SOC-14 1K
A slingshot maneuver (as used by NASA to send probes to the outer planets) accelerates with apparent violation of conservation of momentum. The exchange of momentum is moderated by gravity, and the loss of orbital momentum on the planet is too small to measure.
:alpha: Note that I assumed "exchange of momentum with the rest of the universe via distortion of space-time." Since we don't know the mathematics of interaction between a synthetic gravitational effect and the natural gravitational space-time curvature we can't perform momentum exchange calculations. Traveller assumes the limitation is 6 G for gross maneuvering and sufficient spike averaging for effective inertial compensation.
If you're going to be picky about it , you'd have to apply General Relativity as well (not Special Relativity, which only applies to unaccelerating frames of reference). When you've completed your PhD in Physics let us know and we'll all listen very carefully.
[Corrected per Siggy ]
:alpha: Note that I assumed "exchange of momentum with the rest of the universe via distortion of space-time." Since we don't know the mathematics of interaction between a synthetic gravitational effect and the natural gravitational space-time curvature we can't perform momentum exchange calculations. Traveller assumes the limitation is 6 G for gross maneuvering and sufficient spike averaging for effective inertial compensation.
If you're going to be picky about it , you'd have to apply General Relativity as well (not Special Relativity, which only applies to unaccelerating frames of reference). When you've completed your PhD in Physics let us know and we'll all listen very carefully.
[Corrected per Siggy ]
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