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king of reminds me of the game "Creatures 3"
Artificial life simulation where 'nice' creatures and 'bad' creatures sort of co-exist on a large space ark
Never heard of it, but these are for your use now (your gaming-to-torture-your-players use, not your selling-for-profit use), and I want you to use them for your own pleasure! :)

EDIT: I should mention that my original inspiration for these was the version present in Spiderweb Software's Avernum and Nethergate (computer) games, not D&D or Privateer Press goblins. Though I wouldn't object to the Privateer Press goblins being present on higher-tech worlds; they would have been modified to have 2d6-2 Int, 2d6 Edu and 1d6+2 Soc, with full access to any career.

A link to the Spiderweb Software website for the curious: http://www.spidweb.com/
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