• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


Oh, FFS, I think I'd be better off with a pair of tins and a bit of string...

Phone died last Wednesday afternoon - no ADSL, not even a dial tone. Took 3 days to get BT to believe there was a problem, and another 4 for them to fix it.

But I'm back. Again.
Well, you must have had lots of time on your hands for a bit of movie making ... ? ;)
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:

I spent most of it reading the 11,000 emails etc that had built up over the previous month!
That's ok Andrew, I will make sure that over the course of the next few weeks, you will have another 11000 emails to read.


best regards


Ps. welcome back
"Phone died last Wednesday afternoon - no ADSL, not even a dial tone. Took 3 days to get BT to believe there was a problem, and another 4 for them to fix it."

Had to send them a letter didya?
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Oh, FFS, I think I'd be better off with a pair of tins and a bit of string...

Phone died last Wednesday afternoon - no ADSL, not even a dial tone. Took 3 days to get BT to believe there was a problem, and another 4 for them to fix it.

But I'm back. Again.
I've never had any problems with BT phone lines or their ADSL. That's why I recommended them. As for Freeserve/Wannadoo/Whateverthey'recalledtoday, they caused me no end of hassle with their ADSL set and then denied there was a problem. Turned out there was a problem - no ADSL account, depsite me paying upfront for it, weeks in advance. :rolleyes:
BT are generally okay for phone lines, but most experts agree they should be avoided for ADSL (I get mine from Wizards (who BT initially blamed for killing my phone line...) - they're not the cheapest, but the service is reliable, unrestricted, and they fix problems quickly).
...and now I'm off again. Got to go into hospital tomorrow for a little op (I'll spare you the gory details, but it's nothing life-threatening...unless the surgeon fumbles his roll...)

Hopefully I'll be home on Thursday, and then with any luck normal service will be resumed.
Hey Andrew, if it's laparoscopy have the surgeons battle it out on a game console first and go with the winner

Recent studies show a strong (some 40% iirc) improved surgical ability for doctors who play video games. Seems much of the same hand eye coordination and lack of depth of field are at work for both killing video opponents and getting tactical on the enemy within.

Safe procedure and be well.
"Hey Andrew, if it's laparoscopy have the surgeons battle it out on a game console first and go with the winner"


Because my case is "complicated" they're doing it under local anaesthetic, which will be fun. Hopefully I won't hear the one word you never want your surgeon to say: "oops"
Man. Surgery. Yuk. That's why I'm a psychi nurse.

Best wishes Andrew, and a quick recovery.

John / Gruffty
Relax and use positive visualization. It works. I healed from ACL knee injury in 1/3rd the time and had ZERO pain. Slow your mind, imagine yourself overseeing the healing as if a big simulator game. Make yourself better

Feel better soon! If you wanna play with a new 3d design, check out my deckplans in the 'Fleet' forum.
Right then:
Now that your back, you can become a monitor and watch the flames down in the Political Pulpit for entertainment :D

Or you can sit in your corner and take a nap after having some good pain meds ;)

Glad your back and I hope your recovery goes well and quickly.