Icon 1 posted October 26, 2005 05:07 PMOctober 26, 2005 05:07 PM Profile for jatay3 Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Part of the problem may indeed be definition. I am used thinking of alliance as being for a specific and usually temporary purpose rather than for conducting the general purposes of state, and of a confederation being classed as a type of state with a more or less nebulous central government(sometimes less sometimes more-Hanseatic league vs Confederate States of America).
And I think of a state as being a political "corporation" able to act on it's own and be deemed a legal individual, in the manner of a joint stock company. It is also at least theoretically able to use force-or deputize the use of force, on it's own authority. That does not mean it has no authority above itself(I.E. the Imperium has veto power over it's substates, just as tukera has veto over akerut). Sovereignity means claiming independance-admitting no sophant authority outside itself(I specified no "sophant" authority because otherwise every human state must admit to being either atheist or blasphemous).
By the way to understand my definitions Nato began as an alliance. It is evolving into a confederation. and it has a strong faction that desires that it be a unitary state or federation.
On those definitions the SWC probably would qualify both as a state and a confederation. It has it's own organic beareaucracy, and can use force on it's own authority, and can be treated as a "political corporation". all these powers are however limited.
the idividual substates of the SWC are indeed substates, however their "subness" is limited and revocable.
And I think of a state as being a political "corporation" able to act on it's own and be deemed a legal individual, in the manner of a joint stock company. It is also at least theoretically able to use force-or deputize the use of force, on it's own authority. That does not mean it has no authority above itself(I.E. the Imperium has veto power over it's substates, just as tukera has veto over akerut). Sovereignity means claiming independance-admitting no sophant authority outside itself(I specified no "sophant" authority because otherwise every human state must admit to being either atheist or blasphemous).
By the way to understand my definitions Nato began as an alliance. It is evolving into a confederation. and it has a strong faction that desires that it be a unitary state or federation.
On those definitions the SWC probably would qualify both as a state and a confederation. It has it's own organic beareaucracy, and can use force on it's own authority, and can be treated as a "political corporation". all these powers are however limited.
the idividual substates of the SWC are indeed substates, however their "subness" is limited and revocable.