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I thought gnomes were those halflings that could grow beards!
(and suffered ashamedly from lack of hirsute feet to take to the GASP! wearing of shoes!) :eek:

Originally posted by Jame:

What's ewaks?
A race from the Star Wars Universe that was wiped out when debris from the Death Star 2 fell upon Endor.

(I hated those things. To cutesy. In every Star Wars game I ever ran, ewoks were considered vermin and shot on sight.)
HUZZAH! Someone else who HATED ewoks! /me runs over and shakes Jeff Hopper's hand, and buys him a (virtual for now) brew of his choice!

And yes, fitting the Death Star II should have done some good re-entering Endor's orbit!
Yes, I know what ewoks are. I liked them, too, but I think they got off too easy.

Anyways, here's a pair of Gobboes I generated this afternoon using MT (I determined male/female by rolling two dice; odd/odd or even/even means female, while odd/even means male - I figure there's enough chance of odd/even that it evens out):

1.) Sister Untie: 666965 ex-merchant 02, Goblin Female, 1 term, 18 y.o.
Medic-2*, Steward-2, Gambling-1, Vacc Suit-1, Commo-1, Gunner-1, Computer-0, Handgun-0.
She is an ex-Merchant purser and a qualified Registered Nurse (Medic-1 = crash tech, Med-2 = RN, Med-3+ = MD) who served in Al Morai; mustered out with an autopistol and 50,000 cr and an increase in social standing (+2).

*: I gave her knowledge of both Goblin and Human medicine, but she can only use it on the appropriate species - she should know both...

2.) Grahkik Onidoorld, 584754 ex-pirate 03, Goblin Male, 1 term, 18 y.o.
Mech-2, Cutlass-1, Carbine-1, Gunner-1, Sensors-1, SMG-1, Tactics-1, Computer-0, Handgun-0
He is an ex-pirate who served with a mixed Human/Vargr/Goblin crew near the Spinward Marches; when his "party" lost face in an action, he mustered out with 50,000 Cr and an SMG.
Lawn Gnomes in Spaaaaace! (I guess that would make them Jump Gnomes or something...)

How tall are these Goblins? All I'm picturing are the Ugnaughts from Cloud City in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

I'm of the opinion that the Imperials in SW should have treated the Ewoks like the Klingons treated tribbles...

Goblin youths could be responsible for unexplainable damage that appears to vehicle and ship systems.
They were just playing, trying to find out how things work - and all while nobody was watching...
Liam and Sigg are we not trying to find all fault with the Goblins here. We are dealing with a species that has grudge against humaniti for maltreatment...not saboteurs or vandals...clearly that would the responsibility of gremlins.

Goblins are rather like they are in LOTR, created from orcs, which are cast off elves when the races were young. Therefore, imagine more like the original Planet of the Apes movie series how the primates suffered when the beloved cats & dogs disappeared and intelligent apes began to substitute. Now cast those apes into a ghetto whereby old prejudices remain of them not being capable of doing much more than menial work and at the same time, no real place in the new order.
I suggest that you re-read your Artemis Fowl the equation is not as simple as you make it out to be hu-man...

You have been looking at D&D 3e too long, what they have done to the elves from the 1st edition is sheer bastardization to appeal to who knows what audience...maybe the Elfquesters.
I see agreement on the fact Jame is attempting to be creative here, and I'm not belittling his effort. No problem!

However, my interpretation of Goblins as mischief- making folk does come from The LOTR, my favorite Trilogy in the Fantasy genre, and The Hobbit.

They weren't known for making much themselves, but were fond of fire, destructive acts, etc.

Now in thesis as a race abused and used by Hu-mans, with long memories..it stands to reason vandalism, and such havoc as they can get away with would be obvious behavior traits.

And like Sigg, Oxford's interpetation was used [Tolkien did as well]. ;)
Naturally, let us be creative but when the wee folk rise up...because we just simply did not understand the finer points of their genealogy (something the good Dr. Cofler is very sensitive to)... We will all be blaming you, Mr. Devlin.

