There are two mishap opportunities that ought to be separated:I was not asking about rewriting the entire space combat system. I was thinking something something more simple like a remain undamaged roll when you make use of Auto/Evade like:
"Using Auto/Evade carries risk due to rapid changes in vector and acceleration while in use. Crew members need to make an Average (+0) Endurance roll to avoid damage. DMs:
-Auto/Evade level
-4 if crewmember not strapped in (performing repairs, moving to a smallcraft or other such activities)
Failing causes damage equal to ((Gs acceleration)/2+Auto/Evade) D6. Exceptional Failure causes unconsciousness regardless of damage taken."
1. Over-G blackout, which is much more likely when standing or walking. Extended exposure can cause cardiopulmonary failure and brain damage after blackout occurs. Resisting this is function of STR and END, and perhaps 0-G Combat or Vacc Suit (assuming these skills include training for varying gravity).
This can lead to, but isn't necessarily the only cause of:
2. Injury from falling down (either from blacking out or from failing to adapt to varying acceleration or ship rotation). This isn't going to happen in an acceleration couch or strapped to a bunk, but might in an ordinary chair.
Resisting falling down is a function of DEX, 0-G Combat, and maybe Vacc Suit as above.
Blacking out from acceleration forces (see above) precludes making any skill checks to avoid injury from falling down.
Falling down and landing unconscious in other than a supine position may result in subsequent enhanced blackout injury (brain damage, cardiopulmonary failure) under extended exposure to high acceleration due to sub-optimal circulation and respiration.