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GURPS Age of Napoleon as an ATU


I've been reading a lot of fun nautical adventures taking place during the American and French Revolutions lately. A GURPS supplement caught my eye and I had to get a copy, GURPS Age of Napoleon.


I have some very scholar books on the Napoleonic era but this looks great for giving a DM a good overview to the setting. A nice time line of events, and a brief paragraph or two outlining many of them. Historically interesting people given GURPS stats as well as weapons and equipment. Not to mention some ideas for campaigns and adventures.

It would be fun and interesting to substitute starships for wooden frigates. The Classic Traveller skill for cutlass might make sense in such a setting :)
One of the historic people given stats is Thomas Cochrane, a dare devil British frigate captain. There is almost a whole page devoted to him with GURPS stats and skills listed. Here is a great book I've been reading about him.

Cochrane's exploits are also the inspiration for exploits of several fictional heroes. It's kind of fun to read about the same set of events (suitably transposed) occuring to the heroes of different book series.

Yes, I enjoy Alexander Kent's Bolitho series more than any other when it comes to transposing Cochrane's exploits on a fictional character. I think Alexander Kent is a pseudonym of Douglas Reeman. I never got into the Honor Harrington sci-fi novels, I suppose I might one day. :)

I found a great book on Horatio Nelson which describes some of his earlier exploits. Also I hadn't realized the American fight with the Barbary pirates was going on at the same time.

I can't remember the author or the title of a sci-fi book I browsed one day in a bookstore but I wish I could remember. It describes a space action where a few Imperial warships are supporting a small ground operation against rebels or pirates. I wish I had gotten the book, but it sounds like something Nelson would have been involved in.

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