We really need to get a new graphic - tongue-in-cheek...it would suit my personality quite well. You see its Irish in me.
Originally posted by kafka47:
Naturally, let us be creative but when the wee folk rise up...because we just simply did not understand the finer points of their genealogy (something the good Dr. Cofler is very sensitive to)... We will all be blaming you, Mr. Devlin.
Well..<grins> Some of us know how to be nice to the wee folk...those that don't, I'll make a mint selling the 'cure' in brochure form to! ;)
We really need to get a new graphic - tongue-in-cheek...it would suit my personality quite well. You see its Irish in me.
:D ;)
Do ye be tellin' me now? ;)
I would like to bump this thread and mention that I added in this species's natural low-light vision. This would explain their sensitivity to light.

Note that I mentioned that it can be replaced with IR at the referee's discretion, and acts much like IR or LA (NOT combo) goggles.
I'm somewhat taken by the idea, though this is due as much to the Privateer Press version as anything else. Privateer Press miniatures will also give you a few minis to work with (in 28mm).

They posit (in their "steampunk fantasy" setting) that the Gobbers have a close cousin race that are the malicious ones, but that Gobbers have "humanized" to the point that they are a common sight in many human cities. Naturally somewhat lower class, but still considered valuable by many humans in technical professions. Gregarious by nature, most of them simply love being a part of human society with its buzzing cities full of things to do and be respected for, even if only by "the boss" they work for.

Their dark side are the closely related Bogrin. Unlike the herbi-centric but omnivorous Gobbers, the Bogrin are mostly meat-eaters, considerably less socialized, and generally a bit larger. While Gobbers love to tinker, the Bogrin prefer to break things.

Adopting such a pairing to Traveller could be amusing, though I think I'd minimize the "Goblin Conspiracy" and just make the Bogrin equivalent a subrace (or occasional genetic throwback) that is more likely to enter martial professions than the dominant Gobbers.

For placement I'd drop them into Solomani space, with a long history of STL travel. Strand a colony ship on Earth in ancient history and folklore sort of follows on its own. If you follow the Vilani On Earth conspiracy, the presence of Gobbers could very well be a spoiler on the plans of the Vilani. Diet deficiencies eventually caught up to the lost population of Gobbers, but not before they earned a place in Earth's folklore and (secretly) stymied Vilani plans to control Earth's cultural development.

When encountered by Terran expansion to Rimward centuries later, the Gobber homeworld naturally knew nothing of the humans and was a bit puzzled by the reactions humaniti had to them. Having warred themselves back into the stone age several times (generally while under bogrin control), the gobbers had a cultural affinity for scavenging, working in appalling conditions, and (to paraphrase an ancient Terran comedian) "Getting it done." They also had a surprising level of genetic resistance to high radiation environments given the dim star they evolved under.

The Terrans were understandably wary of such a gregarious race on an obviously war-torn world being willing to do just about anything to get their hands on Jump technology. As a result, the Gobbers were generally contained during the Terran/Solomani expansion. Humans being what they are, however, the Gobbers eventually got hold of jump technology and proceeded to seed populations in all directions. They had stared racial extinction in the face too many times to do anything else. That they succeeded at all is probably due as much to the coming of the Long Night as anything else. Their tinkering and general desire to fit in with what they found opened a few doors that were otherwise closing due to the Long Night, and small populations survived in scattered settlements. This proved to be fortuitous, since the Long Night saw the Gobber homeworld go through another cycle of global war which reduced its population to a fraction of what had seen the colony ships depart. This war also served to nearly obliterate the signs of their extensive civilization, so when the Long Night ended and Humaniti again began to look around, the Gobber homeworld was just one of many with a small population amid the ruins of former greatness.

Gobbers, with the occasional Bogrin sports, are now thinly spread across the Solomani end of Imperial space and through the Solomani Sphere. There are also populations in Hiver and Aslan space. Though the Gobbers lacked the cultural force to keep much standing in the Heirate, they became another happy cog of the Hivers thoroughly cosmopolitan state.

Gobbers have no prior service limitations (aside from those determined by characteristics), but tend to gravitate towards Support-oriented branches if they choose a military career. They would prefer to fix the grav tank over driving it, but will drive a tank over taking up arms as infantry. Bogrin tend towards military careers and combat arms of same, and almost never follow non-martial careers if they can help it.
That actually is kinda what I had in mind for their early history, except that they met the Vilani.

That and the difference between Gobbers and Bogrin is community-based and not subrace-based.