships and starts a campaign of interstellar conquest, similar to what Alexander the Great did? He probably shouldn´t be called Alexander the Great, except of course if he either thinks or pretends he is Alexander´s reincarnation or something - "great" men of that kind tend to be kind of whacky even in the best cases... Of course your USA isn´t the Persian Empire - which would be one way in which your scenario is a cut-and-paste job.

Or if you insist in Nazis, then read up on Nazi ideology - primacy of the state over the individual, racial purity, might makes right, the whole nine yards - and adapt it; anti-semitism is quite pointless if there are no jews within a few hundred light years, for example. Of course, the whole 20th century racism thing is a bit outdated in the 57th century - why worry that the guy next door is too tan, when the guy across the street has claws and fangs? ;) So you´ll have to adapt it. That´s the point of creating your own TU, at least to me - you get to do your own thing.

And I predict you´re going to lose more people by cutting and pasting history into your TU than by being creative and transforming bits and pieces of history into something new.
Its not an exact cut and paste, both countries have a continum and a history that justifies their existance. There are for example Neo-Nazis today, and some of those Nazis are German. Now projecting these Nazi-movements into the 21st century, there are groups of people that don't like the UN's takeover and World Government. One group is a bunch of American patriots and the other is a German Nazi movement, they are both distinct minorities in their own societies and Nationalism in the world as a whole is in decline everwhere as the world pitches in to fight the Vilani First Imperium.

In the Early Wars it looks as if the Vilani might win, and as a hedge against this possibility, the World Government starts the Phoenix Project, a chance to start humanity ans terran civilization elsewhere in the cosmos, away from the Vilani first imperium. Nationalist in droves flock to these projects as a chance to get away from the global world culture and reestablish their national culture free from UN interference. The UN for its part is glad to get rid of them, their absense helps them to build a global World Culture and thus fight off the Vilani without having to worry about all that Nationalist division. Among all the patriotic groups that sign up for the Phoenix project is one group of German Nazis, they never were hapy with the fact that Germany was defeated in World War II, and they hated blacks, and Jews, and Muslims, and now Vilani humans. The fact that the Vilani had hardly advanced in their technology for thousands of years, was to the German Nazis, evidence of their "racial inferiority", naturally that group of people was put on the Nazi list as those types that they wanted to be exterminated. Their are plenty of ethnic Vilani humans in the 57th century, so the Fourth Reich has plenty of victims to feed into their death camps. Even American Society has people in it of Vilani descent,and their are of course humans who simple look like Vilani even if they aren't. The Nazis don't care, if you look like a Vilani, you might as well be a Vilani as far as they are concerned.

I imagine that you don't like them speaking German, however I don't see any reason for them to speak English. Why should English speaking cultures be so vilified just to spare the German Speaking Cultures the association of the Nazis?

Adolf Hitler was German (or Austrian, but he considered himself German), the Nazi groups in America and elswhere know that Hitler was German, it maybe that they endeavoured to learn the language, the same way the Jews who recolonized Isreal learned Hebrew, even though before it was.

Anyway, I approach this with a sense of humour, I'm trying to recreate the World War II era in a way by reintroducing the most important elements of it in a science fiction setting. This campaign isn't entirely serious, and in part its played for laughs, though sometimes with a serious tone. Star Wars reproduces some elements of the Third Reich, but the Emperor wasn't quite Hitler in character. Maybe I'm copying the Thrid Reich too closely, but if so, your shouldn't be so dour about it. I think it instead as a challenge to ask the what if question. How would Nazis really act if they had spaceships? That is a question that history never answered, all you Germans should be really good at making guesses since you know your country so well. Maybe it is a stupid idea, but so was the movie "Airplane" and "Airplane II", I enjoyed those movies because of their very stupidity, I thought they were funny because they were so implausible.

You know they say that history repeats itself, in this campaign I am simply taking that premise too literally and applying it too exactly. I could be more creative and make something more alien and nonterrestrial. Ever see the TV miniseries "V"? Well, instead of the bad guy being reptiles who wear human masks all the time, I decided to make them humans who speak German and who copy cat Nazi ideology to the same extent as these New Americans copycat 21st century/early 19th century American culture. if you can recreate one nation in space, why not two. The Fourth Reich and the USA are really two peas in a pod, in one respect they are alike, but in another they are opposites. The Fourth Reich is more modern than a bunch of Romans running around in togas, which is what the Third Imperium seems to be. maybe some of you Germans might have a sense of fun and contribute some of your own ideas, maybe start another German nation or two. Lord knows there are few nations that speak German when compared to English speaking ones. The Evil Empire in Star Wars after all spoke English, shouldn't we Americans be offended at that? George W. Bush has even been compared to Emperor Palpatine. I mean Sheesh!

Germans often shorten names, dropping final sylabels/letters when it fits (i.e Brite->Brit, Franzose->Franzos, Amerikaner->Ami)

And we "cutify" i.e the Westhighlamd-Terrier ends up a Westi(1)

Mixing in some foreign language (English, french) is okay. We call a Terrier a Terrier and carry money in a Portemonee(or whatever the new spelling is).

The Speckled Crosshead could be

+ Pfaffenkopf (Priests head)
+ Kreuzkopf (Crosshead)
+ Kreuzschleicher (Cross/Crossed Sneaker - if his coloration makes him stealthy)

Since we have a Kreuzspinne (Spinne=Spider) and a Kreuz-Otter (Otter=A type of snake, poisonous)

A Nachteule (Nightowl) is a reference to a person that stays up late

A Bordsteinschwalbe (Street curb swallow) is a hooker

A Todesengel is the Angel of Death

A Wichtel is a very small dwarf (Dwarf = Zwerg). Wichtel are commonly shown as eager workers for as long as they are not observers. Wichtel-Ameisen (Ameise = Ant) could be night-active insects that rapidly build mounts

Some names are descriptive. Ameisenbären (Ant-Bears) are mid-sized insect eaters. Some are strange. Ameisenlöwen (Ant-Lions) as small trapping insects.

And finally make fun with translations. The terms Hound (A tracker) and Dog (A pointer/retriever) both get Hund in german. The specific is added (Spürhund for hound, Spüren=Search/Track, Vorstehhund for pointer(3)). So i.e Wolfhound gets Wolfshund and people expect something like a Husky from the name, Bloodhound gets Bluthund and the people expect a mean beast

(1) Until he brings in the first rat. Grandma was not amused (but the dog was happy)
(3) Ironically a Vorstand is the head of a company