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Gone Dark: Hard Times in the Hinterworlds


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award 2022
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Pursuant to the discussion in the TAS thread, I'm starting this here. People should feel free to comment, and add stuff if they like.

Idea is the Hinterworlds in 1123, it has gone dark on the map, though some later maps in Hard Times show it as "Frontier Areas". Using mostly Marc's Facsimile edition, plus Citizens of the Imperium, for a CT feel. All that did occur, has occurred; and that while it is a small ship universe, High Guard ship's did once exist except have been called away to the warzones, so has such modern equipment from Mercenary: Gauss Rifles, FGMP's, all of it. Some worlds might have the tech to produce it, however they are leery to do so. An uneasy peace endures now that the Imperium is gone, as any expansion by the other polities, the Solomani, Hivers, or K'kree; would draw in the other two powers, so for now, an unwritten truce prevails, and the Hinterworlds stand as no man's land between the others. A neutral zone, if you will.

Edit: Used Travellermap to make a poster:


  • Hinterworlds.pdf
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First subsector, made with the booklet maker feature of TravellerMap. Comments: The major system as far as tech, spacecraft building, is Boilingbrook. Looking at environment, I would guess the population lives in floating cities, above a Cytherean planet below, maybe with fluid oceans of molten metal. The pure metal is harvested by robots on crust islands, made of impurities. They are able to also grow crystal iron, and other materials. This subsector also has part of Margaret's dominion as well, the only Imperial influence in the sector.

0801BoilingbrookA9C9751-DFl Pi700NaHuG0 II
The Traveller Map
An interactive map of the universe of the Traveller role playing game, incorporating official data and fan submissions. The site also provides services for generating custom maps and APIs for incorporating maps into other sites. travellermap.com
Hinterworlds sector in 1120 (Travellermap LINK)

The thing that surprises me about this sector is ... that's a LOT of star systems ... and you can basically "get everywhere" in the sector with J2. No J3+ necessary, J2 is sufficient throughout the entire sector.

You don't have anything akin to the Abyss Rift in Lanth subsector or the Greater Collace Rift in District 268 like you do out in the Spinward Marches.

This means that out in the Hinterworlds Sector, either an A2 Far Trader or an A1 Free Trader with collapsible fuel tanks ought to be sufficient to navigate to every star system in the sector ... which has some important implications for interstellar relations and trade opportunities.

Mind you, doing so PROFITABLY on a reliable basis is a different problem ... but the point is that a 2 parsec (or even just 1+1) range is enough to move around the Hinterworlds sector. From a "merchant operator" perspective, I would still recommend that starships higher than TL=11 be avoided, primarily for reasons of logistics (parts & spares) as well as maintenance needs, because going "too high tech" with your starship(s) can limit your bases of operation(s) where it is possible to get repairs and servicing for the engineering tech your starship(s) depend upon.

Also, this sector map could really use my "portolan" chart method of annotating trade codes with updated world colors and fonts to help reveal the Web of Opportunities™ (for profit) that any merchant ought to be interested in. :unsure:
Also, this sector map could really use my "portolan" chart method of annotating trade codes with updated world colors and fonts to help reveal the Web of Opportunities™ (for profit) that any merchant ought to be interested in.
Sure, do it. It has a lot going for it, funky Aliens in The Outcasts of the Whispering Sky called the Stalkers: https://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Stalker I'm going to keep doing the subsector by subsector analysis. Plus there is the ability to use all the Droyne, Solomani, Hiver, and K'kree books.

Anubis has 70 billion! On a really small planetoid.

