Ok ... the good and the bad ... so far.
I'll get the bad outa the way:
It's a system resource hog. My system only had 34% of it's resources free while running GRIP and IE.
It does have some glitches. At one point when Dean was showing me how the proggie works, it locked down hard (apparently from my leaving whisper mode windows open - shut them - do not leave them open).
That's the worst of it from what I've seen.
The good:
The diceroll/task system is worth it if nothing else. One click roll and result.
The player sheet and data management is good.
The gm can manage to portray many npcs (in character) at once .. apparently effortlessly (gotta be honest - Dean was GMing so my pov was on the recieving end).
I give it a thumbs up at about the 82% mark (knowing that further tweaking and enhancements may be in it's future affects this).
Nevertheless .... I encourage everyone to give the player proggie a try. It's free - nothing to lose. Even giving the gm version a try's worth it - 60 days free. But if we wanna try it as a group, we may wanna alternate trying the gm ver so we can evaluate it for a good while.
I like it. ShruG