I saw a trailer of somekind for the latest Halo thing (game? movie? I can't remember), and it occured to me just how much USA military there is in a lot of contemporary sci-fi.
"Battleship"-US BB against some alien.
"Aliens" North American English speaking "colonial marines" fighting big bad hordes of aliens.
"HALO"- need I say more?
Most of the sci-fi "war"/"action" games on the market nearly all have a US military component to them.
Granted, militaries have common threads in them, but not all sci-fi is military oriented, or it never used to be, but that seems to be the rage these days with a lot of contemporary sci-fi.
In my day stuff like "Logan's Run", "Planet of the Apes" or even children's offerings like "Ark II" or "Land of the Lost" had real science and adventure components to them, and not just shoot-the-bad-guys kind of thing going on.
Is it me, or does sci-fi need to be reinvented?
"Battleship"-US BB against some alien.
"Aliens" North American English speaking "colonial marines" fighting big bad hordes of aliens.
"HALO"- need I say more?
Most of the sci-fi "war"/"action" games on the market nearly all have a US military component to them.
Granted, militaries have common threads in them, but not all sci-fi is military oriented, or it never used to be, but that seems to be the rage these days with a lot of contemporary sci-fi.
In my day stuff like "Logan's Run", "Planet of the Apes" or even children's offerings like "Ark II" or "Land of the Lost" had real science and adventure components to them, and not just shoot-the-bad-guys kind of thing going on.
Is it me, or does sci-fi need to be reinvented?