2005AnubisB310ABD-CHi Na In Cx FoKMR704AnTCG4 V M7 V

Seems to be a discrepancy between the wiki and travellermap. The Anubis Trade Coalition is not good people as well. I think I would make it a satellite of a gas giant, and the population is spread out in stations above it. Maybe something different such as an ancient (extinct?) species disassembled their world into 10's of thousands of smaller "islands" some with mini singularities for gravity, of which people have now come to inhabit. Testament is the best spacecraft manufacturer, though the population is small.
First subsector, made with the booklet maker feature of TravellerMap. Comments: The major system as far as tech, spacecraft building, is Boilingbrook. Looking at environment, I would guess the population lives in floating cities, above a Cytherean planet below, maybe with fluid oceans of molten metal. The pure metal is harvested by robots on crust islands, made of impurities. They are able to also grow crystal iron, and other materials. This subsector also has part of Margaret's dominion as well, the only Imperial influence in the sector.

0801BoilingbrookA9C9751-DFl Pi700NaHuG0 II
A few systems are fleshed out:

Seems to be a discrepancy between the wiki and travellermap.
Another (potential) discrepancy involves 1802 Calvice.
Despite having a type A starport, the trade/xboat route "skips over" Calvice.
  • 2003 Apogee < J4 > 1601 Tudor
NOT what I would have been expecting to see:
  • 2003 Apogee < J2 > 1802 Calvice < J2 > 1601 Tudor
Considering that the rest of the trade/xboat route of the Anubian Trade Coalition gives every impression of being a J1/2 route, suddenly having a J4 in it looks highly suspicious.

Easy enough to fix by editing the Metadata file info.

I am currently running a campaign set in 1105 in the Rimward edge of the Hinterworlds. I have written up short descriptions of several systems. I realise this is a little early for your Hard Times campaign, is it OK if I add it here?

- Kerry

I am currently running a campaign set in 1105 in the Rimward edge of the Hinterworlds. I have written up short descriptions of several systems. I realise this is a little early for your Hard Times campaign, is it OK if I add it here?

- Kerry
Sure, go ahead. :)
View attachment 4594
https://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Pendiash_Ginshar_Subsector Alike is the main world of this subsector, though it is dominated by a symbiotic human spider combo called the Cytralin Unity. They do have a very high tech world (16) in the subsector next door.
This sector is defined by the Cytralin Unity.

For MTU I redid the map for Cytralin because the official one makes ZERO sense in terms of the routes, and what the various planets are doing and such within that pocket empire.

Cyrtial map.png
Some explaination.

The scheduled trade routes are the orange lines. There are no X-Boat routes here but rather scheduled government subsidized shipping runs along those routes. Just because the 3I uses X-boats doesn't mean everybody else does...

The core worlds economically are the ones with a green bar next to them.
The worlds with an orange bar are ones that have decent economics and such and are secondary worlds in importance.
The ones with a sky-blue bar kind of pointing at them are undergoing massive terraforming, a Cytralin speciality and above TL 15 in how they do it.
The ones with a violet circle around them are related to the Cytralin religion and are monastery planets that are deliberately kept the way they are for that purpose. Anyone who practices that religion can travel for free on the government's dime to those worlds using the scheduled routes and trying to hitch a ride on any ship that might be going to the one you want to visit. This is a big deal for Cytralins themselves.

Alike is the capitol, but Cytral is the religious and cultural capitol and unless you are part of all that, you probably should avoid it.
I noticed in one place they say the spider is big, and others, the spider is small.
I have them as being roughly the size of a lap dog and they come in two types, domesticated and wild. The wild ones are incredibly dangerous, but Cytralins know how to tame them and domesticated they are docile and intelligent. Since they're obviously a protected species, it's dangerous to not know how to quell the wild ones as they roam around pretty much freely on Cytralin worlds.
Waves of change (certain ideas to open things up a little more).
Ral Ratha is now the Rathan Empire, as Imperial refugees have helped one clan become dominant, their Emperor is called the "Khûn": the "First among Kings" or "King of Kings". They are advised by an Imperial Admiral whose title is "Strategist". The Empire has a Byzantine feel.

The Anubian Trade Coalition has fallen into civil war, with Anubis becoming the "People of Anubis Collective" or PAC after their society capsizes; this happened two years ago, and there are holdout ATC systems, however the greater population of Anubis will probably tell in the end.